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<br />Borrowrr IInd under ('ovenanlllnd aRrl't.' a., fnllow~: <br /> <br />I. Thnl narrower will pay the indebledness., as hereinbefore <br />prm'ided. Pri'Vilege u re>er'Ved to PDY the debt in whole or in part nn <br />nny Installment due dDlc <br /> <br />2. That. logether with. nnd m addition tn. the monthly payments <br />of principal and inlerr=st payable under the terms of the note secured <br />hereby, the Borrower will pay to the Lender. on the first day of each <br />month until the said note I!I fully paid. Ihc following sums: <br /> <br />(DI ,\ !lum equal to (hc ground renl'i. if any. next duc, plus the <br />premiums that will nell;t become due and payable nn pollcics of fire <br />and other hazard lR!lourance covering the properly. plus taxl.~ and <br />1lSScs....menls next due on the property (all as I'Slimated by Ihe u.lndrrJ <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of months <br />10 elapse before one II) month prior In the dale when such ground <br />rent... premIum!!. taXe!i and asse5!.menl!! will bcCtlmc deliqucnt. such <br />sum!llu be held by Lender In trust 10 pay said ground rents. <br />premiums. taxC!l and !lpccl:J.1 a!i!leS..'imenl'i; and <br />(hi ^l1l'1llymenl" mentmncd In the preceding !!umcction of thi... <br />parngraph and all flUyment!. 10 be made under the note secured <br />herch) ..hall he added tngelher. and the aggrcgate amount therco!" <br />shall be paid by IhL' Borrowcr each month in a singlc paymcnt IU he <br />applied by the Lender to the folluwing items in the ordel forth: <br /> <br />(11 f:!round ~nb. taxes. IlS!.e!o\ment<i. fire and other hal.ard insur. <br />ance premIUms: <br /> <br />I Jllmtcrcsl un the nnle ..ccured herehy: <br /> <br />(1IIlamnnlzatnm of the pnnClpal uf said nnte, and <br /> <br />IIV I laiC dar[!e!'a <br /> <br />Am' dehclenev m the amount IIf ..uch aggregale mnnthly payment <br />shall. 'unlcs!lo made good by Ihe Borrower pllor In the due dale of the <br />next such payment... constitute an event of default under thi!> <br />mortgage. The lendl:r may oollecl a "laiC charge" nOlto exceed four <br />cenb (41%1 for each dollar 1$11 of each paymenl more Ihan fifteen <br />( 151 days In arrear.. to cliver the extrn cxpcn!.C mvolved In handling <br />delinquent payments. <br /> <br />3. That if the total of lhe payments made by the Borrower under <br />(a I uf paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of payments <br />actually made by thc lender for ground renl". taxes and a.<isessmenl.. <br />or insurance prcmlUm!lo, ll..'\ the UClC" may be. such C'Il.CO!lo, if the luan i~ <br />current. allhe option of the Borrower. shall be credited by the <br />Lender on subsequent payments to be made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to the Borrower. Jr. howel/er. the monthly payment... made <br />by the Borrower under (a) of paragraph 2 precedmg shall nol be <br />suffiCient to pay ground rcol..!., IaXc.... and ~ment!. or insurance <br />premiums, ~ the C3!1e may be. when the same !lhall hccnme due and <br />payable. then the Borrower shall pay 10 the Lender nny amount <br />necessary to make up the deficiency. on or beforc the datc when <br />paj'ment of such ground rents, U1X~. iI'i.\CS....menls, (If Insurance <br />premlum~ shall ~ duc_ If at any lime the Borrower shall tender to <br />the Lender, m accordance with the provlSlon~ of [he note ~curt:d <br />hereby. full payment of the enlire indebtedness repre!aented thereby. <br />the Lender shall. in computing the amount of such indebtednL'Ss. <br />credit to the Decount of the Borrower any balance remammg in the <br />funds accumulated under Ihe provlSlon~ of la I of paragraph 2 hereof <br />If there shall be a defaull under D.n~ of the provisions of thi~ <br />instrument resulting in a public sale of Ihe preT""lises Ctlvered herehy. <br /> <br />88;.;.;: 1ilfr6rtlT~ <br /> <br />nr If the Lender aC4uues the property mhcrwisc after dcrnull, the <br />l.cnder shall apply. at the lime nf the commencement of such <br />pmcecding1. nr al the lime the prnpcrty is otherwise acquired, Ihe <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulaled under (n) nf <br />paragraph 2 preceding, a5 a credit againsl the omount of principal <br />then remaimng unpilId under !laid note. <br /> <br />4. That lhe Borrnwer will pay ground rents, taxes, llSScssmenl'i. <br />water ratC50. and other gOl/cmmcntal or municipal charges. fines, or <br />impo....ition!l.. for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, <br />and in defaulllherenf the Lender may pay Ihe same: and that the <br />Bnrruwcr will prnmptly deliver the official receipts therefor (0 the <br />Lender <br /> <br />5_ The Bnrrnwer Will pay all tues which may be levied upon the <br />Lender'.. mterest m ~id real cslnle and improvements. and which <br />may be It:vied upnn thiS instrument (If the debt secured hereby (but <br />only to Ihe ex lent that ~uch I!I nul prohibited by law and only to the <br />extent that such Will nol make this loan usurious). but excluding any <br />income tax. State or Federal. Imposed on lender, and wi1l file the <br />official receipt !lhowmg such paymcnt with the Lender. Upon <br />violation of thi~ undertaking, or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now or hcreafter cltistlng from pDying the whole or any portion <br />of the aforesaid tnltC"-. or upon the rendering of any court decree <br />prohibiting the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes, or if <br />such law or decree provide!l Ihat any amount so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited nn the debt. the Lender shall have the <br />right to gi\.e mnely day~' written notice to the owner of the premises. <br />reqUiring the payment of the deb!. If such notice be givcn. the said <br />deht !.hall become due. payahle and collectible at the expiration of <br />said ninety day!> <br /> <br />6. Thai should the Burrower fail to pay any sum or keep any <br />covenant provided for In thi!. instrument. then the Lender. al its <br />option, may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so made <br />shall be added to the principal sum owing on the said note, shan <br />be secured hereby, and shall hear interest at the rate sel forth in the <br />said note, umil paid <br /> <br />7_ That the Borrower hereby assigm. Iransfers and sets over to the <br />Lender. 10 be apphed toward the paymem of Ihe note and all sums <br />secured herehy in case of a default in the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instrument or the said note, Blithe rents, <br />revenue.. and income to be derived from the said premises during <br />such Ume a~ the mdebtedness shall remain unpaid. and lhe Lender <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the <br />purposc uf repairing said premises and of renting the same and <br />collecting the rents. revenues and income. and il may payout of said <br />IRL'lImc!. all expense!. of repairing said premiscs and necessary <br />L.ommi!l!.10n!l and expense!. incurred in renting and managing the <br />!ollmc and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if <br />any. lu be applied toward the discharge of said indebtcd.ness. <br /> <br />H. Thai Ihe Borrower will keep the improl/emcnts now existing or <br />hereaher erected on the propetly. insured as may be required from <br />tlml.' tn Ilmc by the Lender agamst loss by fire and other hazards, <br />ca....ualtics and contingencie!a in such amounts and for such periods as <br />may l1c required by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due, <br />any premiums on such insurance, provision for payment or which <br />has not been made hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in <br />companlcs approved by Ihe lender and the policies and renewals <br />therrof shall he held bv the Lender and have attached therelo loss <br />payable dl1u~e~ In fov(;r 01 ond in form acceptable 10 the Lender. In <br /> <br />Page 2 015 <br /> <br />HUD-92143DT., <br />