<br />-11
<br />--~F
<br />
<br />3D3!i-BELEA5E OF MORTGAGF--Corporallo'l
<br />
<br />88-105619
<br />Ilullman Bnd FeIlDn & Wolf, Wallon, No, 68461
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of Ihe poy",,"1 of 1/.. dcbt named tl"re;II, the Norwest Bank South Oakota
<br />National Association hereby releases rile mortgage ,nlJde '0
<br />Willian E, Fuller and Nonna L. Fuller, husband and wife
<br />by The First Nstianal Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />o~ 'h, foUOUJi.g d..cribed real "'0". 'o-wit:
<br />Lots One (J) and 1'wo (2), in Goer Subdivision of Lot Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (B), of Garrett's
<br />Subdivision of the Northeast QJarter (NEll) of Section Nine (9), Tcomship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br />(9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County. Nebraska
<br />
<br />of S,d"", , i~ Township , Ran.qe of 110. P. M" Hall
<br />COII~ly. Stal, of South Dalwta which is record.d inJaioOO< Doc, II of Real E.late MOTtgag.., page
<br />of 'h, records of .aid Coullly. 84-00 1053
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 'h. .aid Norwest Bank South Oakota has callSed
<br />tls,sI prelmts to bl tsecuted by Us president and its Corporate: Seal II) be affixed
<br />day of October ,19 BB
<br />Wilwus: uNo ,llakota.NatiaoaL.Association.m.
<br />
<br />
<br />wuwu,,~
<br />
<br />___.-,_.__...um.u_.'_:'i-;-_wm.."...."""""""'"
<br />
<br />..__~:~c;,~LU..4.;~~.....:.:~..........._...........................Attest .-, Cashicr.~
<br />
<br />STA~L~tl}:??-~!Ln..'mmn,nn".."u}ss, On thisn.nm!Z~: .day aLm9l;t9MLnnm.nmmu, 19.eIL.
<br />_._._._.."...,n........_.;,..,~.;......._.....n..n....Caunty before me, the deraigned, a Nota...; Public in and for
<br />
<br />~~~=.t~::t!>:;;~;~;.~i~;:q:~:::.;~::::::::::::::::~~~.~:~=~:~......'.~~,',:::.,:',:::',::',.:',::::;~::~~~~:::
<br />
<br />to me personally known to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to'~lie sDoV'e'nii.'and
<br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed a. .ueh officer, ~~~lin~~ctand
<br />deed of .aid Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authorit-Y, ~ .. ' tj ~ :
<br />
<br />Witn.... my hand and Notarial Seal at......,..,..Si.~uf."'Ua..m...........n"......'. in ..id ciouilty!the ~y;'a'rld y$r
<br />last above written. i ~' ;':"'" ;'" ' " ',..'.',.'
<br />'.' _ c.nAll'IFCAtlE -.. Ii ~. {~:z.. ,1:.~>....__..-:~." .
<br />My coDUD1S8lon e:J:pll'ell.cJ.:JJ.I!il~l.lb/.4.1.....>I....~...,~'OIm.~.~mfTDakol. ..__..L ... ..... ..A.tf.I..J.t..............._.n._~.:~~ ~p~..Public
<br />=-~~.:t L.QlCU1l1~~'<J11 L..f.''''''~ ~hlpl..mDcr II, ]995 . -: ~;..;' ~
<br />