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<br />10-07-19811 <br />Loan No 5870 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Conllnuadl <br /> <br />88- 105575 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />MMgIIf. There shaD be no morgor of tho IntDros1 or oalato croalod by this Dood or TruGt with any othor Intomst Dr estate In the Property at any <br />limo hold by or for the benent ollondor In any capacity, wllhout the written conGOnl ollondor. <br />Munlple Partl... All obUglUlon9 of Grantor under this Dood of Trust shall be joint and GOvoral, Ilnd all roforences to Grantor Ghllll moan BrK:h and <br />overy GranlDr. ThIs means thllt each of the person9 &Jgnlng below Is responsible for .11 obligations In this Dood 01 Trust. Whore anyone or more <br />of the plrtia am corporatlons Of partll8l'Bhlps, It Is not necessary for Lender tD Inquire Into lhe powers of any of the parties or of the officers, <br />dhectora. partnorB, or agents acrlng or purportlng to act on (heir behalf. llnd any Indebtedness made or created In reliance upon tho professed <br />exord&e of ooch powens ohaJI be guaranteed urdor this Doed of Trust <br />SeverabIlIty. II a coun of competent Jurisdiction flnd9 any provision of this Dead of Trust to bo Invl1lld or unenforceablo as to any person or <br />clrcumstanoe, such finding shall not rondor that provision Invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or clrcumstancas, and all provisIons 01 <br />1h19 Deed 01 Trust In all other respects shall remain valId and enforceable, <br />AcknowledgmenL Prior to the execution horaof Grantor oXBCuted an acknowlodgment staUng that Grantor understands that (a) this Deed of <br />Trust Is . trust doed and not a mortgage and (b) the power or sala provided tor In this Deed 01 Trust provld08 substantially different rights and <br />obligations to Grantor than 8 mortgage In the ovont of defaull or broach olobllgaUon. <br />Succuaora and Assigns. Subject to the llmitatlons slated In thIs Ooed of Trust on transfer of Grantor'a Interest, this Deed 01 Trust shall be <br />binding upon and Inure to the benefit 01 tho pnrtles, their succossors and assigns. II ownership or tho Property becomes vested In II person other <br />Ihan Grantor, Lender, wilhout noUce to Granlor, may deal wtlh Granlor's successors wllh reference 10 this Oaed 01 Trust and the Indebtedness by <br />way 01 forbearance or extension without releasIng Granlor rrom tho obllgallons of this Deed of Trust or lIabll1ly undarthe Indebtedness. <br />Tim. I. 01 th. Essence. 11mo Is or the essence in tho porlormanoo of this Deed of Trust <br />W.lvar 01 Homutud ExempUon. Grantor hereby releases and walvos n!1 rights and beneflls of tho homestead o)(empUon laws of the State of <br />NobraSka as to an Indebtedness secured by this Ooed of 'True!. <br />EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL TIlE PROVISIONS OF TIllS DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS <br />TERMS, <br /> <br /> <br />as KAROL KAY GRIM <br /> <br />STATE OF <br /> <br />71JL.f_ <br />S~ <br /> <br />INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br />) <br />)SS <br />} <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />On this day before me, lhe undersIgned Notary Public, personally appeared KAROL KAY SCHWIEGER lomerly known as KAROL KAY GRIM and <br />RICHARD L. SCHWIEGER, to me known to be tho Individuals descf1bcd in and who oxocutod tho Doed 01 Trust. and acknowledged that they slgnod <br />the Deed or Trust as their troo and voluntary act and deed, lor the uses and purposos ther~~ I" <br /> <br />Glv.n under my hind .~cty'"cl~ ...1 this 7 #0. day 0' ,19 c5'a _' /: <br /> <br />By -:rJ:.C W" h-.... -::t Ro.ldlng.' ~ r'k.t.J~ <br /> <br />NotaryPu I and 'or th. Stat. or -#~ Mycomml88lonexplres <br /> <br />---..-. <br />ar. MlInMN <br />-........... - <br />