<br />_ 105669
<br />S2~""-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wlth Tax Clau.a) 88
<br />
<br />I _q
<br />
<br />liullman IInd Icllon & Wall. Wallon. Nc. 68461
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN DY THESE PRESENTS: That Priar. L. Haye,; I1nd ,Tillie L. Hayes, hlJsLand
<br />and wi fe
<br />oi Ha 11 County, nnd Stale 01 ~,:e bra ska . in consideration of tho 8um of
<br />T\<ent y Tho usa nd and 110/1 JiJ------------------------ ( 2 J , ')')0.0')) ----- DOLLARS
<br />in hand pttid. do hercby SELL nnd CONVEY unlo
<br />Bank of Doni ohan
<br />af Hall .
<br />in Hall
<br />
<br />County, State of
<br />County, and Slate Ilr
<br />
<br />Kebraska
<br />l:ebra sica
<br />
<br />the following described premises situated
<br />. to-wit:
<br />
<br />LOT TF:K' (l ')) 11\ BLOCr "TIE (5) TN THE FIRST
<br />
<br />The intention beio/:" to convey herl'hy nn ubsuluh' tHlp in fee Rimplc, including all the rights or homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thp prl'milil's lllmvl' rll'HL'rihl'd. with nil the DpfJurlcnanclm thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />roortj:;ogce(s) ond to his, her or their heirM llnd nSMir-:ml forever, Jlrnvidf'cl always, and these presents are upon the e:i:press
<br />condition that if the said mortgagorls)' his, Ill'r ur their heirs, eXL'Culol'B. adminislrators or assigns shall payor cnuse to be
<br />paid lo the said mOitgagee(s), his, her or their Imira, mleculors, administrators or l1SSigns, the principalsUIn of $ 20 J 0')1'). ')0
<br />payobl.as foll',ws.In wil: Princir>al and interest due and payatle on July 16, 19R9.
<br />
<br />Ii
<br />,J
<br />II
<br />i
<br />,I
<br />'I
<br />il
<br />il
<br />~ i
<br />I'
<br />II
<br />it
<br />I
<br />!
<br />
<br />with interest aceording to the tenor and dIed uf lhe mortr-:l.lgors written promissory note bearing even date with these presents
<br />and shall pay all taxes and llR8l'l>..,menlB levied upnn Mid n'nl e~;t.ate, and all uther taxes. levies and nH8essments levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note 'which this mortgage is given tll !:Iet'Ufl', before the &lIl1e becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on
<br />said premises insured for the Hum of $ 2'), rJ'Yl. '1') . 108s, if any, payable lo the said mortgagee, then these presents
<br />to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if tht! said morlgagor !lhnlJ filii lo pay such taxes or procure !luch insurance, the
<br />said mortga"ee may pay such InXl'11 nnd prtl{'ure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with inlerest al 12. 5'1 per
<br />cent. shnll be repaid by Hnid nwrtgaR"or, and tltili mOilguge shall stand DB security for the sume, (2) That a failure to pay any
<br />or said money, either Ilrincipal or interL>st, when lhe Imme becomes due, or n failure 10 comply wiUI any of the Coregoing
<br />agreementB, shall cause the whole sum ur money hef(~in sl'cured 10 become due IInd ('uIlL'Ctible at f1nee at the option of the
<br />mortgagee,
<br />Signed this 1 ~ t h day of
<br />
<br />October
<br />
<br />,19Qd: . ""
<br />/L' ...:,t;
<br />\ri~''i~y,ls d~
<br />.......t;YL~i()!~ ......
<br />Jul:Ve" L. Hayes
<br />
<br />In presence of
<br />
<br />STATE OF . .1'!~P,?'?\t.q................ County of . fl.<:l n
<br />
<br />Tbe foregoing instrument waB acknowledged before me . Qct.QLGr..1:)......
<br />
<br />~Jj..~l'. J...... ~~y.~~.~!:<!-. :!,ulie L.
<br />nayes, husband and wife
<br />
<br />...... .19 .qi'\.
<br />
<br />
<br />1r~ ';;,;;,.~..;~;;.;;;.;;;;... ... ..
<br />
<br />. n. ~.<:l'.x. .p.'.'!=!Hs..............................
<br />Title
<br />
<br />STATE OF....
<br />Onunty .
<br />
<br />.. ...... .1...
<br />
<br />Entered on numerical indmc nnd filed for record
<br />in the RegiHtcf uf Deet..la Office of RUid County the
<br />
<br />..._...day of..
<br />and recorded in Book.
<br />
<br />. 19 .. _, at
<br />of.
<br />
<br />. . . o'clock and
<br />
<br />minutl's
<br />
<br />...M..
<br />
<br />at poge...
<br />
<br />Rt.'J.: 01 n("f'(ift
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />Deputy
<br />