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<br />.. ........ Nat ~ fort)e~ IJy L.ncter Not . W.lvet'. ellllnlJOn 0111\8 IlfTlll lor paymenl Dt modllahon 0' IUTlOflllA1IQn ollho wmll"Curod by Ihl. fideunly !nstrumon! <br />~ b1 L"-ID.,.,., ,,-=eno. In I'\1untSl of Oor~t IMIl not apefolala .ltlll.1D thO llllblllfy 01 the ongmlll BoItOWll'T or BOrlVWC"611UCCOIOOrs In ,"lureal Lander ~an nol btfomQultlt(l <br /> <br />a:~":;"~:: '~=It :r1~:';::~~II:;:I~ '~~O:.n~l~h::~~::"I~ lIa.:~~~:~I~~:I~~~l a:r~:~::'~o~r ~~.D~~U~Z:,I~~~rO~;'::~:~~~ <br />e,g...a.. 01 .,., noN or IWtl'\Idy . <br />11~~;::-e:=:- 5UD!a::':\:k'1~:=:~~~rr~ :-~~ a:~=~I:g=m~::::e;:II:::;I~IIIIl~~c:::,~~a~~;:~:=: :~: ~:'~l~~~~~~~l~:c~~~~~~~':onn~ <br />~-. not ntICUIO tftI Note 11I11S coo5llJf1ll'lQ thIS Secunty Inslrument only 10 mor1gtlgtt, grllnl and convey thaI Bormwo'"lIlnlomSlln IMe Proporty undor tho 101m! of Ihlll Secunly Instrument <br />r ~not perwonaIy ~ I:) pay 11\8 sums ucuT1l'd by thll Socunly Inslrumm11: I1nd (el ogroeB thai Loncier [lnd any aUlDr BOrTOWllt may ogree 10 GlIlond, modIfy, forbeor or make any <br />WlIn regard to the telms oltrus SeCUllty Instrumont 01 the Note wlthoul thai BoIrower's consonl <br />12. "- a.rv-.. "the 60an NCUmd by ltUS s.cunly InSlrumenl1$ subJeCt 10 a law which &ell minimum loan cl'\argeo. and that law IS Iinnlly Inlllrp~led 50 that the Internsl or othGr loan <br />ct-v- COItCled or 10 be oolItC:ted In connedlOn Wllh the loan excoOd Ihe permmett limits. thon~ (8) any suCh loan Chargll shall be reducOd by Iho amount necellllary to rodUC8 the charge <br />~ ~ Iirnk: .rd (b) any sums aJrHd)' cofIectea lrom Borrower whICh oxceeded ptimltted limIts will be retunded 10 Borrower. Lender may ChOOae 10 make Ihls refund by reduCIng <br />~,.,.~~ 1M Nc18 or by maloog _ direct payment to Bonow'lIr. "a I8fund reduces pnnclpal. lhe redUCllOn will be tllla~1KI as a partill prepaymenl without any prepayment cltlrge <br />'11 ~ AIIKdng LendIt'. AIghtL II enactment or nprrallon of appIlcabIe laws hall the effect 01 renclenng any pl"OVlslon ollhe Nele or litis Secunly Instrumenl unenforceable <br />~., a tIIl'mS. L.encJer. aI Its opbon, may requJlllllTlmltdlate paymenl in lun 01 all sums secured by this Secunty Inslrument and may Invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 19. <br />. UrdIf bI'fDMS hs option. Lendef GhaU tall. lite lItep!l specified In the second paragraph 01 paragraph 17 <br />M. -....:.. Anr ~ to BomMer pmvided 101" in Ihis Secunty Insnument snail be gtV'Iln by dellvenng it or by mailing it by 11m dass mall unless applicable law requires use of anotht, <br />~ n. noac. sf\II be dncl.ct to lhe Propeny Address or any atMr BCkirBsa Borrower IJIIlIignalea by notiCe to Lender_ Any notice 10 Lender shllll be given by llrat class mall 10 WInder's <br />.......,......... or IfI}l aU..- EM1c!Illss L.Irl"Il1er deSignates by notICe 10 BorltJW8l. Any nDIlce provtded lor in this.5ecunty Instrument shall be deomed to have been given to Borrower or <br />l.M:IlIr wtWI giWn as provided In this paragraph. <br />.1. ........ &..r. s.wr.biUty. This Secwrty Instrument shall be governed by ledefallaw and the law 01 the jurisdictIOn In whIch the Property is located. In the event thai any provision <br />c:. ca- of rr. SecurIy Instrument or the Nof3 con1Ilc!s WIth appliCable laW. such confUct shall not alfect other provISIonS of !llis Secunty Instrument or the Note whIch can be glVfln eftect <br />......,..Irle anIicbng proytSlOn. To thIS end the provisions olthtS Secunty Inst1Umenl and the Note are declared 10 be SIIVfIrab18 <br />14L ~. COpy. BorTOwer ~all be gMl'f1 one conlormed copy 01 the Note and 01 thls Secunty Inst1Umenl. <br />17. ....... of... Property 01. ~ In~ in 80n'0wM'. II all or any pllrt ollhe Property or any intereslln It IS sold or tranalerrsd (or II a benefiCial interest In Borrower IS iQld <br />or ~ and BorrtMer IS not a natural personl Wllhout Lender's pnor wnnen consenl. Lender may, alltS optIOn. require Immediate payment in full 01 all sums secured by thIS Security <br />1nsaur'NnI. HoweYer. tI'Us ophon Shall not be exerosed by Lender II exerose 15 prohlblled by lederallaw as 01 the dl1te ollhlS Secunty Inlltrument. <br />Il.eniIf bttrCl5II5 this opllon, Lender stulIl grve Borrower n.:Jllce of acceleratIon. The notICe shall provide a period 01 nollesS Ihan 30 days lrom Ihe dale Ihe nolice IS deliverml or melled <br />-......nctlBorroMr must pay all sums secured by lhl5 Secunty Instrument. 1/ Borrower fails to pay these sums pnor to the eXplrallOn althis penod, Lender may Invoke any remedies permlned <br />bJ'" Sec:unty Il'1SIrUf'Mnt MlhoI..ii further nobCe or demand on Borrower, <br />1& fJanowlW'. AighlIO AIIit~ II Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the nghtto have enforcement Ollhls Secunty Inst1Ument dlscontmued at any time prior to <br />........of: la)5~ (or sudt other penod as applicable law may speofy lor I8lnstalemenll befolll sale 01 the Property pursuant to any power 01 sale conlalned in Ihls Secunty Instrumenl. <br />or (bJ..., of a.;udgmenI entorong this Secunty Instrument. Those conditiOns are that Bonuwer~ (a) pays lender all sums which then would be due under this Secunty Instrument and the <br />NDIIo r.:t fXJ -=ce6Inbon 0CCU'l'8d; lb) aJl1tS any defaun 01 any other covunants or agllHtffients: (c) pays aH expenses incurrsd In enlorclng this Secunty Instrument. including. bul notlimlteO <br />10.. ,....,.. atmrneyS' lees; and ld) takes su:h aehon as lender may reasonably mquire 10 assure that the lien 01 this Secunty Inslrumen!. Lander's nghls in the Property and Borrower"s <br />~ 10 p.,-Ihe sums secured by this Seamty Instrumenl shall Cl)I1tJnue unchanged. Upon relnstalemenl by Borrower. this Secunty Inslrument and the obllgalions secured hereby shall <br />~ July eftectNe as if no ~bon had occurred, However. thiS nghllO reinstate shall not apply In the CBS!! 01 accelerallOn unCler paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />NCN-UMFOAM COVENANTS. Borrower and lendM further covenanl and agrea as follows <br />1L ~j RemecIIIL LM1der....u gtw notice to EIorTonr prior to acceIefadon following Bo~1 btUch of any cownant or agrHIMnt In thl. $KurUy Instrumsnt <br />..... prior to ~ under peIIlIIf1IPhS 13 and 17 un.... appfk:able I.. provIdH oUMttwI..). The notice.lhall spKlty: (II tM defDultj (b) tM acUon requlrMIlO cura the <br />.....-; Cc). dMa. not ... tMn 3D dIya from 1M ~ 1M notice II gh,M to BoIl'01Nl', by whk:h the default must be curad; Ind Cd) IMllailurw to cura the default on or belore <br />...... ipCtftIICI kI U. noCk::8 nwr......ln ~ or 1M aUrN aecurKI by thla &.curtly InatrurMnt and .... 01 the Property. The notlCII ahaillurth... Inlorm BOlTOWllr 01 <br />.. rtgIII tD \"IIIIncWte.... ~ and the right to bring a court KlIon to nurt the norMIxlSIenCII 01. oJellIU" or Iny olh4lr delln.. of Borro..,. to acceleration and ..Ie. II <br />....... is; not curad on or Mfore the dnI apKtftId In U. noIIcI. Lender lit lis option may requlra Imrnedll~ prffMnt In full of all .ume MCUred by this Security Instrument <br />...... uu..~ and.., lmoke the poww of.... and II1Y ou.r r'elMdln permtbd by appIlClble law. Lender lhall be entitled to cotlect all a.pan... Incurred In puraulng <br />the..-cla prcrvIdId In this pangraph 111, Including, but nolllmltld to, rauonabll attorneys' ,... and co.b; or UU. 1IV1a.nca. <br />......... or .... lalnvoklld. 'Ti'uatft IhaII rwcord . notice or dellUtt In uc:h county In which any part ot the Proparty I. 10000tId and .han mall copl.. of .uch notice In the <br />---"..crtbed by ~ _ to BorrtNrM' and 10 1M oIhlIr penons prncribMt by _pplicablll... After thl Ume raqulred by applicabl. IIW. Trultee ahall glw publiC notice <br />0I....1D 1M penona..:lln u..,.".. pra<<:ribId by applicatM '-. TN.we. wlthout dMn.and on Borrowlr. shall All the Property al public luctJon to the highest bidder at the <br />....... place end u:KIIr thll'MYM dIsignIIted In U. notIcI or uIe In OM or mo.. pIIrcMS and In my orOlr 1i'Ust.. ca.t.rmlnn. "n'uatR may pOltpone .ale 01 all or eny parcal <br />01" Propw1y by pubic Innounc:ernent at the UrM and plIIcI 01 any prnlouliy Khedulecl ..Ie. Lender or lis designee !MY purcha.. the Property II .ny ..Ie. <br />Upon NCIIipI of .-rn-'d of the price bid, Trtmee ahall dellwt' to the puf'CtlaRf ltulIt.... deed conveying IhI Property. T1\I Nettal. In the 1tuatH'. dHd .hall be prima facIa <br />~ 01 the truth at IM....-nta JMdiI therein. nu._.,.1I apply IhI proceeds at the ..Ie In the following OrOlr: (al to all a.pan'" ar thl ..I., Including, but not limited <br />_ 1hI:lIIiI.s... _ peI'IIdtIad by appIkabIe'" end ,.aonatM lIttOmIyII' fen; (b) to .11 .Umll MCuNd by thIs Security InstrurMnt: and (e) any ..en. to lhe pemm or parsona <br />--. anIIUad tD it. <br />2D. under In ~ Upon accelMation under paragraph '9 or abanOOnment 01 (he Property. Lender (in peraon, by l1gent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entilled 10 <br />... upon. tIke poaan.slOO of and manage the Property .anct to collect the renla 01 the Property mcluding !hose pul due. Any renls collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first <br />ktJJl!l'1fl'll'1lollhe costlI of managemenl otthe Property and COllection 01 rents. indudlng. bul not limited to, recelwr'a lees. premIums on ~iV'Ilr's bonds and reasonable anomeys' fees. and <br />'-' 10 IMI5Ul'M ~ by this Secunty lnstr'UrlWnl <br />21. ~ Upon payment 01 all aumll MCUred by this S6Cunty Inst1Ument. Lel1l:la' shall requesl Trualee 10 reconvey lhe Property and shaU surrender this Security Instrumllnt and <br />.. no6n eviOencing debt secured by IhiI Seeurity InstrurMttllo Trusl.. Tru.... snlO reconwy the Property without warranty snd wlIhoul ctwQe to the per5OT1 or per&Ons legally entitled 10 <br />It. Slx:h~arperlOf'llshallPIYanvf1KX)fdatiOncosts. <br />zz. SUbIttIutII Tr11sM. l8f'der. allts optiOn, may from lIme 10 time remove Truslee and appolnl a successor lrusteo 10 any Truslee eppoinled hSr9untJer by a.n m!llrument recclde.:lln the <br />~ In which this Secunty InstrumenllS n!lCOrded. WIthout conveyarlCll 01 the Property. the successor trustee shall succeed to aU the llUe. power and dulles conrerred upon Truslee hereIn <br />....by_law, <br />ZL ........ lor NoUcn. Bonower reques13 that coptes of the notlcell 01 delautt and sale be senl to Borrower's addreu which is Ihe Property Address, Borrower lurlher requests thai <br />~ ol tt1e ~ or defaull and saJe be senl to each pefSOfl who IS ::: ;o..rty hBreto al the adOress 01 suCh pe~n sat lorth hereIn. <br />:M. RIdInI to If* Sacurtly I~ II one or more nders are exltCUtad tJy Duo.ower and IeC:Qrded together With thIS Secunty Instrument, Ihe covenants and agreements 01 each such <br />rider aMI be incofporIted Into and snail amend and supplemenlthe covenanta and agreements ollhis Secunty lnslrument IlS Illhe nderts) were a part ollhlll Security Instrument. (Check <br />appicIDIe bo..(eslJ <br />C AdJUS!able Rate Rider 0 Condominium RIder 0 2-4 Family Alder <br />S Graduated Paymenl Akler 0 Planned Uml Development Alder <br />o OIhe<('II_J <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELI)W. ~, accepts and agrees to !he terms and covenants contalned In thiS S8CU,p Instrument and In Bny nderlsl e~eculed by. Borrower and recorlJed With II. <br /> <br />~~,,,~.dJ cm.// ( <br />-Borrowel <br />",', t/. ('.' , <br />Ik-yl.< I-- ,Ju'- I A I ( r. )[ <br />" <br /> <br />(SeaH <br />-BoIT1lMl' <br /> <br />[Space Below Thla Una For Acknowledgment) <br /> <br />StIle ol NebruIta ) <br />CouaIy 01' Ha 11 : <br />On.,..~dayof f r; '\,'"-1 \,'j - Y <br />~~ \t;I\fin n rnllinc;r .1r <br /> <br />. '9~. bcfOl'1:l! me, a Notary PubliC m ll'le State 01 NF <br />and Barbara A, Collins. Husband and Wife <br /> <br />to ~ peraoNlIy lmcNm to 1M trle persoolsl named an and who executed lhfI foregOIng lOstrumenl, and acknowledged that <br />woIuntIry Sid and Oeed <br /> <br />e)l3cul&d the same as <br /> <br />My Carnaua>n.."... <br /> <br />, , <br />., <br /> <br />A l',~;.' Nr:1ARY.Sl/lleoINebr <br />~ J[ANNE M SCHROfR <br />.. ~~:.':'"'~" 19.1992 <br /> <br />-.......-..: ,~ ~ \\\ <br />NOTAR'( PUBLIC <br /> <br /><.~ ~'.'~d }4,\ <br /> <br />s.-0I___. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Counly 01 <br />OrltnlS_d-rol <br />-- <br /> <br />. 19 _ belore me a Nolary PublIC In the Stale 01 <br /> <br />rorna peraonaIy llnI:JIrn to ~ the pel"$Olltl' name<l '" and who eaIlCUledl,,-IOtIlOO'"g ,nstlumenl anCl ackM"flrledgoo thaI _______ - e.eculeClthe same as -- ---- <br />'IOllr&Wy IIC1 ana 0Ied <br /> <br />Uy Corr~ Ea~ <br /> <br />.~CT Mh puB!.'( <br />