<br />uE:
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower nnd Lender fun her covenant nnd agree 05 follows88- 105540
<br />19. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gin notice to Borrower prior 10 acceleration rollowlna Borrow"r'!
<br />bra.b of any ....oaal or qreem.ollll thlJ SeourIIy lnotrumenllbul nol prior 10 ."".I.ration und.r p.rallftphl 13 and 17 -
<br />1IIll... .ppllabl. I... prorid.. oth.rwlael. lb. noti.. aball specify: 1.1 th. d.r.ult; lbl lb. a.llon r.qulred 10 our. th.
<br />der.ult; 101 . dale, not I... than 30 dayo from th. da~ th. notl..1J Illten to Borro...r, by ..bl.b th. d.f.ult m..t be .ured;
<br />and ldl !bat fallnre to o:nre the dd.ull aD or before th. date IJIOCllled III th. Dati.. mal' ......11111 ....I.ratloD of tb. IUIIIlI
<br />aecuftd by tbIJ SeourIt}' Jutnunent and .... of th. Property. lb. noli.. .balI furth.. IDform Borro...r of th. right to
<br />relastale arter .........tlon and th. rlghl 10 brlnll a ..art action to usert th. nOD...xiJt.o.. of a d.fault or any oth.r
<br />clef.... ofBorro..er to acceI....tlon and..... U th. d.fault is 001 c:nred aD or before th. date .pecllled In th. notiL-e, Lend.r
<br />a! III option III8Y require lIlImedfate p8)'111ent III full of a11111U111 aecuftd by tbia Sec:urIly Instrumenl wllbout furth.r
<br />demand and mal' lII_oke the po..er of.... and any other ....edI.. pemtltted by appIlO8bl.Ia". Lend.r.balI be ..titled to
<br />..UeeI all ~ ull'lIrred III pnmrlng th. remedI.. prorided III tbIJ parallftpb 19, Indudlna, bul nol 1Im1led to,
<br />reuoaable allom.yo' fees and 001II of till. .riden...
<br />If th. po.... If .... IJ 1II..ked, Tmslee aball ......ni a notl.. of def1lulllll ..ob .ount}' In ..blob any part of tb.
<br />Property II located IUIlI abalI malI..pl.. of mob lOti.. III the _.r p.....rIbed by appl108bl. Ia" 10 Borro..er and to th.
<br />nther persoDl prescribed by .ppllabl. Ia... After the tIm. required by appl108ble Ia.., Truslee sball a1_e pubU. notl.e of
<br />....10 the penoDland III th. Inann.r prescribed by appU08ble Ia... Trostee, without demand on Borro..er, .bllll ..lIth.
<br />Property al pnbll. .nc:tlon 10 the b1ghesl bidder 81 th. tIm. and pia.. and und.r th.t.rms desianaled III th. noti.. of sale In
<br />one or more parceJs and ill any onier Trnslee determines. Trostee may postpone saI. of all or any p....1 of the Property by
<br />PllbU. anllollneemenl al th. time and plac. of any preriously scheduled saI.. Lender or Its desianee m.y pur.base the
<br />Property al any....,
<br />UPOD rKeipl of p8)'111enl of th. pri.. bid, Trustee abalI dell_.. 10 the purobaser Trustee'. deed .on..ylng th.
<br />Property. lbe reclmls ill th. Truslee's deed sball be prima facie .rid.nc. of th. truth of the stalements mad. th.r.ln,
<br />Tl'IIIIee lbalI .pply th. proceeds of the .... III th. foUowing oni.r: (a) 10 all expenses of the sale,lncludlna, bul not 1Im1led
<br />10, Tl'IIIIee'. fees u permllled by appU08ble Ia.. and reasonable altomeyo' fees; lb) 10 all .nms secured by this Seeurlly
<br />IlIIInIIIIent; and leI any.".... 10 th. penon or penoDlleplly entllled to IL
<br />20. Lender in P.......on. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of tho Property, Lender (in
<br />penon, by agenl or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled 10 enlet' upon, take possession of and manag. tho
<br />Property and 10 eoUect Ihe rents of the Propcny including those past du.. Any rents eoUeeted by Lend.r or the receiv..
<br />shall be applied first to pa)'lllent of th. costs of management of the Property and collection of r.nts, iII.luding, but not
<br />limited lO. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and tben to the sums secured by
<br />this Security InstrUmenL
<br />21. RecGn..yance. Upon pyment of all sums secured by this SecurilY InstrUm.nt, Lender sball request Trustee 10
<br />reconvey the Property and shaU surrend.. this Sccurily Insuument and all noles eviden.ing debt secured by this Security
<br />InstrUmenlto Truslee. Truslee sball reconvey tho Property wilboul warranty and withoul charge 10 Ihe person or pclSOns
<br />legally entitled 10 iL Such person or penons .balI pay any recordation costs,
<br />n Substltate TnIItee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrUment recorded in the eounly in wbicb Ibis Securily Inslrum.nl is recorded,
<br />Without eonveyancc of th. Property, th. successor lrustee .ba11 suc:cced 10 all Ibe tille, power and duties eonf.rred upon
<br />Trustee berein and by appli08bl.law,
<br />13. Reqneot for Nod.... Borrow.. requests lhat copies of the notices pf default and saI. be scntlo Borrower'.
<br />addrasWbicbislbe~A.ddress. HOrTOoIcr further requests th~t capLCS ot U1~ OC?tlcc5 of de ault and sal~
<br />be seUl:. r.... "",ch. pun;, Wh 1>. a 'partv h=to at the address 01 such p~r!\l1n set lorth herc).I1ed' th .th
<br />a. KldUII to tD1I tj lDIll1IIDent. It one or more nders are executed DY Harrower and recordet: toge er WI
<br />this Sccurily InstrUment, tbe eovcnants and .arcements of eacb such rider shall be ineorporaled into and .ba11 amend and
<br />. supplemenl the eovcnants and agreements of Ihis SecurilY InstrUment as if tbe rid.r(s) were a part of this SecurilY
<br />InstrUmenL (Check applicable box(es)]
<br />o Adjustabl. Rale Rider
<br />
<br />o Graduated Payment Rider
<br />
<br />o Othcr(s) (specify]
<br />
<br />o Condominium Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />
<br />o 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />BY StGNlNG BELow, Borrower accepts and agrees 10 th. termS and eovenants eootained ill this Securlly
<br />instrUment and in any ridcr(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with iL
<br />
<br />~~,~~~, ....:::~~~........."..,(ScaI)
<br />'-"'" :,:;.--..m-------Borrower
<br />Timothy. J. M er
<br />~,\.J..!l''';J,I.,f..~.".)(,:i::+~'~lk~~
<br />Lorraine J. Meyer" J
<br />[$pKe Below lhi& Une For AdmowIedIll"*"1
<br />
<br />State of:
<br />County of:
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />~SS :
<br />
<br />On chi_ 14th day of Oc.tober, 19 BB, before me, a Notary Public in the State
<br />of Nebraska . perlanally appeared Timothy J. Meyer and Lorraine J. Meyer.
<br />husband and wife . to me personally known to be the person{s) named
<br />in and yho ex.~ut.d the foresolng instrument, and cknowledged t at they executed
<br />f~e~l:Ex:>li::.:ir voluntary act aod deed.
<br />
<br />1_,
<br />l!l G."'" ,INulo>..,.:;,.;lt"cfNebflnka!
<br />~ J:J/ISdf HOtM:'IEDT
<br />_-=__~.-:!_ M,C",mm fa:> rl~.: 12.1~~9.1
<br />
<br />