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<br />88-:105559 <br /> <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />KNO\~ ALL t1EN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />HHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed ./ <br />by Edward J. Stoltenberg and Deborah J. Stoltenber Husba <br />to ren. Baack ' <br />Trustee, for the benefit of HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAlIO~ or <br />GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA, the heneficiary named therein, ~ated August 4 <br />, 19B 6, and recorded August 13 , 193~, 1n the Off1ce of <br />the Reqisterof Deeds of Hall Count", Nehraskf" as In5truMf!n~ '!'1r"C;"1' ,. <br />86-104540 and 86-TD4S41 , has been paid, and sairl beneficiarY,has requested ln "rlt.1n~ <br />that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and dellVel'ed: <br /> <br />NOH, THEREFORE, in cons i del'a t i on of such payment in, accordance with <br />the request of the beneficiary named therein, the unders1gned, as Trustee, <br />does by these presents, grant, remi se, release and reconve~ to the p~rsan <br />or persons entitled thereto all tre in~erest and es~ate der1~ed to sa:d <br />Tl'us tee by or thl'ough said Tl'ust Deed 1 n the foll OWl ng-descr1 hed prel'l1 ses, <br />but only as to such premises; <br /> <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUAR rER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br />(NEkNEk) OF SECTION ThiENTY-SIX (~6), TOWNSHIP TWELVE '(12) NORTH, RANGE ELEVEN (11) <br />WEST OF THE 6TH P,M., IN HALL CDUNIY, NE8RASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI8ED AS FOLLOWS: <br />8EGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION TWENTY-SIX (26); THENCE SOUTHERLY <br />ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION TWENTY-SIX (26) A DISTANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY- <br />FOUR AND FORTY-FOUR HUNDREDTHS (534.44) FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING RIGHT 118020'45" <br />AND RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY, A DISTANCE 'OF FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR AND NINETY-FLVE <br />HUNOREDTHS (524. 9S) FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING RIGHT 06007' 3[Jl' AND RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY, <br />A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED EIGHT~EN AND Thio-TENT'iS (218.2) FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING <br />RIGHT 12005'45" AND RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY, A DISTANCE OF SEVENTY-NINE AND FIFTY-SEVEN <br />HUNDREDTHS (79.57) FEET; THENCE DELFECTING RIGHT 39031' AND RUNNING NORTHERLY, A <br />DISTANCE OF EIGHTY-NINE AND ThiENlY-DNE HUNDREDTHS (89.21) FEET, TO A PDINT ON THE <br />NORTH L1r~E OF SAID SECTION TWENTY-STX (26); THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE <br />OF SAID SECTION TWENTY-SIX (26) A DISTANCE OF SEVEN HUNDRED Thio AND SIXTY-NINE HUND- <br />REDTHS (702.69) FEET TO THE PLACE OF 8EGINNING AND CONTAINING 5.324 ACRES MORE DR <br /> <br />tngether with all buildinqs, fixtures, impl'ovenents and ap~urtenances <br />belonging to such pl'emises. <br /> <br />Dates this 26th <br /> <br />day <br /> <br />" '"P-< d=j"i;)tLJ <br />~ <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />55: <br /> <br />cOutm OF HAll " <br /> <br />On this 26th MY of September , 1988 . before me, tile <br />underslgned, a Notary Public duly corrmissioned and qualified for in said <br />County, personally came. Arend R. Baack , Trustee, to me kno>1O to <br />be the identical person whose nafole is subscribed to the foregoing Trustee's <br />Deed of Reconveyance and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his volun- <br />tary act and deed. <br /> <br />Witness my and and Notarial Seal the day and year l~st above written. <br /> <br />g:-~-1 <br /> <br />~ ~ <br />/1/du.:.LL' ,.)'{ <br />~v Publ ic <br /> <br />, <br />~ /1 /r; <br />~/.''.{7 'r::~ ..-!J.~<,- <br />,/ <br /> <br />LESS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A TRACT or LAND 5ITUATED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NDRTH- <br />EA5T QUARTER or THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (N[kNE!) Dr SECTION lWENTY-SIX (26), TOWNSHIP <br />TM':LVE (12) NORTH, RANGE ELEVEN (11) I.E5T OF THE 6TH P,I'\., IN "ALL COUNTY, Nt8HSKA, <br />A~m i".QRE PARTlCUlARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 8EGINNING Al IHE NOR THE AS' (NE) [QHNE H <br />or SAID ~jORTH(AST QUARlER (NU) NORTHEAST QUARHR (~[;;): IHE~CE 'lIINNl~!, ',[1111 HI HI , <br />A DISTANCl or rrv[ Hur'jDlllO THIRTY-FOUR AND FoRTY-IOUI! I1\JNllKll>!H:, i'd',.,,,,' "II; :dl~i.I <br />["1.TL [[ llNG ~ IGHl 1 \)U 10' 4S" AND RUNN1NL r,mR1HWl \-.1 H~L l i\ '1', IAN: l JI f I ;); ~ 1 -, . '.J n~!1 <br />rORT1-rrvl ~~UN~lDIH~1 (I..S.,.5) FEET; THENL:[ D[Flif. rrr'JI, IJ!'"II: t.' ~'j'1,\1t MJ!1 1'. .< '\~Ih'li'I!;i' <br />:JIR!l~tO". DAJiAll.f\ 111 THE l.A'"JT[I~LY lINl or tlAIr ",1Ii1.lHlr..,l ..-\)1\10'111<' \1:. 'Ii;ji,!!~!,i': <br />