<br />88-105409
<br />
<br />
<br />This Mortga~ 15 entered Into betwce'1 T"lhn U F.ll
<br />
<br />r.hflll"yl
<br />
<br />F.l1, H11I~:zhAnrl Anrl.~
<br />
<br />Five Points Bank
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortglgor") and
<br />(herein UMortpgee").
<br />
<br />Mortgagor Is Indebted 10 Morlgage. In Ih. principal sum or $ ~. ,nn nn , .vld.nced by Mortgagor's not<!
<br />dabld 9-28-89 (herein "Note") providing ror psymenls or prlocipal and Interest, wllb the balance or th.
<br />Ind.btedo...,lr nolsooner paid, due and payabl. on Dc tober 3rd, 1991
<br />
<br />Tosecure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of aJ! other sum..', with Interest,
<br />advanced. by Mortpgee to protect the ser;:urlty of this Mortgage., and the performance of the covemmts and agreements of
<br />the ,Mortgagor contalned heretn, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage Bnd convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />property located in
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3), Block Twenty Five (25) in Packer & Barr's Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Togethl!r with all buildings, Improv€"menls, fixtures, stl'E'els. alleys. passageways, easements. rights, privl1ce:es and
<br />appurtenanees located thereon or in Iny'Mse pertaininR thprelo, and tbl' rents. Issues and profits. reversions and remainden
<br />thereof; including. but nolllmited to. healing and coollnK equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvementl so 81 to constitute a Oxturei all of which, Including replacements and additions thereto. is hereby declared
<br />to be a put ollbe real ..tall! ...ured by the lI.n or thl. Morlglge and all ollbe loregolng being ...renod to berein as lbe
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />Mortgagor further convenantB IlDd 11(I'ee5, with Mortppc, as Collows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment. To pay the Indebtedness Bod the Inlerest thcfl'on as prcvlded In this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />
<br />2. TtUe. Mortpgor is the owner of the Property, has the right find authority to mortgage the Property. and
<br />warrants that the lien created hereby 1& a first and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />o The Property is subject to 8 Mortpge wherein
<br />
<br />is th. Mortpgec, record.d et Book _ , Psg. _ or the Mortgage Records or
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />
<br />County I
<br />
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />3. Taxes, AlleslmenIL To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all other charles against the Property
<br />and. upon written demand by Mortpgee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby I such amount as
<br />m.y be sufficient to enable the Mortpaee to pay such tDel, assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br />
<br />4. lnIurmce. To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate destribed herein Insured
<br />aplmt dam.. by fire and IUch other hazmh lIS Mortgq;e-e may require, in amounts and wiLh companies accepl.able to the
<br />Mo!'tpCre, and with loa payable La the Mortgagee. In case or 1055 under 6ucb policies the Mortgq:ee is outhoriud to
<br />ad,jult, collect and compromise, in its diJcreUoD, ail clailtlJ thereunder at ll.5 sole option. authorized to eiLherapply the
<br />plOCMda to lb. resloratloo or th. Property or upon the lnd.bItdn... ...ured h.reby. bul Plym.nlli b.reuoder shall con.
<br />tlnue unW lbt su_ secured h.reby ... paid In rull.
<br />
<br />5. 0 __ F.. TlXtIlJld InsunnCt. Nolwllhstandlng lJIything contaln.d in psragraphs 3 and 4 h....olto lbe
<br />con\nJy, Mortp<<or shall PlY 10 the MortPllee Ittb. tlm. or Plying th. monlhly lo.tallm.nl> or principal and Interest,
<br />OIlt-&welllb or lbt yearly 1HtI, ......lIItD.., hazard buurmce premIums, IJId ~und renl> (II Iny) whleb mlY altaln I
<br />ptIorlly 0,", \his Mortplt. all u rcuonab\y ..tlmated Crom tlm. 10 lime by Ih. Mortgagee. Th. amounts .0 paid shall be
<br />held by the Mortplft without lDlel'flt and applied tD the P8yment of the itetnl In respect to which such amounts were
<br />dopooll2d. Tho .UIIII paid to MorItqte hereunder ... pledJed IS IddlUonal securily I~r the Ind.btedo... secured by lbls
<br />Mortpae. Mortpaorlhall pay to Mortp&H th. amount of any deficiency between the actual taxes, assesamenm, insurance
<br />premlu.lIIIlDd pound nota and the- depod.tI hereunder within 10 days after demand Is made upon Mortllagor requesting
<br />Ply_nt th.....r.
<br />
<br />6. Rep..... Mlilltenu", and U.. To promptly repair. ~store or rebuild any bulldlnp. or improvements now Ol'
<br />hernfW, on ,hi Ptopeny; to keep thfl Property In 1000 condlUon and repair, without. wutIC. and ~ hum mft:hanh::':I or
<br />otberllfJD not upnuly aubordlnlted to the lien heROrj not to make.suttiE'r or permit .ny nuilW1t't1 to ("'list. nor io dlmln.
<br />ish or lmpa1r th. Talue of lb. Propt'rty by any acL or omislloD to let; and to rornply with ..U rt'qulrt'ml'nLa of Inw with
<br />...poet to lbe Proptony.
<br />