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<br />105675 <br /> <br />88h':'n IIlIVI."' ('cl;urrrd lUlll hi' n'nllnlltn~1 l\"I\I"I,'lnr)', tiN n mnl[t'r ul rip,ht fIInl IIlthllul nlll I,:,' to Truutllf <br />Ill'" .rm\'('!flC' cllltmlnfol IImlt.-r TrURlllf. Im.1 \oIlth"1I1 rt!Rnrd to the vnlua of tht-' trullt ('lItotl! IIr Ill" lnt,'fullt lit <br />tllll TrulIlor Ilmreln. "hnll hnvl' th\! rllthl tll nPI'}V to IUlY COllrt hovlnp, Jurlndlnlnn In IIppolnt II nH~(!lvcr <br />,If the ","apaft y. <br />10. Trnnlltcr c>( 1'~I!!.!.1.' If 1111 or nnv rort of the property nr nnY InttH'"cflt of Trlllllor lu <br />nold, lr~~lIrthl.'r encumbored without the elqJrclll1 or vrlttl'n consont of Dancflctnry, Beneflcinry <br />ma.,', at till flaIl.! uptlon. docl11rc nIl UIlTM HeclIrcd by lhlo Decd of Trust to be lmmodtately du{' nnd payable <br />and proceed to the rcmedh'fI nVllllnblo to It under the default provisions contained herein. <br /> <br />11. &vcnts of Default. Any of the fallo\llng events shall be deemed on event of default hereunder: <br /> <br />(3) Tru~lor 9hn11 have fot!nd to make poymnnt of ony 1natallnmnt of 1nterent, <br />principal or prindpal and Intnrcst or nny other sums sncured hereby when due; <br /> <br />(b) nlere hns occurred a brcBch af or dl!fault under any term, covenant, agreement, <br />::ondlt10n, provlf1ion, representot Ion or 'W<:lrranty contained In this Deed of Trust, the <br />note or any L~thcr loan instrument secured hereby; <br /> <br />(c) nu~re ha~ he en a default by the Trustor in the poym'.!nt of any prior or subsequent <br />lien or encumbrance In respect to 011 Ill' any port of the properly: <br /> <br />(d) Trustor !lhall file 0 voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated <br />bll1lkrupt o. insolvent, or shall make an afisinnment for the benefit of creditors -In respect <br />to the property; or an action to I!'nforce any lien or encumbrance or Judgments against the <br />property 15 commenced. <br /> <br />12. Acceleration Upon Default. In the event of any default, Beneficiary may dee:1are all indebted- <br />ness secured hereby to be due and payabl~, and the same shall thereupon become due and payable 'Without <br />any presentment, demand. protest or not ice of any kind. Ther~after. Beneficiar~' may: <br /> <br />(a) either In person or by /lRent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, <br />or by receIver nppointed by <l court .md without regard to the adequacy of any security. <br />enter upon and take possession of the property, or any part thereof. in its O\m name or in <br />the name of the Trustee. and do any acts which it deems necessary and desirable to preserve <br />the value, marketability or rentab111ty of the property, or part thereof or interest therein, <br />Lncrease the income therefrom or protect the security hereof and, without taking possession <br />of the rroperty, sue for or otherwise collect the rent.!l, lS!luetl and profits t.hereof, including <br />those pOllt due and unpaid. and apply the SlUl1C, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, <br />Includin~ attorney fees, upon any indebtedness secured herehy, .'111 in such order as Beneficiary <br />may determine. The entertnK upon and takinK possession of the trust estate, the collection of <br />such rents, lssues and profits and application thereof as aforesatd shall not cure or waive Bny <br />default or not Ice of default hereunder or inValidate any .'lct and In response to such default or <br />pursuant to such not ice of default and. notwithstandln~ the continuance in possesaion of the <br />property or the collection, receipt and npplicntlon of rents, issue~ or profits, Trustee or <br />Beneficiary may he entitled to exercise every rip;ht provided for in anv of the loan instruments <br />or by Inv upon occurrence of any event of default, including the rlght to exercise the power of <br />sale; <br /> <br />(b) commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgaRe, appoint a r~ceiver, <br />or spcdfically enforce any of the covenants hereof; <br /> <br />(c) deliver to Trustee a vritten declaration of default and demand for sale, and a \tritten <br />notice of default and election to caUHe Truntor's Interi:!st in the property to be sold. which <br />notice Trustee shall cause to be duly fUed for record In the official records of the county in <br />whlch the property is located. <br /> <br />I J. Foreclosure by Power of Sale. Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the power of <br />Halt" herein contained, Beneficiary shall not.ify Trustee and shall deposit 'With Trustee this Deed of Trust <br />and the note and such receipts and evidence of eJCPenditures made and secured hereby as Trustee may require, <br />and upon request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall file for record, in the Register of Deeds office in <br />the COWlty where the property Is located, a notice of default. HetttnR forth the name of the Trustor, the <br />flook and Pap;\.' or Oocument ria. of this Deed of Trust as recorded tn said ReRister of Deeds office, the legal <br />description of ttJ(~ above-described r~al estate and that il breach of an obligation. for 'Which said real <br />estate was conveyed as Becurit.y, has occurred, and set.tinR forth the nature of such breach and the Trustee's <br />election to sell the real el:ltate to satlafy the obllRation: and after the lapse of not less than one (I) <br />month, the Trutltee shall give wrItten notice of the time aud place of Hale 'Which may be between 9:00 a.m. <br />and 5 p.llI. .1t the premises, or at Courthouse In the County ""hendn tJuch property 1s located. describing <br />the property to he sold by its legal descriptIon, !'laid notice to be publlflhed in a newspaper of general <br />c1rculatlon in the County wherein such property 18 located, once a week for rive (5) consecutive weeks, the <br />last publication to be at least ten (10) days, but not more than thirty (3D) days, prior to the sale; and <br />the Trustee shall then sell said property at the time and pInel' desiRRated 1n the notice, in the manner pro- <br />vided by law in effect at the time of f1l1nR said notice, ilt public auction to the highest bidder for cash <br />and shall delLver (0 such purchaser a deed to thl! property sold, consistent \lith tne law in effect at the <br />tIme. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of t.he price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser. Trustee's deed con- <br />veying the property sold. RecHale in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the <br />stat.ements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the follo\ling order: (a) to all <br />reasonable costs and expenses of the sale. including b'lt not limit.ed to, Trustee's fees of not more than <br />3 % of the grosH sale price, reasonable attorney fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all <br />sums secured by this need of Trust; and (c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled <br />thereto, Any person, includin!; Beneficiar:/, may purchase said property at said sale. <br /> <br />The person conducting t.he sale ma", for any cause he or she deems expedient, postpone the sale from time <br />to time unt.1) it shall be cot:tpleted and, in every such case, notice of postponement shall be given by public <br />declaration thereof by such person at the time and place la!lt appointed for the sale; provided. If the sale <br />is postponed for longer than one (1) day beyond the date designated in the notice of sale, notice thereof <br />shall be given in the same manner as the original notice of sale. <br /> <br />14. !lemedie~ ~ot Exclusive. TrufltpE' and Benefic1.ory, and each of them, 9hall be (Ontltled to enforce <br />payment and performance of any indebtedness or obliFtiltion secured hereby and t.o exercllle all rightll nnd <br />powers under this Deed of Trust or under any loan instrument or other a~reement or ilny 111\.'!> now or here- <br />after enforced, notwithstandinll; some or all uf the Ind..btednesfl and obliRations 9~cured Iwrllby which may now <br />or hereafter be othervifte Bp.cun~d. whether by maTt R8~e. de-ed of trust. pledRe, lien, aliA I ~ment or otherwise. <br />NeitheT t:h~ llcceptance of thin Deed of Trust nor its enforcement, whether by court. 1\ctlon Of purBuant to the <br />[>ov..r of s;llIle or other pouerfl heretn contained, shall prejudlcl' or in any !lUlI1nt'r ,..ffect Tl'"fl!ltel.... tlT Bene- <br />ficlary'li riltht. to rt'alh:e upon or l'nforce any other 'u~curlt). now or heT~af:'er held bv Trulltee or fit'nllfielary, <br />It beln~ agreed that and Bi:!neflrlllry. and ench of them. shall bl.' l'Utitlt'd to enforce tilt!! Dc-fld of <br />Trust and Ilny other Bocurlty now OT hi"r('aft(!T lwld hv the Bene(l('illrv Ilt Trustec In tlu(h "rdt'r and mamwr /I.. <br />the\!. O( l..Il.her uC them. m.ny In their absolute dtl>clet fon dt!lermine. ~o rl'mt'!dv nl'r,,'ln <'llnCI'TIt'd III'''n or ro'- <br />"erv..d III Truatre nr Re-nerlcillr\' III IOll'oded to bll L'xrlus1vl' of I1ny other relllt'd\' 11L'reln .'r b\' \'1.... I'rtlvldt'd <br />"T pC!'r=lttf!d, but tl'lIrh tlli"tl b.. .-~Cll\dBllvL' nod >lhall bl' In ifddltlon tu l'ven' ~'thl'r rt'm,.,jl; o:lv,'n Iwr"lllIdt'r ,'r <br />"'OW 'lI t1l"T"'af~f"r "'xlNtlnll ift 11l1.< or In t'llultv lIr by "tatute. ""l'r..' power "f Tl'mt',h' 1.'!\'I'1\ In' ,tn,' LOr It1\' 1.',111 <br />In''trlir.."ntlt !" lruHttoll "r n"'llO'fl. IIlT\' "T t" ....hlrh l'lthpr of tlwm m."lV h.. "Ih,'rwl'l" ,'Il! II :,,01 M.l' h,. .'~..,' I~,'.l_ <br />'tfl'lJfr"ntlv or Il'ldrr'''ndent\-'. In,m tll!l;!" III lll:le and aN "ft.'n aq m,l" 1'1,' ,1<:".lTtI'(1 ,',p,.,lll'lll i'l iIL.-.I..., -, n,-", <br /> <br />.}. <br />