<br />88- 105597
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Ilorrower .nd Lend<< furthercoven.nl and sgree as follow"
<br />If. Aec:oIanlloa; RamedIeL LeIIdor aIIaIl iii'. IIOt!ce 10 Borro"... prlOI 10 accelendoa folloma Borro".r'.
<br />""-II oruy co_I 01' _III Wa Saauil>' X-I (bull" prior 10 accel.radon ullder parqrap/Ia 13 ad 17
<br />..... ."ueMIe Ia" proridal oIIIonrIJa), 11Ie eollcla 1baII1IIIdfy: (a) lb. daflull; (h) lb. 1dI01 required 10 cure Ibe
<br />dIfuIC; (e). dIIe, IIOC ...iUII30 dIyo rro..1be dale tIIa aoIIu Ia llimlln Borro".r, by "b1e11 lb. def....l..l1It be eured;
<br />... (lI) tMt fall.... 10 .... IIIe defaull 01 or before IIIe dIIe lpOdfIed ill !be oodce III8J' reauJliII ....Iendou of lb. IlUIIS
<br />IOClIIII! by IbIa Slc:aril>' ~I ..... uIe of Ibe Property. 11Ie DOIIce ,bill furtber Ioforlll Borrower of lb. rlllhllo
<br />~ Iller 1Cft1ml1lo1 ..... IIIe rfabllo IIrInI . <OIIrt IdIoI 10 IIIeI1 lb. 101..lIiIteDce of . derlull or IDY olb.r
<br />.-r- aI Borro".. 10 .........doa..... ..... II lb. deruJl illIOt cored alar before lb. dIIe spod8ad ill lb. uod... Lender
<br />M III opIIoI: lIB)' require immediate pe)'lllelll ill l'ulI of all __ seemed by Wa Seeurll>' lastrumeul wllboul furtb.r
<br />.......... .... _yiIIfDk.!be power 01'.... ad ...,. DIber remedI.. p.rmllted by Ippll..b.. Ia", Lender IbaII be endded to
<br />collect all _ IDc:urred ill poonaIaa !be remedIOI proridad ill Wa ..........pb Ill, iIIcludl... bul DOt limlled la,
<br />-.bIe IItorIIe)'ll' re........- alIlU...........
<br />IIIbc po...... or.... 1I11,0ked, Trustee IbaII reeonI I DUU" of deflullill .... eD1IDty ill "b1e11IDY put of lb.
<br />Property III_led IDd IbaIIIIlIiI copies of 11Ie11 DOIIce ill !be ......... preoalbed by 1pplI....1.Ia" 10 Borro.....lDd 10 lb.
<br />other perIOIIII preserlbed by appikIbl. Ia". Aller lb. lime required by IIIP_I.Ia", Trulee 1ball1Ii" publle nodce of
<br />.... to IIIe _lDd ill lb. .......r preoalbed by Ippll..bl. Ia". Trustee, wllboul d.......d on Borro"er, aIIaIl ..II lb.
<br />ProperIJ II poblie luetlon 10 lb. b1l1hesl bidder lllbe lime..... plIce IDd under Ibe l.ntII dell_led iu lb. uodce aI....ln
<br />ODe or more puce""'" III IDY order Trull.. dalermiDes. Trustee lilY postpol..... of all or lDy......1 of lb. Properly by
<br />poblle _cem.nl II !be lime IDd pllce of any pre1'iDllliy sebeduled saI.. Lender or lIB deIIlPlee may purchae lb.
<br />ProperIJ.t any sale.
<br />Upol receipt of pI)'IIIeIIl of lb. price bid, Trustee ,ball deII,.r 10 lb. pun:l1per Trustee's deed con,.ying lb.
<br />Property. The reclllilln lb. TruI.... deed ,bill be prima fld. endence of lb. IrDIb of lb. lIIIlem.nll mad. Ib.reln.
<br />T_1baII apply Ibe proceecb of Ibe.... III IIIe faD"""'. order: (a) 10 all expeDSOl of lb. .....lnclndiDg, bnt nollimlted
<br />la, TNoIee', fees u pmnIned by IIIPlkabl. Ia" anti reuonabl. anome)'ll' fees; (h) 10 all SUJDI seeured by ibis Security
<br />r-menl; and {elany ."....10 lb. p.nOD or penODIleplly endded 10 IL
<br />20. Lender III P._on. Upon accel....lion under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender (in
<br />per5OD. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Propert)' and to collect the renl5 of Ihe Property including those past due. Any rents coDected by Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied fint to paymenl of Ihe costs of managemenl of the Property and collection of rents, including, bUI not
<br />limited to, receiver's f.... premiums on receiv.r's bonds and reasonabl. allom.ys' f.... and Ihen 10 Ih. sums secured by
<br />this Securily InstrumenL
<br />n. Recon.._ Upon paymenl of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument, Lend.r shaD requesl Trustee to
<br />=nv.y Ibe Property and shall surrender lhis Securily Instrumenl and all notes .videncing delll secured by lhis Security
<br />Instrumenllo Trustee. Trustee shaD reconvey the Propert)' withoul warranlY and wilhoul charg.to the penon or penons
<br />leplly enlilled to iL Sueh penon or penons shaD ply any =rdation COSI5,
<br />22. Subaitale Tratee.. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br />Withoul conveylD" of Ibe Propert)', Ih. sue<:alOr trustee shall succeod 10 all lb. tid.. power and dUlies conf.rred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable law,
<br />13. ~ for NDlIaL Borrower requests that copies of lb. notices of default and sale be senl 10 Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />24. RIden 10 Wa Saauil>' I--.L If on. or man: riden are execUled by Borrower and recorded tog.ther with
<br />this Securily Instrument. Ibe covenants and agreemenll of...,h such rider shall be incorporated inlO and shaI1 amend IDd
<br />supplemenl the covenanl5 and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rid.r(s) were a part of this SecurilY
<br />InstrumenL [Check appli....l. box(es))
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Graduated Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unil Developmenl Rider
<br />
<br />[!J OIher(s) [specify] Acknowledgement
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower a<=pts and agrees 10 the lerms and COVeJ13nl5 contained in this Security
<br />lnstrur.lenllDd in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and =rdad with iL
<br />
<br />
<br />~:~-~
<br />
<br />""'mma"Fl:"-l'I~ii~"""''''''''''~
<br />
<br />SlATE Of NEBRASKA. Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />On this 12 day of October , 19 88 , before me, the und.rsigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified forsaid COUDlY. penonally cam. Charles E. Hoops and Della R.
<br />Hoops, Husband and Wife ------------------------------------------ . to me known to be the
<br />identical pen.on(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />Ibereof 10 be their volunlluy aCI and deed,
<br />Witness my hand and nOlarial seal al Grand Island, Nebraska in said COUDlY, the
<br />date aforesaid,
<br />
<br />My Co
<br />
<br />n ires:
<br />J:---.......
<br />llEIICIIWI L IlJII8tf:
<br />.. ..... (a ... ZJ, 1..1
<br />To TKUSTEE:
<br />The undersi,ned is the holdrf of the no Ie or notes t;C'cured by IhlS Deed 01 TruI,1. Said note or nOlel,. lo~t"lhC'r
<br />wlIh an other Indebted"es!o se1;ufed by thl~ Deed of Trust. ha\lC' b~n paid In full You are heTt'b\" dITt'\:tC'd 10 t.:anL'd ..aid
<br />nOIC' or nOIt:! and Ihls Deed of Trusl. ....hleh arC' dehl.cn:d hC"rC'h... and 10 rn:onH"., VoUhoul "dnanl\, aU Ihl" ('..IIIIc
<br />no. hC'ld by )"OU under Ihu. Deed of Trusl to the- penon 0' pt"f\nn\ 1t'l(lllh ('n[ITled thr-H'!n
<br />
<br />r) . /i '-" j/ -
<br />~,k-:'<1 , , ,( ,L.-:. &c."",~.
<br />Nolan Pubht
<br />
<br />Dale
<br />