<br />
<br />88- 105536 lIullmdn Joll rr.l1on /l. Wolf, Willian, N~ 6K4r,1
<br />
<br />
<br />JAMES E. SPIEHS and NANCY L. SPIEHS, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own
<br />right and as spouse of each other
<br />
<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />in consideration nf FORTY-THREE THOUSAND AND NO/lDD------------------- ($43,000.00) DOI.LARS
<br />
<br />reechoed from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confinn unto
<br />
<br />DAVID L. HANSEN and CONNIE K. HANSEN, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />as joint tenants with right of ,mrvivorship, and not IlS tennntH in common, the following described real property in
<br />Ha 11 Counly, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Lot Twenty Three (23), Block One (I), Sothman Subdivision, in. the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />STATEM~NT .l.rr..r.t...u=n
<br />srAMP TAl(
<br />
<br />, ~14198B
<br />l~
<br />
<br />To have and to bold the abo\'e descrihclI premisl's ttl~t.ther witb nil tenemen 8, ler UWt:'UU5 uud uppur.
<br />tena.nces thereto belonging unto the grantees and tu tltt'ir llK.<;ig'IIS, or to the heirn nnd UBsigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />ADd grantor does hereby covenant with tilt' j!fllllll'l'!'i lIud with tl1l'ir lts!'iiJ;'ns nnd with the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survivor of them that grantur iN lnn'full;r sf'itll'd IIf suit! prl'mi~('!'i; thut they ure free from encumbrance
<br />excepting easements and restrictions of record
<br />
<br />
<br />that grantor has good right find luwful Huthority to COllYt'Y thl' ~llmf'; Ilud that l!rantor wnrrlluts and will defend
<br />thl' title to sa.id premises agailllit the lawful duims of uIl pI'rsuns whonH;ue\'er.
<br />It is the intention of aU parties herl'to thut in thl' {.\'t>tlt. lit' tht' d~uth of either of tht> ~ru.n1ee8. the entire
<br />fee simple title to the real estate Khall vest in t.he sl1rvh'in~ l!rIIntec.
<br />
<br />( , ,Dated., '. O. ctober 12
<br />'..\ r,,~
<br />
<br />:: cf~CJ~:r~, ,~ltL~,
<br />
<br />1988
<br />
<br />. ',' .,),.-.)\ ":'r . ">(.... .;..Jc:, L).,.,
<br />
<br />State of ...~,li~.~!I:~!0.........,...., __-_.._...
<br />H 0' , DENIIIY. WOlAHH
<br />County of ....nt'.,................, .,...._ _/j,.?I _~
<br />The foregoina instrument was acknowledged before me on .., ..:':J:..!.i:,:..,'..!..~,f.1..........,....
<br />by "~.~\ll~~..~,, .?'p'j.~n~, .~n9,. ~,~!WY.,,~:.,?.P. !.'~h~" ,~~,~ ~~ !!~., ~n?,~! .~~"',.".".. '~..,."""..,.".,
<br />,GJ..~..!1...,(J ".......'.................
<br />
<br />County ........'
<br />Entered on numerical index llnd filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />.......dayof... .,19.......81....,. .o'elock and. .....minutes ........,..M.,
<br />and recorded in Book.... .. .of... . .at page..
<br />
<br />,': 1...
<br />
<br />STATE OF..,....
<br />
<br />Reg, of Deed.
<br />
<br />By.
<br />
<br />, Deputy
<br />