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<br />
<br />88- 105671
<br />.now au _en bp I:best _ftsents. ThaI. W",""" In an ad/on In u.. Dil/rl.t Cow-I of 0..
<br />Eleventh .., . . . Hall.
<br />'iiOnieFe-derarut,"~f;:~~ ofat:;;j"tg :tA";:.;;^ci~{~~ ~G"f-an(nSrana""'-"""-'-'''''''' tMutln
<br />_........ ....................... ..............................................__....._..............__........................................_........._.._____.p"'InIi8...... and
<br />Regency....c::QI1.S.!:Etl.<::!:.i.l:lIl.l.!n.<::.~.L.".!...,,~!....._.............__....._._................_........................_........-1I<fU>JillnlA
<br />at ~l!.\!~a..1..~L.........T""'. A. D. 19.~nB.. of..1d rourf,...ll?~..~~e.9.~!:~~l\~~...6.t~3..g.f~g~:,'i~.~~.st.and
<br />did _in a d<<rtz finding IIllJI u.u. .. d"" from.R~_9-El.!!.C;.Y...~.Q.n..~.!:!".\!'=.!=..J,g.E'.,..~.E'."-.'-....._--............n............................................
<br />
<br />.. S:~~-~ ~:~~~~h;~;~~\i-;~.iit~~e~.s~.~~}~i:.;:v~~...~~~t~ 57Hi~.6.a-;...6j7 ~'Iff
<br />,,_.___...............n........n..._n_...n......n.n._........._n.......n...nn.......n......._..n...n........n....._._nnn..n...................................do/lm'.
<br />
<br />-'--- ...-.---.....---..-.--.-..--...-...-.-. --.....- ........-...........-.... .
<br />
<br />__.___.__.___m..... ...... ....__~....._____._......___.._..._..____..____..... .. .......-..-..........
<br />
<br />and COlt. oJ _uill4ttd aL... ._m_u__.._..._._._. ... m._..dollan. and, UJhnetu. U1DaI tht!n and /here
<br />JurtItt:r C1I'flt!red in 1M mid adion ihal in thfauU oj t~ pa:yrMnJ L~-" 1M .urn IOJOUnd d~ by llu! touL.B.~9_~.~______..__..____.
<br />~~~...~.'::uct i()n...,I~?.~. ......Uwi... .......~...':!~..c...:....:1<:n=~..:=.............n..........._._...n.n.
<br />
<br />Sheriff oj laid Counly oj... u mnu... .m_._t!-2!J). ..........___u._._..._ .u. ~hould ctuUt Ik laruh and ie~nU TJUtillafto ducribtd 10 be
<br />odwrlisrd and mId oa:ording fo laID to pay 1& w.m.e, and. w~, ckJaulllta'Oing been made therein. Jhe raid.. .....-...-........-..-..-----.
<br />Errmett C. Arnett .. ..ShuiffoJraidcounly, undu and by uirlue oJ the Uliddt!D'f!e aM
<br />o....-do.f..", lD him doly din<tnI. dld.n 0.... 14 t h ....day .f..~=?~.e.rnl:J-=J::._._._.............A. D.19...B..~
<br />
<br />at 1M. 19WE!r lobby f.lQilQ;, of 0.. County Co",llIo~' in I!" ~i..ty........f...c:;:r:.~~<!.~:!:..".~<'I........__....n
<br />
<br />in mid County of- H':lll ... m_'" . hrmingfIT6tgiPen due and legal noliu. oJIhetimeandf.~oJmitlAale
<br />
<br />II)' /",l,JimJifln WIN' in t'adl ""'I'k Jor .fOliC' ./JC'~$siN' 1I'n'1u ;11 llit'h~~.?D.~....!.~l.~!2~._ D ai ~x._~~~;rpae;~~~d and in genmJI
<br />circulaiion in _aid County of. . ._ ~~J)'..__.__. ...m..... .._ ___."__ _____.. sd/ mid premira at public auc:tion 10_ fb~~...~_:_~.~_=a
<br />..S"yj,l}g,;.. ."ncj. ..L.oan. .P,~..,;.<?c;.iat:.:h'?.n...'?X..<:;.:r:.!".ncll~ il-"a,~ .f_~j,..".t:.Y._.?j,,,...'!']'E.l1...S_,,.I!~....ii.!1~._........
<br />
<br />g..O/lOO ($66,000.00) ............................dollar" ..hld.,ale """ afl",oord 01 0....y..9JJ....n:t~.:\:_T"'" af ,aid caUTI.
<br />A.D..19JL~,=Wdand=[n-nwlandO".."L ..J':l1!"ettC. Arnett .........,ucIoShuiff,....w.d
<br />lD """"l' 0....1d pr<milu Inf.. 'imp'" lD 0.. ,aid Ii(jmel'e.dera 1 Sa "i ng S a l1~....r,..9.agr~~~o~~~~_~~
<br />~tD 1:btl'dol'e, I.o....Id... Etrnnett C. Arnett .......SIouiffa[lkCoun1yof
<br />
<br />.Jt~J.J _u.mm_h.BI aJonmid, in coruidorlfion vi tAr l,remiM.6 and by virtue oJ 1M POWU_ f.lUkd in me by latD andthz
<br />d<<rtz of..Id"""" do knby a.... aronl and Con><)' lD 0.. ..id..J.tolTle Fe('l.eral..?"."l..l1.g..!'.......a...I1.~....~.~I1......_................._
<br />
<br />.AS!?Q_gJg.t_~9..!L-Q:t...GIA~9m.!.;?.t~.~~m. .}wir. and alligru, the pmniau m cu aJOI'U:Jid.old. to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7) in Block Three... (~L~.Larnbert' s Second Addition to'the
<br />__c:.i.:!.X. of Grand~.E;.~.and, Hall COU?:l:X...~N=braska
<br />
<br />
<br />,.::;i1~E
<br />
<br />
<br />liD Jlabt anb to Jlolb tbt itamt wdoo....... Horne Feder....ii..1....Sa.."-~.~';ls and Loan
<br />~ociatio.!L.<?f Gr'!,E'9..E.~."'.n.~.......m__....._.k..' and auignl. alld lD /hem and 0.... we and bVwoff.....,.
<br />In 1Itn:timonp Wbtl'tof, I Iom., PI ,ucIo ShuijJ, I=wUo "I my hand 1M,......... 2.0.1:.11... ..........doy of
<br />
<br />octob~':....._ .....A. D.. 19.J)Jl L..J,..~.1...?1i_t~....cL..k.l.dL..ti.n
<br />
<br />
<br />EzemlBl wuI chlioertd in '^' preltJl,Ol!! oj
<br />R.L. williams
<br />
<br />SlwljJ .f..._....!:!.iU.L..............
<br />
<br />.....County, N.bnulaL
<br />
<br />c;"""qot Hall
<br />
<br />nnJu.
<br />
<br />On thil..........2.Q.!;,\L._.day of_Q"t,'?1:le.J:'...
<br />1., Nilliarns..
<br />
<br />~;ti
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<br />~!I
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