<br />.. .
<br />_B4~"'S
<br />
<br />88-105423
<br />
<br />86- 106072
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUSTismada Ihi,-_.z1.___dayol Octob~. 19~.byandborwoon Larry. D. Coffin and .
<br />Mnr> F. r.nffint Jtl1~hnnrl nnn "'ifp whether one or more, (hereinaftercellBdtho "Trustor"),
<br />whoso mailing address's p n Rnx 11 c;4 Grnnd T R 1 nnd Nphrl1Rkn (iRRO? .
<br />NORWEST BANK NahrnCllrn Nntoinnnl AClRn,.i n..." <"'in (hereinafter caffed tho "Trustee"). whose mailing address Is
<br />p n Rnv 17nR. t':rnnn TAlnntf. NF. ,andNORWESTBANK NphrnRkn Nnl"innnl AR.Rnrinl"inn ,(hereinafter
<br />caIled the "Beneficiary"), whosemailingaddressis.f...Q......Jlo1L..l1..6B..--Grand T!; 1 and. Nphrn .,;k11 faRRO?
<br />
<br />WHEREAS. Trustor is indebted to Beneficiary in the pnne/pal sum of 'l'WFNTV_FTV'F. THon.c;:ANn ANti No/' nn nOT T A'R~_ --
<br />Dollars ($ ? 'i oon nn ), which mdebtedness is t1videnced by Trustor's promIssory note dated ~ber......2.2..-, 19 JiL , (hereinafter
<br />called the "Note"), payable to the order of Beneficiary and haVIng a matunty of NovpmhPT 1Q 1 qR7 I t1nc1 .111 1 ""y"'".n~i nn~ ::mc1.
<br />NOW. THEREFORE. for the purpose of securin~r renewals thereof.
<br />(a) payment of the Note. together with interest thereon. late charges. prepayment penalties, any future advances, and all extensions,
<br />modifications, substitutions and renewals thereof,
<br />(b.1 payment of all other sums, fees or charges, together with interest thereon, advanced to protect, the security of this Deed of Trust and
<br />the performance of the covenants and agreements of Trustor, whether or not set forth herein,
<br />(c) performance, discharge of and compliance with every term. covenant, obligation and agreement of Trustor contained herein or
<br />incorporated by reference or any other security instrument at anytime given to secure the Note, and
<br />(d) the repayment of afl other sums or future advances. with mte~st thereon, which maf..!).!Jretofore,par.e ~n or hereafter be advanced
<br />by Beneficiary to Trustor~r Trustor's successor m Interes~ or tille, Six (6) '-;--, l." '. ,.~-...J,.I...~~6
<br />all of which is herein~fter coJ/ectively called the "Indebtedness' , Trustor Jrretocably grants~~sfers 0 ee, m t~r.Mr'H POWER
<br />OF SALE.melollowmg described properTy All of Lots Five (5) fand Seven (7), in Block Five (5) in South
<br />Grand Island Addition to the City of Grand Island,'Hall County, Nebraska, subject to easements,
<br />restrictions, and rights of way of record., AlID, All of Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Block
<br />Eight (8), Rollin's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, subject to
<br />easements, restrictions and rights of way of record.
<br />
<br />together With (I) all bUildings. structures, additions, enlargements. modIfications. repalfs, replacements. and Improvements now or hereafter
<br />located thereon, (ii) all eqUipment, machmery and fIXtures (Including, Without IimitBtIOn, af/llghtlng, heating, venfllallng, coo/mg, BIf
<br />conditioning, sprinkling and plumbing fixtures, water and power systems. engines. bOIlers, fanges, ovens, dishwashers, mirrors and mantels,
<br />carpeting, furnaces. oil burners, elevators and motors. refngeratlon plants or units. communication systems, dynamos. transformers, e/actn'cal
<br />equipment, storm and screen windows, doors, awmngs and shades) now or hereafter attached to, or built In, any building or Improvement
<br />now or hereafter located thereon, (ill) all easements and fights of way appunenant thereto, ('11). aJ( leasehold estate. right. title and interest of
<br />Trustor in and to all/eases, whether now or hereafter 9Jtlstmg or entered IOta (includmg. Without (Imitation, all cash and secuflry deposits,
<br />advance rentals and depOSIts or payments of a SImIlar nature). pef1aining therelo, (v) all renls, Issues, profits and income therefrom (subject
<br />to the right of Trustor to collect and apply such rents. Issues. proMs and mcome 8S they become ':tue and payable so long as no event of
<br />default eXIsts hereunder). (vi) af! royalties, mmeral, 011 and gas nghts and profits. water, water rights. and water stock, (vii) alf tenements,
<br />hereditaments. pnvileges and appurtenances be/ongmg, used or enjoyed in connectIOn therewith, and IVlii) af! proceeds of conversion,
<br />voluntaty or involuntary, of any of the foregOing mto cash or liqUIdated claims (including, wlthouf limitation. proceeds of Insurance and
<br />condemnation awards), all of which IS hereinafter colfectlllely called the "Trust Property"
<br />
<br />1 Title. Trustor covenants, warrants and agrees WIth Beneficiary, its successors and assIgns. that Trustor owns the TrUSI Property free
<br />from any prior lien or encumbrance, that thiS Deed of Trust is anti WIll remain a valid and enforceable first lien on the Trust Property,
<br />Chat Trustor, at its expense, will preserve such title and Will maintain thiS Deed of Trust as a first and paramount lien upon the Trust
<br />Property and will forever warrant and defend the valIdity and pnortty of the Iten hereof against the claims of all persons and parties
<br />whomsoever. Trustor, allts expense, will cause thIS Deed of Trust. and each amendment or supplement hereto, to be filed and
<br />recorded as a mortgage of the Trust Property Ifi such manner and In such place and will take such action as in the opinion of Trustee
<br />may be required by any present or furure Igw In order to perlect, maintam and protect the fien of thiS Deed of Trust, as the same may
<br />be amended or supplemented from time to time. Trustor will make such fur1her assurance or assurances to perlect its title to the Trust
<br />Property as may be reqUired by BenefiCiary. Trustor hereby relinquishes all nght of dower and homestead in and to the Trust Property.
<br />
<br />2. Payment of Indebtedness. Trustor sha1l punctua1ly pay the principal of and Interest on the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />3 Construction of Improvements. Trustor shaf1 complete In good and workmanlike manner any bUIldings. improvements or repaIrs relating
<br />thereto which may be begun on the Trusr Property or contemplated by the loan evidenced by the Note secured hereby, to pay when
<br />due all costs and liabilities Incurred therefore. and not to permit any construction lien against such Trust Property, In the event
<br />cons:ruction of buildings, Improvements or repairs are contemplated, Trustor also agrees. anything in this Deed of Trust to the contrary
<br />notwithstanding; (a) to promptly commence any such work and to complete lhe proposed Improvements promptly, (b) to complete the
<br />same in accor.:lance with the plans and specifications as approved by Beneficiary. (C) to comply WIth all the terms of a bUlldmg loan
<br />agreement, if any. between Trustor and Beneficiary, the terms of which are mcorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof,
<br />(d) to allow Beneficiary to inspect the Trust Property at all times during construction. and (e) to replace any work or matenals
<br />unsatisfactory to BenefiCiary Within fifteen (15) days after wrirren notice from BenefICIary of such fact
<br />
<br />4. Funds for Payment of Charges. SUbJect to applicable law or to a wnnen waiver by Beneflciar,.. Trustor shaJl pay to l::Jenefir.lsry on the
<br />first day of each month, or such other dare each monfh as may be specified by BenefiCiary, until the Indebtedness IS paid m full, a sum
<br />(hereinaJter called the "Funds") equallo li12th of the yearfy taxes and assessments which may anain fJrionty over this Deed of Tn/st
<br />and ground rents on the Trust Property. if any, plus l',2th of the yearly premium installments tor hazard insurance, pfus 1112th of the
<br />yearly premium installments for mOr1gage insurance. if any. alf as reasonably estimated initially and from time to time by Beneficiary on
<br />the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. The Funds shall be held to an InstJtution, the depOSIts or
<br />accounts of which ara insured or guaranteed by a federaJ or state agency including Beneficiary. Beneficiary shall apply the Funds to
<br />pay said taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rants. Beneficiary shall not be reqUIred to pay Trustor any Interest or
<br />earnings on the Funds. Beneficiary shall gIve to Trustor. without charge, an annual accountmg of fhe Funds showing credits and
<br />debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debllto the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additIonal secunty for
<br />lIJe Indebredness secured by thIS Deed of Trust. If the amount of the Funds held by BenefICIary, together WIth the future monthly
<br />Instaflments 0' Funds payable priw to the duo dales of taxes. assessments, Insurance prerr:lums and ground rents, shall exceed the
<br />amount fllquired to par said taxes, assessments. Insurance premiums and ground rents as they lall due. such eltcess shall be, at
<br />Tnrstor"s option. either promptly rep8Jd to Trustor or credited fo Trustor against future monthly msraUmenrs of Funds If the amount of
<br />the Funds held by 8eneficlluy shall not be sufficl9nr '0 pay 'axes, assessments. InS.Jrance premIums and ground rents as they fall due
<br />Trustor shaJJ pay to S8neflclary Bny amounf nocessary to make up the defiCIency Within thirty days trom the date norlce IS malleo by
<br />Benefiaary to Trustor roquo:stmg payman! rhemo' Upon payment'" 'ufl of alllndobledness. BoneflC/ary shall pwmprty rt~'und ro
<br />Trusfor any Fund!; held by BOrtOtlCllJry 11 rho Trust Proper1,/ls sofd under rhe power of sale or rhe Trusr Prnpel1~' IS otherwise c1cqtjtftl(1
<br />by Rone/IOaT)'. Beneflctilry s~aJf apply. Immed!l!Ucly pnOl te rhe 5810 0' the Tnlsr PrOPflf1}i Of Irs' <frQU/Slrlnll DI' Bon,,',nnry ilflV F unO!>
<br />raola by BenOr.cJlI'V 01 rh" :lI'tte 0' application as II crod/r BOUlnst the Indebtf'odnRS~ It Ban(1r'Cllt~ t'."I'lIrp.~ .i ~qrrp" \\ <f'\ ," "r 1'IJ..,r,,' ~
<br />obltgalJ()n!l undor r!us paraoraph". Trustor covonants and Bgrees ro pRy t)!>IO'f' rllt. SaTTIf' {'f'! 0"11' (JI'/III(ll1"..r ,ii' 'Il.t.~ "~'.f',~smt'/lI~
<br />