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<br />tolOR1t;AGI' <br /> <br />-1-05461 <br />MOR1t:AGI, LOAN NO, HI B91 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL IU:N BV nmSF. PRESENTS, 'l1>a' Barnard L. McGahan and Csrol A. McGahan, each in <br />her Own right, and as spouse of each other, <br /> <br />83 <br /> <br />FHA <br /> <br />his snd <br /> <br />MortPBOf. whether one or more. in consideration of the lWDor <br />Six Thousand and no/l00 ------------------------------------------------------------OOlLARS <br /> <br />loaDed 10 said mortgqor by n.e Equitable BuiJdinl and Luan ADodation of Gruld Island, Nebna*a. Mortp.zee. upon 60 dwcs of Iloct or <br /> <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certirocate No. III B91 FHA. do gnml. eonYO}' and "",nEll!" onto .be aid ASSOCIATION IIu: followtPa <br />described real e:ble. Eiluated in IhlJ County. Nebl2Sb: <br /> <br />Parcell: Lot Three (3), Block Eighteen (lB) , Schimmer's Addition to tha City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel 2: Lot Six (6), Block Eightean (lB), Schimmer's Addition to tha City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />loFtb:r widl aD the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached noor coverinp. all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows. 3WlUDg!.. ~hng. air cllndil1onmg.and plumbing and water cquipmenl and .ccessories thereto. pumps. stma, <br />refri&eBlors. and other fixtUJ"Cs and equipmenl now or hc:rc.after altached to or used in oonneclion with said real eslale. <br /> <br />And wberas the said mortgagor has .yced and dOCfi hereby agree lhal the murtgagor shall and will ply aU lUes and UlCDlDCDtllcYia1 or <br /> <br />=l%U~~ ~eP~~n::p ~~ ~np~;~~:::~~~ :~~ ::~~;;1I:~b~~8o before ~~~b~O ~~ b~~~~~Ut~~ <br />ASSOClA nON the policiet for said inmrance; and nol to rommil or pcm1il any waste un or about said premix:s~ <br />In cue of defaull in the. performance uf any of the lernu and cundiliom of tJus mortgage or the bond 1ICc;wed hereby 1 the rnortpBee 1haI1. <br />on demand, be cnlilled to immediate poucssion of thc mortpgcd premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, traosfcl3 and .:15 Oyer to the <br />morlpp aU the ren15, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premise1 durirq; such tUnc u the morlglF indebtedness IbalI temaiD <br />unpaid; and the mortpgcc shaD hD"e the power to .appoint any agent 01 agents it may desirc for the purposc of repairiDr: aid premises and rentina <br />lbe amc and roUcctin~ the rents, rncnues and income. and it mlY payout uf said income aU expemcs of repairina: aid prcmilcs and neceauy <br />cmnrniaiom and expenses incuned in rcotIDz and 1IWllI~ the same and of roUecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaininl. if any. to be <br />applied toward the discharge uf said mortg28e indebtedness: these rights of Lhc mOlt~gec may be exerciJed at any time during 1M existence of such <br />default. irrespedM of any lempol2t)' waiver of lhe same. <br />~ Pre!lenls. ho~. arc upon the Condilion.11la1 if thc said Mort&2J:OI shalllcpay said loan on or before the maturity of aid shares by <br />paymmt; pay monthly 10 wd ASSOCIATION of the sum specified m Ihe Bond secured hereby as interest and principal 00 said loan, on or before <br />the Twenliethday of each and every month. until said Imn is fully paid; pay all taxes andassr:ssmen15lcYied~ said premiJcl and on this MortpF <br />and the Bond llCa.lled thereby, before delinquency; fwnish approved insurancr upon the buildings lherean in the rum ofS 6,000. DO payable <br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay 10 said ASSOCiATION upon demand all money by II {Qid fm such taxes, UlCSllDCnts and insunncc with interest al <br />the maximum.1 ra1e thereon {rom dale of payment aU of which Mongagor hereby agrees 10 pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and a>mply <br /> <br />::~~ ~ ~~~f~d~~io.:i~t~::::~~~ws~I~O~:~~~;gt= ~~ ;~~o~D~::dn~~~~:~;=_= <br />shall remain in full fOlce and may be foreclosed althe option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure fOl three months to make any of aid <br />pl)'lDmlti or be three months in arrears in making said monlhly plyments, or lo keep and comply wilh the agrcctm:nts and conditions of said Bond; <br />and MDrlPB01 agrees to N.'\Ie a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings. <br />If 1btrc is any ~ in ovmenhip of Ihe real CSlaIe rnortp&cd ~, by sale: or otherwile, then the cntire rcmain..inI indebtednea br:reby <br />ICICUTCd man, allhr opIioo Df The Equi~b1e Building and Loan AsIocialion of Grand Island, Neb....... become immediately due and payahJc without <br />r~ DlJticz. and lhe UlPUDI rernaininz due under said bond, and any other bond for any additiDnaladVIDCCS made lbercundcr.1IWl. from the <br />date of ~ of aid optioD. bear interest at the nuximum legal n.le~ and thi! mortpge may then be forecloled to .tiDy the IIDOUIII due on aid <br />boad,and my _ bood for additional adwuu:es.lag<lhct wilb oJ] sums paid by SlIid The EquiUble Buildin& and Loan _.ion ofGnnd IsIIlld. <br />NeIJrab for inJuqnc:c~ taxes and aa::smacnls,.md abstnctin& extension charges, wilh interest thereon, from dale of payment al the maximum <br />Iepl ..... <br />As provided in the Bond ICCUred heTcby, while this mortpsc remains in effect lhe: mortgagee may hereafter arlvaru;z additional SlUDI to lhe <br />agken of said Bond. their..ens 01 n in mtercst. which sums shaD be withtn the securily of this mortgage the same u rhc fundi ofi&inally <br />lhereby, the total amount 0 debt nol to cu:eed al any lime the original amounl of this mortgage. <br />11m 4 Octobar A. D.. 19 S8 <br /> <br /> <br />Carol A. McGahan <br /> <br />STAlE OF NEBRASKA. I'" <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br /> <br />On 11m <br /> <br />4th <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />October <br /> <br />19BB . bcr""'.... <br /> <br />the unde~.1 NOLary rublic in and for laid County. ~y carne <br />Bernard L. McGahan and Carol A. McGahan, Bach in his and her own <br />right 1 and as spouse of each other who are penonaIJy k.nown 10 <br />DE to be the IdmticaJ pcnons .hOE nameS are affixed tv the abuVI:' tnStfj mortgagor 5 and they snetally <br />ackDowk:dFd tht SlId mstrwnenl 10 be the ~r -.olunl21}' ad and deed ~ <br />Wr'rPl1:5S my hand and Nowul Satlbe datt afores;ud ~ <br /> <br />N, '"''''''''''''''"'1''''' 9-1_ F'J '~' L----~? .h:..> L .t:;' <br />....., n--:.-..:.=-I ~ -7 ~~I'UhoY <br />l* ."1::... 1Il"- <br />