<br />
<br />88- 105499
<br />anolo au JRen bp 'Utbese ~ttstnt" TItoI. Whue<u. In an ad... In u.. Duf>{d CDur' of 1M
<br />~th._.,.Judic/a1 Duf>itJ of 1M SI4Ie of N..."'. "ilhin ....JOI' 0.. County of.............m.......!.r.~.~_L._....m_._'...'.., um.rdn
<br />-I!Q!n.!L..);'f;l,g"f;lJ;,iill",.?',<! y.ln9.!L..<!J:1..9..Jd9...<lIU\,!;.!?Q..!::..J...<!.t.i9J)-...Q..f,...Gr.,i,\mt,J;.li',l.;!.I..1Q..___...-P/ainliJ1_. .ud
<br />I qn<\~J9, ..!:1_...,Y.,ifl!.cI~;1!..l." GYJ}.1;.h.!.!!...~,_..Yl!.!.<!e_~L...~,t..._'!1-,..L_..., , , ..........,....,......,_._....................d<fmdonl_S
<br />ollA<...:tanU=!'....lst-,..,..-....., Term. A. D. 19..aS. of mid ",url,Home...Ee.der.al,..Savings._&...Laan...AsSo.c..
<br />did o6I4in . -.. fuvling IhoJ u.... u duo Jrom...!~~~E..~.()_..~~...Y.3._~c1~~_..~.!'!c1....<::Y..!'!.t:.l1.~.,,-.f.\.....-.Y..''}9.~,~.._,
<br />.......JiQl!l..~,_r~..<!E!f:ifl.1~i''-Y.:~.1}9-'L.!,I..~.cL~~H!..!L~!1.!?Q,!::...!E.J;J.QIL9..LG.Li'ill_C;!_J.!?.1..~QiL.......... ,..... u...wn
<br />~ XhirJ:,y.....Ei.CJ.hl: TbollSand,...six.,.HundJ:.ed...Eif.te.en.....and",,7.S/l'O'O,,(S3.B...615.,1.S,),.-,dolTdr..
<br />
<br />and eMU of mil laznl at. ....cIollar.. and. whouu. iJlL'lU IMn and lhue
<br />jurihv onJued in lh.e raid adion thai in thJtwU aJ Ihr payment nf 1M awn MlJound d~ by the .raid.__I.gnacio....M.....Jl.alde.z....--_..
<br />..a.nd..,C.y.n,tbia A. Valdez. ' ,/h.l, ..........._.);;mmg.!:J: ..<:;,...N;,l}g,t.t..
<br />Shuilf of .aid Cowtly oj. ...mo..Hall... . .hould co"", tM. lanch and leJU!11U!nU 1~,.tdnaJIt'r dt':=-~:~=:! to be
<br />adrulunl and .old aaording 10 laUJ to par tM ,famt', and. uJU'lTfU, dr/ollll JzOfling ~n nuu:k [haem. the .aid.
<br />.E:mTD~t.t:. ..r;;, L..~.D.e t.1: . Sheiff o/.aid C(Jwuy, undu and by fJirl~ oj the mid d~ and
<br />tk order oj .ak lo him duly dirrchd. did un tM. 2.J:1..9 day oJ.....8.).J9,1..l$.:t..............-.... .. ......A. D. 19_.e..~
<br />0/. tM__.lo.wer. lobby. ~1bIr oj ~ Counly Courlllmut! in {/~ .city. .........oJ......Gr.and..I..sland..._..._..
<br />in .aidCounly 0/ ..Ha..lJ ,fumingflrd giom duean.d legal nDli<<ojlhel~and place oj .aid.ale
<br />by putJirah'on onN" in f'ad, tN'rk .for four Jlflrrr6f;rr I/Y'''kx in //'r nGx:.g}J..q....t~l.gJ'lqn.Q.p..iJ..Y..!_':L~~EjJ1~t!d and in rJt!J1l!raI
<br />eircuJolion in .aid County oj.. Ha 1~.. ..Grand.....- ___....... ~ll wid premuu aJ public auction la_..B.Q!lU~,........f_~.g.~X a
<br />..savings",..a.oo ,Loan ,Asseci.ation ..of~s.Landfor o",.urn of.Twenq...,Jj',Lv.e-....Theusand...,anGl--
<br />,.aO/-lO.a, {$ 2!}, 0 00.00) ....Jolla". whido,.w,.... ofl<nmrd a1 u.....,.],an.,...lSi:.T"'n oJ ..id ",ur'.
<br />A. D.. 19..s.a. ezaminnl.nd "",r"",,'! and u.. ........ ]';[II)),<;3.t;,t:, <:;, h1:U<;3,t .......,.. lUck ShuiJT. ....w.d
<br />Ia ""''''' 1M .aid p"",im inJ.. .imp", ID 0.. .oid Hom.~ f~';I~r,aL,Saying sand,L.oan,AssQ,cia.tion......_....
<br />.flolD ~~trrfort. I, II.. ..id Dnm.et,tC .,..Al;,nett ' ... ......Shoi/! oJu.. County oJ
<br />Hall IU ojtJN'MJW, in roluideralion of tAe prtmisu unci by rlirlue qf the JK1U't!r.vuud in 1J1l! by lauI onJ 1M
<br />-.. of .oid ",un. do herby Gi... GnmJ and CDn",,'n II., 1Uid...llQrne, ,F,~d,e,ra,l..,S.aYi,ng.s_..an.d..J"Q,an...I\s,sQ.G,i.;,\ ti
<br />.a.f.....GJ:::and I.~and..,.Ne..br.. -r i.ts ..SU.Cc.~..S..sQ.-r...s. aiIfI and w.r;,n..,lhe premYu nJ IU aJore~iJ rold, la wit:
<br />
<br />.Th<;3.~9.uther ly ,!,:~gl1ty-P iV,e al}gSgYf;..n Ten"h~Je~,..7 L .feet Clf J:,01;:~i;>:\ ..LEU...
<br />_j,1} 13Jock For:ty~SL;< (46). inR,\,lssgl 11Me}E!!:'? i\<;ldition to th,<;3, CLty QJ
<br />.G.r"lnd Island, Ha,U, County,Nebr:a,!;.K<!.
<br />
<br />__..___... with tAe tJppurknD.ru:a.
<br />a::O Jlabt anb to Jlolb t~e &amt nn/D Ih..oiL. .Home, F,ed.eJ:al",.5a"w,g..5 aOOLean.._
<br />II ~ c::n~'; ;:! t- ; nn...af....Gl:.a.nd.__I..sJ..and,..i..t.s.._~~-~-~~ ind auiQlJ6. and to lhDn and tNii' rue and bthool JonrtO'.
<br />Ja a::eBtimonp 18btrtof. I","",." mch Shai/!. hrzounIn ,,' my loand Ihu_.,_, ,12 th .,-..,day 0/
<br />_....f.\ll'Jll~t. ._A. D.. 19J1.13.. jP _, /J _
<br />~:Uh,J.l{f4_,C...Y.::LId"'&'ZL, '
<br />
<br />E~ and ddit.wed in 1M p~ uj
<br />R. L. Nilliams
<br />
<br />Shu;ffoJ_......._.....llalL.-,...,...... ._,C.ounIy. Ntbnu...
<br />
<br />c-q<t Hal'
<br />
<br />On Ihu__ ...J.~....-....""" nf..J\ug-Iol,st ..
<br />19ft.. ",J-.... 0.. and.nionnL---BmJ!J..eI..L.~ ..Wil.li.am5
<br />
<br />,JIL
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