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<br />STATEMENT ^TT/lCHEO <br /> <br />88- 105414 <br /> <br />~MENTI.R't. <br />STAMP TAX <br />OCT 6 1988 <br />,fx,...~ BY. ~ U1arranlg Cemelerg Deed <br />-IN- <br />WB....LAW. M.MO.IAL PARK <br /> <br />of Grand Ialand, Nebrllllka, <br />a cemetery aaaociatiOD <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery law. of the <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />THIS INDENnlRE: !&de thlL_V_L(L~ ot______S_~11.~_~!!!.~_~L____________A. D.. IDJLf!.__, <br />between WESTLA.WN MEMOJUAL PARK CZIIETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEllBA8BA. Firat Party, <br />and _____J_~r_~.Y____!:___t!~_~E!.9_t;.b_z.__~_I1A__~.9_!:_:t~_~_t~__1.~_~_L~!!Lq_t;.~_L___________________ <br /> <br />!.1J:!E..~_l!!l..iL_~J!.!L_\!.tf_Et.1__!!.~__i2A!LL_~_~!L~_I!!=_~__~}!A__Il.9.1__9_~__L~!L~Jl!_~_!1l_______ <br /> <br />=-~~_~E-!__~_~_~~__=_~_~~_~__9_~__~_'::_~_i..~_C!.L~_~~_E_______________________________, Second Party. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Fint Party for and in C0ll81deratlon of' the wm of <br /> <br />P1!!L-'!~L!Jlt!:__~_l!fl__.2.!J}!tL_YJLllL~.P..JJ~__r;J!.[u~jA_~L~J~..LQl!.~_____________________DOLLAJtS <br />th,e receipt. whereof I, hereby acknowledged, hu .old and by theu prenntl dof'a grant.. convey and conftrm <br /> <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Party's helra and ualgna ___?_:__~_~__~_~!__:_~_~!l_~____________ <br /> <br />~-~:_~~~~--~-~--~-~:--.::~_:~-~-~~-~--~_:__:_~:_~-_!_~_:~-~:_~-~--~~~--~~-~!_---------------------- <br />Spaces 3-4-5-61 Section "0" <br />______________________________________________________________of WES~ WN M!iIMORIA.L PARK <br />of Grand. t.1and. Nebruka, .rdtualed in Hall County, Nebruka. a cemetery to be ua04 for interment pur- <br />~ cmly, beIna' au dedicated and declared, the Plat or ..Id cemetery being recorded In the office of the <br />Rllillter at DeedII of Hall County. Nebruka. <br />ThIa deed 18 aubJect to aU aWII of the State or Nebruka, and to all by.tawa. Mea and regulations <br />of WIlS11..AWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand !aland. Nebruka. and to any changes in aald <br />law.. by.JaWII, rulu and regulaUonL <br />A.fty tranafer or tiUe of any part or the above described property ahall not be valid unW the aame <br />hu been recorded upon the boob or the Ftnt Party. <br />WJl:8TLAWN MIlIMORIAL PARK CIlIMIIlT!lRY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, hereby cove- <br />nanb and acres to and with the Second Party and with the heira and ~ of the Second Party, Utat <br />at the Ume of the execution and delivery of theae preaenllr It 1I1awtully se1l:ed of aald prembe.: that It hu <br />&ood r1gb.t and lawful authority to convey the aame; that they are tree from encumbrance and J'lnt Party <br />d~ hereby covenant to warrant and defend the premlllea against the lawful cl&1ma of all penon. whomlO- <br />ever. <br /> <br />WESTLAWN M.EMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND. NElJRABKA.. qreu to fur- <br />n1ah perpetual care. adminllltratlon and maintenance of the .bove deacribed. premlau .. provided. by Ita by. <br />!aWL <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 'nle lIald WEBTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK cmMETI:RY 011' GRAND <br />ISLAND, N.l:BR.ASKA. baa hereWlto cauaed It. corporate ual to be II1'rlxed and then prt'lenbl to be alped <br />by IbI praldent the day and year :t1rat above \\'TUten. <br /> <br />wu:::_~~~-::-::~ <br /> <br />..../ Prea1dent <br /> <br />"'<.- -- <br />.1 ,\~"~ .... '.. '.', '. <br /> <br />,\ ~.;.IiTA'1'lII~"..~..". . } <br /> <br />,~~ :~: .;~birlLW. ... <br /> <br />~.j_;..i..__~~~~. .2.3.ul_daY of ____________________~i?_lLt~JIl!>_~E___________________________. lIL_~_~_. <br /> <br />~ ~j; ~~. ::~. ~.~..uDftenlped. .. notary publ1c. in and for uld county and atate, pet'IlOnally came ___________ <br /> <br />:.'~}~-J" >:'~" II' "I ~ ~: ~-_.:___________~L~J1.!!.!:._f_.:__?_~_~!_~______________________________________ <br /> <br /><..~~;;;r~. W_U&wn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand bland, Nebraska, to me peraonally known to be <br />tIIe._~t and the IdenUcal penon whoM name w affixed to the abovr conveyance. and &Cknowlqed <br />the aeauttcD thereof to be bIa voluntary &Ct and deed .. auch offIcer and the voluntary act and dHcl of the <br />.... aaI4'~""'WD IIemori&J Park Cemetel')' of Grand Ialand. Nebruka, and that the corporate aeal of the ....d <br />, ,_. ":~~~~, Puk Cemeter')' of GraDd Ialand. Nebruka, wu thereto atfb:ed by It. authority. <br /> <br />""'_~ ,\' I . '! ~ ~ 37 .hand and notarial HILI the day and year Jut above wdtten. <br /> <br />:t....i.J /.:-az~:;.;::.~~MY...1I11ln1a --~J::t~_m.._J8_~_ <br />~f-r.-':..1 . - f -;', r LF.~' II. UICIR Notary Public <br />:'r~:.~.. -.,.'_llI:I.:l.l. <br /> <br />
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