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<br />NON.UNtFORM COVENANTS. Borrowerand Lendedurther coventnttnd .g....tS follows88 _ 1 0 565 :3 <br />1'. Acaleradoa; RemedIeL l.eDdor oIIalI p,. IIOtIce 10 Borrower prior 10 __Iendon foUowlng Borrower't <br />M-" afUJ .........t Dr.......t IsI WI SecIIrI\)' I_eat (bal not prior 10 __Ierallon alUler .....gnplll131l1d 17 <br />...... .,.cIcUle law ,....w. DdIorwIIe). TIle IIOtIce oIIalI opecIfy: (illite defaaJl; (b) Ibe lCIIaa reqalred In ....... lite <br />defall; <c) a date, DOI_1Ma 30.,. fIvm IIIe dale lite aodcell g1,CD to Borrower, by which Ibe defaull mUll be cured; <br />...ldllllat faIIaro 10 .... Ihe defaalt OD or before tbe dete "",llIed ill lb. nodce may mult In __Ieradon or Ibe lwae <br />....... by tItII Sealr\17 ~llIIId "e or IIIe Property. The nodce .1IaII farlher Iaform Borro...r of lb. rlpt 10 <br />~ after oa:eIenlloa ..d lbe rilbl to brIq a mart lClloa to _rt Ih. aon..xlltence or I derault Dr ..y olber <br />def.... oUlonawer to acceIendOlllllld .... If lite default II aol cared on or berorolb. dete lpeclfted In the nadce. Leader <br />.t III opIIoa IDlY reqalre lauaedlale paJlllOllt ill fall of all ..... ...ured by Ibll SocorI\)' IlIItrwaeal wllboul rurtber <br />........ lid may ill...... lite power or"e IlId BY ollter remedln permlned by applicable law. Leader obaIl be endlled 10 <br />collect all 0"'- illcarred ill punu!ag tbe remedI.. prorided la IhII paragraph 1'. Including. but nol IlmIled 10, <br />.-abIealtonle,.' r_lIIId <DI1Iordlle erideaee. <br />U IIIe power Dr IIIe II iII...ked, TrIIItee oIIalI record a aodce of default ill each coDDty la which any pari of Ibe <br />Property II located IlId IhalImaU...pln of...... aodce ID Ibe maaaer pl'ClCl'ibed by oppUcahlelaw to Borrower ..d to lbe <br />olher perIOIII prescribed by appUcallle law. After Ibe time required by applicable law, TI1IIlee 11IaII g1.. pabUc aodce or <br />IIIe to the perIOIII and ill lbe maaaer pl'ClCl'ibed by applicable law. Tntllee. wlthoal demand oa .Borrower,lhaIIoeli Ibe <br />Property 01 public lIICtIon 10 lbe hlpest bidder allbe time and place lIIId aader Ibe lerma destRJlllted ID lbe aodce or sale in <br />one Dr more puce" and ID any order TnIItee delenalan. TI1IIlee may pDIIpoae sale of l1li or any pucel Dr lbe Property hy <br />pablic e.aaoaacemeal II lbe dme and place Dr any prorioUlly lcbedaJed sale. Lender or III dellllllee may pun:~ lbe <br />ProperIJ It any uIe. <br />Upoa recelpl Dr paymenl Dr Ibe price bid, TI1IIlee 11IaII dell..r to lbe _chuer Truslee's deed con..y1ng Ibe <br />ProperlJ. The recilalJ ill Ibe TI1IIlee'1 deed _ be prima facie erideace of Ibe trulb of lbe slllemenll made lbereln. <br />Tnlltee _ apply lbe proceeds or Ibellle ID Ibe followlag order: III to l1li expetIICS of lbe sale, including. bul not Iimlled <br />to. TrDItee'l r_ II permlned by Ipplicable law ..d reuoaable attomeYI' rees; (b) to all suma ...ured by Ibll Securl\)' <br />IJIIIrutaeaI;..d (c) ..y.._ to the penen or peneBlleplly endlled 10 II. <br />:ZOo Leader in P'_on. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />penon, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled 10 enter upon. take possession of .nd managc Ihe <br />ProperIJ and to colieclthe rents of the Property including Ihose pasl due. Any rents collecled by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to paymenl of Ihe costs of managemenl of the Property and collection of renls. including. but nol <br />limited 10. receivor's f.... premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable allomeys' f.... and then 10 the sums secured by <br />Ihis Security InstrUmenl. <br />n. RCCOII")'IDCC. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument, Lender shall request Truslee 10 <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrumenl and aU notes evidencing debl secured by this SecurilY <br />Instrument 10 Trustee. Truslee shall reconvey the Property withoul warranty and without charge 10 Ihe person or penons <br />lcaally enlitled to it, Such penon or penons shall pay any recordation COsls. <br />22. Sttbltltate TI1IIlee. Lender. at its option. may from time 10 limc rcmovc Trustee and appoiot a suc=sor trustee <br />10 any Trus.... appointed hereunder by an inslntment recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumenl is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trus.... shall suce<cd to alllhe title. power and duties cooferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />%3. R....... ror NoIIcea. Borrower requests that copies 01 the notices of default and sale be sent 10 Borrower's <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />:14. RIden to IhII SocorII7 ~t. If one or more riden are e.eculed by Borrower and recorded logether with <br />this Security InstrUment, the covenants and agreements of each sueh rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and qreements of Ihis Security Instrumenl as if the rider(s) were a pari of this Security <br />Instrument. [Check applicable bo.(a)] <br />o Adjustable Rale Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unit Devdopment Rider <br /> <br />I[J Ollter(s) [specify) Acknowledgement <br />By SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the tenns and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any nder(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with il. <br /> <br /> <br />.........................."..............."..."........................~~~......~ <br />..j~~~~!~~.~L...."...............".~ <br /> <br />ST" TE OF NEBRASkA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On this 11.&th day of October .19 88. belore me. Ihe undersigned. a NOlary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personally came Kenneth P. Slough and Joan <br />M. Slough, Husband and Wi fe . to me known 10 be the <br />identical penon(s) whose name(s) are subscribed 10 the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />theroofto be their voluntary aCI and deed. <br />Witn~ my hand aJld notaria1swal Grand Island Nebraska in said county. the <br />date.ronsmd. ' <br /> <br /> <br />~ /9'12/7. W. I'YJc~ <br />-~..........~.~/............. ..... <br />NOlaf)' Public <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To aUSTEE: <br />Tht under'loilned is the holder or the nole or Doles secured by Ihi!l Deed 111 TrU51. Said note or nares, togethl"r <br />....nh all othet mdehledocs!! secured by chis Dc-ed ofTrusc. have been paid In full You are hereb\- dlrelo7ted tlllo7anlo7c1 \allJ <br />note or notellod 1hl\ IXcd of Trust, which art' deli\lered hereb)', and 10 relo7on\t:'\ .....thout \\arranl\, ,III thl" ~."'i1ll' <br />no_ held b)- ,,"OU under Ihu. Dr~ of Tru!ol (I) the pc-non Of per'ion\ lellall\ c:nllllC'd Iht"fC'hl <br /> <br />Dale' <br />