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<br />, <br />--""'4 <br /> <br />88-101819 FCOOOO"('.1l71 <br />!l9hth form Credll Dlllrlel _____ ~__________-!'.!lI!.!." <br /> <br />"CKNDWUlKl"~NT <br /> <br />The und.mgn~ TlUttorl') hlrllby Icknowfedg.. Ind undlrwtandl that tl,lhe HCurlty document below to be eXlICuted I, . Trult <br />Died. and not I mong.g. and (b) the powerol"'1 provided for In tn, Trult Deed provldn aubatlnUaUydltle,.nt rlghl.lnd obligations <br />to the Tru.tor(.) than. mortgage In the .vent of. d.flull or bl'MCh 01 obligation. The Tru'10r(l) 'unh" reprnentJ and agl1tOl that thll <br />cenlOcatlon h.. been I"Nd and lxecutllClln connection with. but prior 10, the Trustara' execution 01 the following Trult Deed. <br />DalOd !hI. 2ls~.y D' October . 19.IDL- - g <br /> <br />1J'i~<~t::t.c;~ caC~ 1:*ci't ''X' d,-t"'-V7 <br /> <br />n..~~8I! BIONm PRIDR TO EXl!CUTlON OF DEED OF TRUST. <br /> <br />-TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> <br />This Trul' Oe.d and Alaigoml"' at Rent. r,'.rred to In .h. above acknowledgment II made this 21st day <br />of October .1g~,byandllmOng Bryce E. .Ewoldt (a/k/a Brvce <br />Ewoldt) and Carolyn K. Ewoldt (a/k/a Carolyn Ewoldt), husband and wife <br /> <br />"TrultQr('}".wNMemal1lngKk1~ls Route 2, Box 42. Grand Island. NE <br />Farm Credit Bank of Omaha <br /> <br />66QO] <br /> <br />Illd <br /> <br />"Trustee," whose mailing address is <br /> <br />206 South 19th Street. Omaha. NE 68102 ,and~e Farm Credit Bank of Om~h~ . <br /> <br />"Beneflclary"". whoM mailing Rdrea II 206 SOuth 19th StrM1. Omaha. Nebraska 881D2. in consideration of the advance by Beneficiary to <br />Trultor(s) oltha princlpallurn specified below. the receipt of which Is hllreby acknowledged. and any future. additional or protective advanc8!l <br />mMte to or on behalf of Trultor{l) at Beneficiary. option. Trustor(l) Irrevocably transfera, conveys and auigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH <br />POWER OF SALE. forthebeneflt and security d. Beneficiary. its succeaoraand aulgns. under and subject to the terms and conditions of this <br /> <br />Trult Deed, tne real property,located In the County of Hall . State of Nebraska. and dncrlb<<l as follows: <br /> <br />.!!S.. .!!!I!: ..!!I. <br /> <br />w!swi (except approximately 5 acres conveyed by Deed <br />recorded as Document #79-001936, more particularly described <br />as follows: A tract of land comprising the Westerly Three <br />Hundred Sixty-Three Feet of the Southerly Six Hundred Feet <br />of said wjsWil ________________________________________________ ]6 <br /> <br />llN <br /> <br />lOW 6th P.M. <br /> <br />Together with all center pivots. wells. pumps. motors <br />and equipment loeated on and used to irrigate said <br />premises. and any additions to or replacements thereof. <br />which items are declared to be a part of the deeded <br />premises and appurtenant to said real estate. <br /> <br />togMMr with .U Ttuator(l) right title and ImerMt in uJd ~rty. now or hereafter acquired. Includll'Q all buildlngl. f1xtu...... crop8 and " <br />Implo..-,.anowon orh....,..,pIKl8d upon -'d lWeI property; including iliac 1111 appurtenaneea. \dIer.irrigatlon, and drajnll9ll rlghtl.; and I. <br />all 1Wda. .... ~ Inc:orM. praftta. and righ1a 10 ~: all 011. ga. gravel, reek or other minerals of whatever nmure. Including <br />gaotNI'InaI ~ and aU ~ prapIrty tMI rM)" Inwgralty belong to or hereafter becoma an Integral part or said real estate wh.rher <br />dIIC::hed or dII:8CMCl. Including MY appI.~ and ~ of any ~ MCUred hereby, and all above and below g:round <br />Irrig8tIon equtprMnt..... ~ and ..,...... permtta. I~ or priwi~ appurtenant Dr nonappu..-.m to uJd prwnl-. now or <br />r...nw......aI8nCIId orr..-.d byT~I), any State. thltUnlttcl StateI oranydepar1ment bureau.inttrumentallty Dr agenr:ythereot. <br />All oI_la_eollllc:lMly_"'U "'" "T.....EIlld8." <br /> <br />11..__..-_~I)_._,--T-~..--..- <br /> <br />(a) A pram~ note or nota togdW with Intere81 thereon executed by Trustor(l) to BenefiCiary and described lIS followa: <br /> <br />0.1001_ <br /> <br />-- <br />537,000.00 <br /> <br />o.lo 01_ <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br /> <br />10-21-88 <br /> <br />~ ~ to tM ,.,... oIlAMt note(ll. <br /> <br />(b) And_npeyment in fuH IJyTrwIOrCI'of any and atl fvtu,. and adclltlonal adYanca which may be made by Beneficiary, at ItII option, at <br />U. ~ot. ancUoortorthe 8CCDUITt otTruatortl). oranyotthem. 'Of any PuI')JMe. plualntereat on all such .dvancel. under any note(l) Of <br />ott-. 1'*""'-11111 ... In rtIftnanl:lng, ~ng, raamontzJng or rtI81rUCturing auch Indebtedneu or anv part thereo1, all <br /> <br />=--~~Oat~-=:::,:):=J.:~~m":'l~fW~~~cr~1rl~lf~CI~:rld~t~~~~~~~~~~ <br /> <br />--------------------------------------------------------0OLLARS ($ 37.000 _ 00 ). <br /> <br />ud,"'hMm ~1Ind oItM ~ ICIYanCeI autnonm herein or In the loan -Srwmentf.l. provided, further. that THIS PARAGRAPH <br />SHAll NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADomONAl ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANV TIME. <br />WHETHER 0fIt NOT THE TOTAL PRINC1PAlINDEBTEDNESS ABOVE HAS BEEN ADVANCED <br />