<br />
<br />~105672
<br />Itnolu ~ll _en fJp 'i!tf.1t~t tlttStnt~, ThDI. Whuwu. In an adion in tho Diltril:t Court oJ tho
<br />~e.!.l!.I:>..........Judil:ial Dlltrid oJ tho SJa:. oJ NftJroda. lDUhin andJ",. 0.. eowu,. oj... ..............J:!E!.:!-..L.............._.......... lDi..,.in
<br />Home Xfa.c1~. r:"'!....S..<i.y~!l.9:.'>. ..<l.I1_'!...!:">~ll....~.:>13~c:!.~1:!:~ll.._~....~<:In.~.....~.~.~.":~~___.......p/ainl{JJ.... and
<br />_--...!!-~ge'.!r;;y...r;.()ll.~tc.r.llct.i.c:lI1.L..!.ll:c::_~.!........':'.~....<:I.!..~..!......_._.._._................._.............._..__........._d.J.ncUmL.~
<br />al1he_.;!.!l'l\lil.!:Y....1.;;;~.. .... Term. A. D. 19..~.~. oj .aid rourl1;l.().I1l~...F. ed':'E.<l..1....::l~-}i.a~.;S....~_i'?.~..~....~.~.~.9.=...
<br />did 06/ain. d=oeJindinQ thal 0..", II durJrom._R"'.9"_e_[!.9.y....~.!1.str~.2:!;JQ.n..I..:J;.!l.f'-"_.':......_..=-~~......-....~...:~.
<br />~!!,_e.....F.~.'!':'.r.,,:l. ..s.<l.Y.:L.!l5l...s.....".ll:<:l....!-..()<i.!!....l\.s...s.().c:..i."'!:i.().~.()~_..~E.~11~.!..s.~_a.ll.':!................. o...um
<br />ri SeventY._.':!'.h91d;;;"l.l;:!...~j,~....~...[!cl:r:!'c1...:E9..J:':t:y ..r;;.~.",....,?:!!,Cl...~.~ !..!.Q.Q..J~:?.Q.!..6..:1.~.~:1..~. >. .... do1ldr..
<br />
<br />and coil. oj .uil lazed aL _.dollar., and. tDhumI. iJ UWi lkn and there
<br />lurOlu onUred in lM mid adion thai in d,/auU oj the paymr.nl of flu! J:lun 8OJound due by 1M mid..______._.~.!:2.~ncJ:____.....h...___.....
<br />Const!..uc~i.ol1,Inc: ... .. ........ ........ a.at... !':.l1!l'.fa_t:.l:.. C;..,...l\:r:.I1"'.~.:t:._.........................
<br />
<br />ShoiJ! of .aid County oj...
<br />
<br />..Jl.i"l,J..
<br />
<br />. J:1lVufd calUe 1M lands-and le1WTll!nU hueinaflu dacribed (0 be
<br />
<br />odtJU'UsM. and ."rd acrording to law to pay the Balm, and. whuro.s, dt'fauU hatting been mad~ therein, the aa.id..._..._..._..___....
<br />.. .;;~_~t.t..__G__~_. __~_~~_~.~ . S11Ui1! IIJ .aid county, undo and by rlirlru oJ tM sa.id deer<< and
<br />0.. ,,'do oJ.ok 10 him daly di=kd. did an 0..... 14 t h duy oj ........~=.P.~~.,,!:............h..A. D. f9.s.S.
<br />al tkJpW.~!". .~9bby. ~ oj lhe County Courll/owt' ill ill(' . C;.~.~y_._. um.or__..~.~~~.-!_~J:-.~~~...........
<br />in midCounl;y oJ ~.~~ 1. liavingfl.Nt gioen du.eand kgal notit:eofthetimeandplaaoJmid .aLe
<br />oy flubfjrolion onn' in ,'url, wrrk fnr fOllr llUrN'lfllir1f" lI't'r!rx ill tllr ...G.:;-.~.D.9n..!..~~.~!:!d D aiJ.L.IJ1~fa~~rT~j and in gtlli!ral
<br />cirr:ul4t~n in mid Counly oJ.......-.......... . H~_~_!_ . -'Ci-i3ii"o..Ts rJn~ pmnizu w public audion Io-RoIn.e-Eeder.a 1
<br />...::l"'-""-119,,E;..i':!ld.Loan As sona hon ("f...............Jo, 0.. 8um oJ....._..S_i.1ttY....S.;i.1.L.Th.QJJE.i"n.~....".1}9.....
<br />.JI.Q1;I,.Q.'O....< S66.~.0 0 O. 0.0'> ...do/lat., which 80k lD<U aJlrrunrd al the..,I.!'lD........J,,:;;LTetm aJ .aid enurl.
<br />A. D.. IsM.. r:xaminM and ronflrTJlr.d and the saUL.... Emn.e.t.t....c... Arne_t.t _._.___.fU such Sheriff. vrJord
<br />to COTlfJe)' tk mid pN'nlUea inJ~ simple tv tl~ said HQm~ F~9_~.:P~) ~~'ying._~.._.9.~.9_-~9..~'~".~:?6~~.b-f~'~~';"~{-an
<br />j}olll1:btrdore, I. a~ ,aid. EllIUet t .. C. Arl}!'t:t... ......... Sheriff aJ thr County oJ
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />..... m...fU aJoruaid. in roruidualion oj tJu. prunaa and by tlirh2 oj 1M purl'Cs vakd in me by law andiht:
<br />d~ of .aid court, do lJUeby Gizte, Granl and Contii'). to ll~ .aid.. J3QID.~.. f_e..g..~.*,-gJ.....Q.s.yt~~?-.._.eI1_9.....I=.t?.~D.-m
<br />
<br />..1\..s.=i.ati.QD....Qf....G.t:..md...<l~.l,.P..n.Q.
<br />
<br />..heir. and auigru, the premise. m aa aJoraaid sold. to wit:
<br />
<br />_..l,Q:!;sj,>t . L6Luil.l....13.:L.oC]{ Tl1r~!'t3 JL):.ambe:r:tu's .secon<:l. Addit~ol1 to the
<br />
<br />G.;!,:!;Y of Gp:m<:l :I.;;;),,,nd, HallC()u!1t.Y.zlljebrask"
<br />
<br />~~Di81.ii\~EI.TAR't i
<br />
<br />SlAU~~~~~A~~i~":Ju~~;:.
<br />
<br />... u ....m..m1Dilh ~ appurlmtJnt:u.
<br />1:0 "ll\le anb to .olb tbe &amt unJa 0.. ~id HQmg.f~ggJ;:EJ.....Say.i.J:l.9"-'';.ua.!1<:l.J;,.o...''ll.m..
<br />
<br />-Asl;G~n..of...G::and.Jsl.and u_....._....._..j~in and ...41... and 1D then and o..ir "" and brlwoJ Jor=.
<br />JI1 a:tStimonp Wbtrto(, I J~~. G6 ,a<!. Shuiff. Iwranln ", my '~nd O,,,.U.... ..lQ:t:.l1,... ..day qJ
<br />~er ...__. A. N.. 19....~.B $<' /J
<br />.J.,c/;-.J:lLJ.4...-t-d1...t:...~~................-
<br />
<br />Eacu.fed Olld iU-litJvwl in the ~ of
<br />R. L. Williams
<br />
<br />Shoiff aJ__..... . .....Jl.,g.lJ.
<br />
<br />.... _.eowu,.. Nrbnu""-
<br />
<br />c-.lyri- Hall
<br />
<br />J~
<br />
<br />On /hU.... _..IQ.th.. .u,/uy oJ..9s_t.Ql;?~f:u
<br />
<br />f9..J!Jl.. "'J"'" .... a.. wukniuneL- Rogger: .1,.., . l~illJ"l1lr;;.
<br />