<br />
<br />IlENEFI~I~~ 105426
<br />..w('() FINANCIAL SERVln;S
<br />
<br />/""<0..' ...... I
<br />
<br />,......,
<br />LUEBBE Marvin F. I Luebbe
<br />
<br />I....~..~~ :DD"~:r t h Ha ncae k. Gra nd Is] a od. NE
<br />
<br />
<br />14'1) Nort(~~t.~F Rnr'td
<br />
<br />Martha
<br />
<br />68801 Grand Is] and . NEDRASKA
<br />
<br />TlUS DH:D OF TRUST, ~bd(' Ihil_...-.21.il dar ul Sent ember . lQ.-.-a.8-. bel""'!'cn ~~~C~. F i. u ~~:~~e d ~ad w~~~tha
<br />hereinafter c:Jlled TR USTOR. whose ;Jddrc'~ is ---1....O.ll--.N.o.r..t.b...__ J..:I A n r n r k and r,... y M Q n i)' '" r CI
<br />-~----_. hert'inafler l.-..1l1ed TRllSTEl, whnst' address i~---1.D..6.5--1'L-ll.5- 0:::+ <;:"';"00 1 nn nrn:oh... "1';-
<br />and AVr:O FINANCIAL SERVICES INTFRNATlONAL. INC.. a Nt'bmka \.'urplltaTlun. hereinafter called BENr',FICIARY, .whose address is
<br />~~b-Road...,--GxaA'L~___
<br />WITNI::SSI:TII: Thai Tru\tur GRANTS. ('ON\TYS, Sl-l.LS AND WARRANTS TO TRl1STFI-. IN T1l1JST. WITH POWFR or SALE. the rotlowlng described
<br />pro~rl)', ,UIl.lIed In_ 1I-a..l..L. ,~__,_,__,___ CuunlY, Nchra~b
<br />
<br />South Slxtc>€n (16lFeet of Lot Seven (7) and the Norlh Forty-four (44) feet
<br />of Lot Elght (8) In Bloc"'- Thirteen {131 inWest Park Addition to the 'City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraskn
<br />
<br />also known as
<br />
<br />1011 North Hancock
<br />
<br />(Number ~~d Strt:t:t)
<br />tnFclher wllh all blllhlmJ!s l:md .'mprovemtnt,' Of",", lH'h'8...all~'r l'rel'l..d Iher,'lIn and "ll "nccn\. J\\mn~\. \h..ld,'\, \Iun I \ash and hllnd\, ;lnd hcoating.lighting.
<br />plumbing, Pl,. ell"l'un:, ,'enulaTlnJ!, refriEti:eating and air,undlll11ntnl! l'4u1plllcnl Il\l:d In ..'nnnc,'rIlHl rhl'I,'Wllh, a]~ (11 Whl,'h, I(lr the J1urpllSC of ~his Deed of
<br />Teusl, shall hI: dl:t.'lIIl'd ll\IUrcs and ..ubJecl III Ih... hen htH'l,I, and Ihl' 11I~lcJlI..Im,'III" ,lnd .lrr"llll'n,llll'I"\ rellall1l11F 10 Ihe prnrcr1y jhll~" de~~T1bed, ;md all
<br />\Ireeh, lane!!.. ,dlc).., pa\l.allc\, wa) \, \I..aler\, \\ aII'I 1..11ur.....\. f1};!hl\, hhcrlll," .wd rl1\IIt'I!"', \\ h.ll,,,..'\t'r Ih"II'unl'l hdolllllllF III 111 an~'wi\t: appertaininl! and Ihe
<br />re\en..m~ ;md reJllJlIldl:'n,.Il1 01 wllh:h 1\ f,'1'l'lfed I" hC'll'l/lJlh.'r .1\ lh.. "pfl:lIlln'~"
<br />
<br />TO II A \.'1, ,-\NIJ TO HOLD thl" abuw,dl!r.l.:nhed JllellllW.., wllh Ihc appurlenallCl:\ ,md lhlure" unllllhe '>:lId Ul'nefidar}o', ilr. sucr.:eums and ani~ns, forever, fot
<br />Ihe purpOloC\ ..Ind u.,.', ht'rl'm \CI forlh, flt"l' hom all r1!!hu and l":llefit, undcl .Ind br "'UIlle IIf IIny Homestead b.cmplion Laws uf the Stalc of Nebraska
<br />"'IIIr.:11 fIl3) hI.' l'IlJdl'1.l, whkh !l.J.ld riFhh and hCllefih the <r.ald Tru\tlll dll'", hl'n'hr c"'llfl,..,lr rcl..a~ and WalVe\,
<br />
<br />Truslor also anigns 10 Bellefki:uy :ill rents, issucs IInd rrofits of said premhcs, ~nntin!: the right 10 collect and use the same. with or ...dthuut taking pmses\illll of
<br />the premhe~, during continu:mc... of default hereunder, and dUring cnntinuancc of such I1dault authorizing Beneficiary III enter UP'lll said premises alld/ollO l'ollcct
<br />and tnforcc thc ,""me WinluUI tl'~d to adequacy of any security fur the indebtcdncss hereb} ~ecUled by an): lawful meam indudint: appointJllent uf a n~cdvcr in
<br />thl! name of any parI)' heretu, and to apply Ihe tame lcs~ l'Olts and cltpenses 01 oper..ltiun and collection, indudinlt rCllJionable lIttorn!:'}"s feer., upon an)' indebted-
<br />ness secured hereby, in such ordet as Beneficury may determine.
<br />
<br />lOR Till: PURI>oSI. UJ SlTL'R1NG' ell Pl'rfort11anLe <If eadl aFreement lit' TrUqlll e<lnt,uned herein. III Papnent nf Ihe pr)nctpuJ sum with intere~t, as
<br />(1rll\lded III aLlurdlln...e ....lIh ,hI' lerrn~ alld pr,,~'i~lt'm "I' <I. Prurnnson ,\"tl' Lnolfl J\Fleel1lenl rherelnaftel refeued In Ill. "prullli~r.llf)' nole" i dllted
<br />
<br />Q /? 1 / R R , herewith e\e..ut...d b~ Trlatllr <l.nd parllblt to the order of Uenelkiu.ry, in the PrinCipal ~um (If
<br />
<br />S J 6. 0 0 4! E. Jnd ha\illlF Ihe dat.. "t Ih final p.lrll1ent due ,'n '),' 2 J,' ') 2 ,Ill liS e\tended.
<br />
<br />deferred III resdlf;dulcd b~ rene......1 ..r refman.:e, OJ P.:l.) rnent "I .In~ "ddlTl'lO.:l.1 ..d\'un..'e\. ....llh Intelcr.1 thcreun a~ rna~ hereafler be lnaned by Uc-nefidllr)'
<br />
<br />I.. TrU\tlll In II lI1a\ll1llll11 \tlnl ..I S J Go g Q. 2 G , wnhm 15 )'ean from the l1ale IIllhh Iked of Trmt, however,
<br />1111' 1'"I..Ielil(1h doe~ nnt ...unloUlUle .! .....lIIl1lltll1enl b} Ikndldilf) 10 make future ad\....no.:cs; 1-11 Thl' pOlrmenl of an}' mOiler Ihal, mOl,~ be adl'anL'ed b) Ihe
<br />
<br />~,~~:~~..~~ ~ ~ , ,Ill )IIJ: Ul~t~~ld t::: T~ ~s ~ ~at5\" ~~} I Or; ~I~~d ae;~ 'f~~'a~::~1! I ~ ,Ire ~ ~ ~ e~~~:'~o~ j :~dr ~'~~:I1~~~~ ~~' ~t~ I~: ell~l~ ~:I ~~tte'rll a~~~~~~' ~nt:l ~ ( ;\~~at~rl ~\ h:~ h.:l. ~~ ~;~ d b,~~::~: ::IU :~~
<br />
<br />Iheldlll
<br />
<br />.\II pltpnenh iliadI:' b) 1 rusfm un Ihe uhhFaunn !oCrUlcd II) Ih1\ I>cl'd III 'I IU~I ..hall hc applied in Ihe ftlllowi~!! ordel
<br />IIRSI 1\1 1IIl: poltllll'nt uf la\er. oInd oI\!>C\\lIlCnl" lhal 111.1) ht' 11:'\ll'd .Iml a\\e~\I'd a!!i1In~' ~Jld pll:'ml'iCs. Illsuran,'c prt'miul1a, I"palrr.. ;md all ulher churJ!.l'r.
<br />and e\PCn'>t.'" :Jj:recd ". he paid b~ Ihe Tru..tlll
<br />SHUNl>: To Ihe parrnenl {II 1Illere!l.t due "n \;ud IU.ln
<br />T1URU: 1 n lh~' payment Ill' prindpal.
<br />
<br />TO PROH,n' nIL SI:CllRIT'r IH-Rl:OI', TRUSTORISI COVI',NANl'S o\NIl -\(;RFlS' II) III lct'p !>:lId prt'nll~s imured a~lIIst Imr. hy fire an~ othcl
<br />hazalds" t:asualt) and l:tJntlllJlcn'le~ up Iu Ihe full "alu!: ul .III ll11flru~el1lcnt~ lor Ih~' pro":....lllIn 01 nen,'f1.-lary III ~uch manner, III r.uch ,lIllOunh, and III ~ur.:h
<br />
<br />~~~C:~~~,a\: ~'~l~~~~'~~~em.~;' I~~(:~l" I;~C,~~' rl;~:~Jl~~~~I:~1 ~~j :~I~:1I11~~~1l~~I;~,I:'CI~\ t,f\I~~~ "l~t~l~~ r';u\~l:~~''''~~lt]T ~,~~;a::;l~llt'~I~I:~f~:~~~~~\~;,P~~~~1 l~.e 111~P::~~C~~i~~~
<br />
<br />",nu may I1UIke rumf uf Inu if not madc prompll)' h)' Tnl\tor, .Iod eoldl mLUr..lne',' Ullllp.ln} Ill/lCl'fnt'J I. h,'r,'h~ .lulhurlll'd ,md dill'dl'll r" n1.1kl' pil' mcnl 1'01
<br />\Uch luu dirc\:lh ft) Ihe Ben...flCi.lry I11sle.ld ..f I" the Tru'I"r L~l f" 1M)" "II ta...~'. .Ind ""'l'lal .I~""'''llll'nh "I .In.\ lllld lh:!! h;.". "l'en "I IlIJ~ bl' 11'\'It'd "r
<br />.!ucli'.ed upun ....ld Pll'1I11'>t.'\, .Ind I.. ddlll"T} I.. Ikl1l'nn.H~, UP"1l fl'QlJl'\l "1 rhe lh-m'II.-I.!r). Ifl\' ..HI_I,,1 n'l~'lpl ,11Ll\\m~' 1,.I\1tWt11 ,'I ,Ill \l1rh la\l'~ ill1d
<br />.aueument.L (3, In the e"cnl nf default h)' Truslur under Panf,!ral'hs I ur :2 ;ahullc, Ucnet'ICl.OIr)., at .h "1'11"11, 1U00Y I..~ 1'1",,0: ..nd t.el-p "Udl msuralll:c abo...c
<br />rmwjded fm in fUI~e IhwujiliUUI tilt" lift' <,f Ihi~ De("d 01 Tmr.1 and p;.lr Ihe re..l""nahl.. prcmllllll\ and ...har!!l'~ lher!'l'n!. lhl pol.} .III '.lId ra........ and a\~!ismenls
<br />wlthuul delerrnming :111' "ol.lidil} therellt'; ..Ind lei P..I) \urh Itl"n.. Jnd .III ..urh dl\hur~ll1enh .hall hl' dl'l'l1wd 01 p..lr! uf IIll' inddlll't1nt.... \l'nUl'd hy !1m Deed, tlf
<br />Trust and ~hall be Im111~dl.llld~. due and p..l~'..Ihle hl- 1 ru..lur lu Iklll:flrtJO, t41 Tll /..c"P lh,' bUlldm!!' .Ind lllller llnpuwemenr.. no\\ "",..IUlll lIT hCf".:JII~r
<br />cr-ecln:J in J:l>tld L'undrtiun .:Ind U:p41f, n~,t tll cummil ..r \ufh:r an~ ...a.rt' "I an}. u.... III ..,lid prCIIIl~\ L'I'ntr;.rr~ lu rt'1.lrll:lion.. <It ".o"'lId "r l"nllar~ 10 lav., and
<br />to pc"nnit 8eneficl.t1l' It, enter III illl reas.un.llbll:' I1mc\ fnl Iht' l'Ulp"~ "l" m~Jlel'llll~ the prcmr,.e~. nul rll rcltln\'C III dl:'lIluhJ.h all~ hUJldlll/o! Ihereun; h, rcor.lore
<br />promptly And in A ~oud and 'umrlcmanlikt manner an}' buildin,:s which ma}' be dallla!:ed or dC1.l1n)'ed thelt"lIl, and III p.:l}, \\htn due, all claiml, 1m IlIbur pt!rfulmed
<br />~d materials fumls.heJ therdar; 15) That. if a lign~r 01 the Prumi~Wlr)' Nute. he will {la}', phlfllptly ~h... indeblcdnl'!!.\ ..t'l'url'.d helebt. .Ind perlurm all nthel obliga-
<br />tions in full compliance with !.he temlsllf ~ald Pruml~1.0n' NUle and thb Decd 01 Trust. 16) TIlal tht' lime "I pa} lIlenl oj Ihe lIIdt'htcdm'.. hetch~' u'ruted, Ilr of am'
<br />portion thell:of. Ilt;i)' be cxtended ur rent'wed., llnd 1l.Il)' ('urtiuns ut the prcmj~ herdn de!I.Cribed 11l0lr, ....111wul Illllil'c, bl:' relt:ased lrum Ihe 11t'1I 11('"11'(11. withoul
<br />
<br />~~"~::: :~:e~:=~~"fh~::O~~:~ ~~~f;~'f~fci~r~lr~y"~n~:.r~~~~~so~,~~~~::, of Trust. (7) nUl he d~1. ht!wb)' r'\ft'~~r u.'4rttIl1l :md u.'llIlnrel'c1 dcrend Ihe
<br />ri'c~fl~:~!~ i~::r~~r I~a~h~u ;e~jse~~)'th~~Y~~~n~~r~u o~n~r:~:l":,\ 1~1;~C~it~~~~;ldt~~li;~It~~ ~I~:' l:ll:II~~ ~~dl~~~'ll~:~t:71! n::1 I~,~Il:::1~:~" ~t~,'::':~I~hlJ~:~~l';~:~I!'IU~~ 1~~I;
<br />wllhuul rde...unJ! Tru'lur hum ;anr ubUplion h("reund~'r, mil} maLl' "I du Ih,' \;:Ime, .Ind nu~ pa), purdl;a-;.c, ,,'!lllll'..1 \'1 ~'ulllpr"I11"" .111\ l'IKul1lhr.ln..'l'. dlar.vr
<br />~;:el~~~)i~:~h d::"r~t~,~~d~~Bn~~~~C:l I~I'Jf~~~e'co ~~i~~~ll ~1~ ~r;~I:;r ~t~~~~~r~II ~I~re:~;t~np '\Ir\u'~~h ~:~ni~~~I~'r~~':~'~ ;~'~)I>t~:~L~~~1 ~/I~~\,~;l~:~.I'~\ \\ ,I:: r~,~~;I\I~:~h:~~II~' ll~:
<br />
<br />....,1Ihou. dem;tnd Imme-dulel)' due .nd I'oil)'..hle b)' Tnnltlr, ~h.J1 he,:&! tnteu,"llll Ihe 11I~h.esl lall' l'efllUIll"t1 h) b". 0I1l1..! .11.1111,\' ......ure.,] 11",,'h~
<br />
<br />1'::1 Should Ihe' PIl"ml~' III .Jnl' part IhcorC'nl he 'lIk.en II)" 1e.ll""" ill an) ,'ondl'mnation rrne'e,'dinj:, Ih-m'fj, 1..1\ .Iu/l t-c enlllk,l r" ,III '''lIll'''n''.llt''ll, 0I....;t1l).
<br />.nd ulher f1..)"mcnu Ihl"ldUl, "00 hi "PI.I,. th., ....me un thr mdrlu...dn.,.... "'LlIr~'o.I hcro:h\
<br />
<br />1)1 II, "~'''C'J'llft, ~...tQlc-nl ul .an) ..um hC'lr~ 'C'L'u,.,d ,Ill Ie, I" .Iu\' d..l." '" oIllel rh.. Illln~ "r II"IH:.. "I ,1.'I..,,!! ,m.1 ,,, "1,', I..,,,, ...11, 1I"n\"11< '..r' .Iullll'.r
<br />....\'.:- tlO fl~hl h. I\'~ulrc' pl<Impl 11.I)",cnl \/<h~n due ..I 0111 nllter WJIIl. "'. ...nued, "I In J..d..JI\' Jd.ltlll I", l,uJUI<' r.. .... 1'.1', .., " 1'1'" ,',.1 ...1I1t III. ....J.. ..ndt'l
<br />"'l' ""t! n..1A" .., "~I.ull .nd "f t:ltt:llun I.. -ell. lu. n~ unpolulluIOlt"" "I \,lId InddH,'dnl"" II ""'".lhlJ'\ 10,,1.1. .11'\ ,,,,""""IlJI .......rl\\ "'1 .111\ ,.hlll:.i!ll"1I
<br />...,uu.J h..rl.\," nl", ....nl....r lhr \.Ill' Ih......"l"t IUn ..n ,'III..., t\lel""., ,"ntl'tnl'"r..nr..u.h 1o\Ilh . .l!,.' tll,. ...,1,-" "",1. 't,., ""I.
<br />
<br />U II.'. ,..... , '.1"'& U'''&..I- v.u.... L......
<br />
<br />