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<br />88- 105501 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I War Tr....ul)' Ind..-Ral. Caps-Fi..d Ra.. Cun.."llIn Opllllll) <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is mad. this 12th dsyof October <br />19 88 . and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed or Trust <br />or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same dale given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure <br />Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to Central Mortgage Corporation <br />(the "Lender") of the <br />same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and locOled at: <br /> <br />2830 Ft, Worth Court, Grand Island. Nebraska 68803 <br /> <br />(ProperlY Addrc~!>1 <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM <br />RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. THE NOTE ALSO CONTAINS THE OPTION TO CONVERT <br />THE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to Ihe I.:ovcnanl~ and agreements made in the Security Instrument, <br />Horrower and Lender rur1her covenant and agree as follow~: <br /> <br />A. ADJUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an inilial interest ralc of 7. 125 <br />in the adjustable interest rate and the monthly payments. as follows: <br /> <br />4. ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE ANI) MONTHLY PAYMENT CHAN(;ES <br /> <br />%. The Note provides for changes <br /> <br />(AI Chang. Da'.s <br />The adjustable interest rate I will pay may change on Ihe first day of November . <br />19 89 1 and on that day every 12th month thereafter. Each dale on which my adjustable interest rate could change <br />is called a IlChange Date:' <br /> <br />(Bl Th. Ind.. <br />Beginning with lhe first Change Dale. my adjustable intcrc!,t rale will be ba!lcu on an Index. The "Index" i!l the <br />weekly average yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a consuml maturity or I year, as made available <br />by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recenl Index figure available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date <br />is called the "Currem Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable <br />information. The Note Holder will give mc notir.::c of this choice. <br /> <br />(Cl Calculatllln III <br />Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding two and seventy- <br />five hundredths percentage points ( 2.75 %) to the Current Index, <br />The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest onc-eighth of one percentage point (0,125%), <br />Subject to the limits slaled in Seclion 4(D) below I this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next <br />Change Date. <br />The Nole Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the <br />unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest rate <br />in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br />(01 Limits IIn Int..... Ra.. Chang.s <br />The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than 9. 125 % <br />or less than 5..125 %, Thereafter, my adjustable intere!'J1 rate will never be increased or decreased <br />on any single Change Date by more than two percentage points (2'()%) from the rate of inlerest I have been paying <br />for the preceding 12 months. My interest ratc will never be greater Ihan 14.125 /?If), which is called <br />the' 'Maximum Rate", <br />tE) Err.e1I.. Dal. IIi Chang.s <br />My lIew interest rate will become cffL"Clh'c on each Change Dme. I will pay (he amount or my new monthly payment <br />beginning on the first monthly payment dale after Ihe Change Dale until the amounl of my monthly paymenl changes <br />again. <br />(F) Notice of Changes <br />The Note Holder will deliver or maitto me a notice of any changc!'! in my adjmtable iT1lere..t ralc and (he amoulH <br />of my monthly payment before the effeclivc date of .my changc. The nuticc will indueJc information rCljuiretJ by law <br />10 be given me and also the title and telephone nllmber of a pcp.un "hl! \\ ill amwcr any que~tion I mn) hi.IH regardinl! <br />the notice. <br />B. FIXED INTERt:ST RATE OPTION <br /> <br />The Note provides for the Borrower's oplion to convert from an adjustable interest rale with interest ralC limils <br />to a f1Ud interest fate. as follows: <br /> <br />5. FIXED INTEREST RATE CONVERSION OPTION <br />(AI Option 10 Cun..rt In FI..d Ral. <br />I h;J\'c a Conversion Option thai I can exercise unles~ I am in defa.ult or thi', SCl.:tinn Ci(!\, will not pl'unil mc <br />to do so. The "Conversion Option" i!'! my option to cOllver! the iOlere'it ralc I am required III P~l) hy [1m :'\Inll' froTll <br />an adjustable rate with interest rate Iimil~ lo the fixed ratc cilkuhJlcd under Seclion 5(B) hcJO\\ <br />The con...cnioll can unh' ta~e place Oil a date(\l \JlL~cified b).' the Note Holder durin~ thc jlL'Tllhl hl'!!l1ll1l1l~ 011 <br />the rir'll ChangC' Dale and endmg on Ihe rifth Clmngl' Dale:" Em:h dale 011 "hl\:h m) iHljU\tilbll' inll'IC\[ I all' ~".11I dlll\ l'l t <br />lU thC' ne~ r."r:d ralC' I" l"alled tht' "Col1\-cr\iol1 Date." <br /> <br />MUl ".TATE AOJUSTA.LE UTE RIDE" - ARM PLAN S7 - S,nU'tl F lI"''''. Flann.. M.. Un.form In_'rum.nt <br />.. ~~!t"'" ......vo".r....I.I.....""... ".....I~". . ~..' <br /> <br />I <lOfT' '11" 1} 81 <br />
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