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<br />8orrowrr and Lmdrr co,"manl IrNll(fft as rolklws: <br /> <br />I, Thll Borrower will pay Ihe indebtedness.. as hereinbefore <br />nmvided. Privilege is reserved (0 pay Ihe debt in whole or in Jnrl on <br />.llly anSlallmenl due date <br /> <br />1. That logelher wilh. and In addlllon 10. the monlhly payments <br />( pnncipal and anterest payable under the terms of the nole secured <br />hereh..,. the Borrower will pay 10 the Lender, on the first day of each <br />month unlillhc said nOle I!I fully paid. the following sums: <br /> <br />(al " ~um equal 10 Ihe ground renl'i. if any. next due. plus the <br />remlum!<llhat will neAt become duc and payable on poliCies of firc <br />'ld olher hazard insurance covenng the propeny. plus taxes and <br />':-.:.essments next due on the propeny fall as esti1ftlJled by Ihf' Lender) <br />L~- , !ill sums already paid therefor divided by the number of months <br />III elapse before one ( I ) month prior to the dale when such ground <br />h"Pts. premium~ Laxes and a.ssessmenlS will become deliquenL. such <br />HI..IS to be held by Lender In trust 10 pay Slid ground renlS. <br />premiums. taxes ~ind special a.ssessmen~ and <br /> <br />I b) All payments mentIOned 10 the preceding subsection of [hl~ <br />paragraph and all paymenlS [0 be made under the Dale secured <br />hereb.y shall be added tog:ether. and the aggregale amount thereof <br />0'111 be paid by the Borrower each month In a Single paymenl to be <br />applied by Ihe Lender to lhe following items in the order set fonh: <br /> <br />(I) ground rents. IUcs. assc:ssmenlS. fire and other hazard insur. <br />811CC premiums: <br /> <br />r III interest on lhe nOle secured hereby; <br /> <br />(Ill) amonll.lltJon of the pnnclpal of Slid nole; and <br /> <br />(IV I lale chargo <br /> <br />Any defiCIency In the amount of such aggregate monthly payment <br />~hall. unless made good by Ihe Borrower pnor 10 the due date of the <br />'<':.d such payment OO05ll1ute an eyent of derault under this <br />1I10npge. The Lender ma~ collecl a "late charge" not to exceed four <br />~f1ts (4C I for each dollar (SI) of each payment more than fifteen <br />, tj I days In arreal1i to cover the extra expense mvolved 10 handlmg <br />:Ilnquent payment!.. <br /> <br />3 Thai If the total of tbe payments made by the Borrower under <br />fal of paragraph 2 precedmg shall exceed the amount of paymenu, <br />lI.("(uall\ made b\ the Lende:r for ground rent!.. l3X~ and Jl$eSSment!. <br />l<l IOsu.rancr preimum!o. .u Ihe case ma~ t>c. such C'Aces.s. If the loan I~ <br />current al the opllon of the Borrower. shall be erecilted by Ihe <br />to!:nder on subsequenl p.aymen~ to be made b)' the Borrower. or <br />ldunded 10 the Borrower If. however. the monthly payme:nts made <br />h', the Borrower under (a) of paragraph 2 precechng shall not be <br />.. tffioent to pay ground rents. tax~ and ISSCS5menlS or msurance <br />premIUms. IS Ihe case may be. when the Slme shall become due and <br />payable. Ihen the Borrower shall pay (0 the: Lender any amount <br />necessary to make up the deficiency. on or hefort' the da~ when <br />payment of such ground renLs. taxes. as.sessmenlS. or Insurance <br />premlurm shall be due If at any time the Borrower shall tender to <br />the Lender. In accordance with the prOYIsliln!> of the note secured <br />hcreb)-. full paymenl of Ihe entlTe mdebtedness reprcsc:med thereby. <br />the Lender shill. In oompuung the amount of such mdebtedness. <br />credit 10 the acooum of Ihe Borrower any balance remammg in the <br />funds accumulated under the provISIon!. of (a) of paragraph::: hereof <br />If there shall be a default under an.. of the prOYISlOns of (his <br />IJISlrument resulting: In a public sale of the p: ernlse5 covered bereb). <br /> <br />: 88- 1 ()r:;r:;r.l~ <br />or if the Lender acquires Ihe property othm...lte \ttlt airafllt, the <br />Lender shall apply, at the time or Ihe commencement of such <br />proceedings, or at Ihe lime Ihe propcny is olherwise acquired, Ihe <br />balance Ihen remaining in Ihe funds accumulaled under (a) of <br />paflgraph 2 preceding, as a credit against Ihe amount of principal <br />then remaming unpaid under said nole. <br /> <br />4. That Ihe Borrower will pay ground rents, Iaxes, assessments. <br />Wiler ralcs. and olher governmental or municipal chargcs, fnes, or <br />impositions, for which provision has nol been made hereinbefore, <br />and in dc:fauilthereof the Lender may pay Ihe same; and that the <br />Borrower will promptly deli...el thc official receipts therefor 10 the <br />lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay alllaJlCS which may be levied upon the <br />Lender's inlerest in said real estate and improvements. and which <br />may be levied upon tbis instrument or lhe debl secured hereby (but <br />onl... to the extent Ihat such is not prohibited by law and only to the <br />eXlent lhat such will nol make this loan usurious), but eXcluding any <br />income tax, Stale or Federal. Imposed on Lender, and will file the <br />official receipt showmg such payment with Ihe Lender. Upon <br />yiolation of this undertaking. or jf the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now or hereafter existing from paying the whole or any ponian <br />of the afores~ud taxes. or upon Ihe rendering of any oourt decree <br />prohibllmg the paymenl by the Borrower of any such taxes. or if <br />such la..... or decree provides that any amount so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited on the debt the Lender shall have Ihe <br />right to gl...e ninety dars' written notice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring the payment of the debL If such notice be given, the said <br />debl shall bo;ome due. payable: and oollectible a( Ihe cxpiralion of <br />said ninety days. <br /> <br />6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep any <br />covenant provided for m lhls Instrument then Ihe Lender, al its <br />opuon. may pay or perform the same. and an expendilures so made <br />shall be added to the principal sum owing on the said nOle, shan <br />be secured hereby. and shall bear interest at the rate set fanh in the <br />said nOle. umil paid. <br /> <br />7, That the Borrower hereby assigns, lransfers and sets over 10 Ihe <br />Lender, 10 be applied loward (he paymenl of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby 10 case of a default in the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditIOns of thIS instrument or the said nOle. alllhe rents. <br />revenues and Income 10 be deri...ed from the Slid premises during <br />such time as the indebledness shall remain unpaid, and Ihe Lender <br />shan have power 10 appoint any agem or aJ;cnts il may desire: ror the <br />purpose of rc:painng said premises and of renung the same and <br />collecting the ren~. re\'enues and income. and il may pay OUt of said <br />Incomes all expenses of re~iring said premises and necessary <br />commISSions and expenses mcurred in renting and managing the <br />same and of collecting rentals therefrom; Ibe balance remaining, if <br />an). to be applied loward the discharge of said indebledm:ss. <br /> <br />8. That the Borrower will keep Ihe improvements now existing or <br />hereafler erected on lhe propeny. Insured ~ may be required from <br />time to time by the Lender against loss by fire and olher hll.lrds, <br />casualties and contmgencies in such amounts and for such periods ~ <br />may be required by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due, <br />anv premiums on such msurance., provision for payment of which <br />has not been made herem before. All insurance shall be earned in <br />compames approved by the Lender and the pollcies and renewals <br />thereof shall be held b... the Lender and have attached Ihereto loss <br />payable c1au!.e!o In fav~r of and in form acceptable 10 the Lender. In <br /> <br />HUD.12143DT.1 <br /> <br />Page 2 ot 5 <br />