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<br />88- 105401 <br /> <br />(t:! Th., 'OpiJymonlln full by Tf\Jslot{Sj 01 all nmounls advancod by Uenullr:lfHY 81118 option 10 or on bohnll 01 TrUlUor(8) 05 protoctlvo odvnnC08 <br />lIulhoflzed horeln, In lhn lonn agroemont(sl. or In olhf'\r Inslr.Jmonl{lI).....hICh nlny he glvon 10 oVldonco such advoncos, plus Inlor081 on all such <br />ndlloncollo pllyftblO liS provldod In the nolo(sl. 10Bn agroomonllsl or ollmt lnlltrumllnl(Sl <br /> <br />(dl Tho paymont In full 01 any Iind nil othor pnsl, prosont or futuro, dlmcl or conllngonl, dobts and lIabllltlos 01 Truntar(8) 10 8onollc18ry 01 any <br />nnluto wholaoovor <br /> <br />ThiS Trus! ODed will be duo ~i~~Udry_~~~___ 01 upon the payment In lull of alt sums securod horeby. <br /> <br />flutlorll) horoby warranllhlllltlOjl hOld !flO Ilmpllllll!o lothoabo'to descrlbod property. lha.,ha)' hn'togoodand 'awlullluthonly to deed ondoncumborlheaamo, <br />Ihat saId properly 1I1r_ Ind claal of allllonlond encumbrances, excopl oncumbrancoll 01 mcord. and thnlthoy will warrant nnd defend aald property aoalnstllll <br />clalmsnt. whomlOOVCI Trustonsl a'so hOfoby wnlllD and relinquish all rlghls 01 dowel. hor,le"tcod. dlSlrlbutlVD shoro ond exemptIOn If\ and 10 tho above dMcrlbCd <br />properly <br /> <br />FellOtlOt, <br />I'I1QII2012 <br /> <br />Troslofts) Md .~ otlhem furtM' COTenanl .nd -om with IIflMIlfcluy .s follows: <br /> <br />11) To pay alllrens, Iudgmenls or other olsoasman1S against allld Trual Ealnle, ona 10 pav wl1en due 011 taxes, renla, leos or chllTgea upon said Trust EstBteorunder <br />Bnyloalle, perml!. hcenso 01 privIlege asSigned 10 Benefil::iary as additional SOCUllty ta thlls Trusl Doed. including Ihoao on publiC domain <br />(;;') To Insure and keep ,naured bUildings and olher Improvementll naw on or tmreallor placed on saId Trusl Estate 10 the sallafactlon 01 Beneficiary, Such <br />In!lurance shall be approved by and depO!llted with Beneltclary. and endarsod with loss trlllreunder pllynble to BeneUclliry Anysums so recolvod by Beneficiary may <br />be used to pay lor reconstluctlOn 01 the de!lIroyed ImpravemonlS or II notao applied mllY_ lit tho opllon of8eneflcla. y. be npplled In payment of any Indebtedness <br />mlSturJd 01 unmatured secured by Ihls Trust Deed <br />13) To keep all bUlldlflg!l. fixtures and other Improvemenla now on or hfHollllt!r plllced on !llltd Trusl Eslato occupied and In goad repair. maintenance and <br />conditIOn and to nellher commit nor permit any aclll of wa!l1e or any Impalrmanl oflhe vnlu6 01lh6 Trust Estale BenefiCiary may enlor upon the Trust Estate to <br />Inspectlhe lIsme or 10 perform nny acls aulhanzed horOln or In tho laBn Ilgrt!emon\(s) <br />(4) In Iheevenl Trustorlslfn.11 to pay any lIons.ludgmenls, a5aessmenta, laxes. ranIs. IDes or chMga!l or malOtnln IIny msursnceonthe property. bulldings,flxtures <br />or Improvements liS plovlded l'1erOln or In the loan agr8emenllsl. BenefiCiary may, allls opllOn make auch payments or provide inaurance, mainlenance or repelra <br />and any amol'nls paid Il'1erotor shall became part of tho pnnClpallfldobtedness secured hereby, belmmedlBlely duO and payable and bearJnterest tram the date of <br />P8ymenll!l.s prOVided to Ihe nale(1I) 01 loan agrnemenl(s) Thoadvancomonl by BenehclOry 01 any such amounts sholl In no mannllT Umtlthe rlghl 01 Beneliclery 10 <br />declare TNSlolls) In delsull or exercise any of 8enoltculry's oll'1el "91'11s and romedles <br />(tI) In Ihe evei'll BenellClllry ISO pllrtylo anyllllgallanallectlng Ihellecurlly or the lien 01 tnlS Trust Daed. Including any nctlan by Benehciary to enforce Ihls Trusl <br />Deed or any SUIt m whlCI'1 BaneftcIBry IS named n dlllendl1nl {including condemnllllan <inti ban",rupley proceedlngsl Benellciary may incur expenses and advance <br />payments fOf I!IbSlractlees. allorneys lees (e.cept 10 the e.tenl prohibited by lawl. costs OllpenSe!l, /lppTlU!lalleea and atherchsrges and any amounls ao advenced <br />shall become part 01 Ihe prlnClpBllndeblodnoss securod hereby. be Immedlalely duft nn!:l poynbla on!:l beal Internsl 05 provided In the loan agreement(s) <br />16) AnV awardS made 10 TruSIOrla) or Ihelr successors by Il'1e allerClae 01 emlnenl domnln /lre l'1oreby lIsslgno!:l 10 Benellclary: and Benellclary IS hereby authorized <br />10 collecl an!:l applylhe same In payment 01 any In!:lebtedness., motured 01 unmnlured seculO!:I by lhls Trusl Dead <br />17) In the evont TruSlor/sl delault .n Ii'll'! paymenl when !:Iua 01 any sums secull!!:I l'1orebv (pronelpal. mlerost. a!:lvl'lncemonla. or prolectlve advancoa). or fail 10 <br />perlorm 0' observeanycovenanla an!:l cond'llon!l conlOlOod herem In Il'1e nole(SI 10iln Ilgrnl'me/lHsl 01 nny all'1ellnslruments, Of any proceeding Isbraughl byor <br />agalnsl Trusloqaj undel any Bankruprc~ low!. Benel,clary may at Itsop11On doclllrathe l'''hre ",oeble13nessseculed heloby 10 blllmmodlatelydue and payable and <br />bear 'nlereSI at Ihe delautl IBII!' IlS prav'c1oc1 10 Ihe nolerS) or loan ngreomenlfSlllntl Benef,c,ary mol' ,mmt>dlQloly llulhOlllE1 TrU!llee 10 exorcIse the Power of Sale <br />glanted hor61n In Ihomanner pravloed lnlne NebraSha Trust Deeds Act. or. 01 the opllan ollhe Beneltcuvy. may larec:la!lethe Trusl Deod In the mannllrprovldod bV <br />law lor th" foreclo!lure 01 mo'tgages or, loal properlll_ oneludlng tI'1e appalntmen' 01 0 Ael;tl'vt!1 upon It. parte apphcahon, nollCIl tlolng horeby oll-pressly waived, <br />WIthout logardlO Jhe-valuo ollhll praporty O' tl'1e _utflClencytheloOf to c1l!lchBlge Ihe onclellleclnossset:ured hereby or Inlhe loon agreement{sl Delav by BeneUclllry <br />on ellllrCISH'~ lis ngl'1t,. upon defaull shall nal be t:onstrued as a wOlvelthereal and 8n.,. acl ot BeneflClsry WOh'tnQ any apeclflC: delault shall nal be canatrued as a <br />WIIIVOI 01 any future default II tl'1cplocetlda unae' such slIle or foreclosule ale tnsl,lhClent 10 pay 1110 inIal ondebledncallsocured neleby. Trustor(sl do hereby agree <br />10 be psrnanaUy bound 10 prly Ii'll! "repaId blllance and BenefiCiary sl'1all be entItled 10 a del'Clency Judgmen' <br />WI ShOUld Benehclllryelocll0 oUHc'sethe Pownr 01 Slllegranled helO,n BeneIICIA'''' 5t'all noll!y Truslee wl'1o !lhall rocoro. publlah and deliver to Trustor!s) such <br />NOltce of Dolaull IIno N01'CO of Sale as then r(!Qu"ed by iaw and sl'1all ,n I!'Ie mannor nro...,dI!O by lOw ,ell tI'1e T.usl Estalo al Iho lime and place 01 sale ttlled 10 the <br />Nollce of Sale_ e'lhe. as n whole or In 'f1parele 101S parcell or ,Ioms ano In such Old!" as T "Jsl11e ,h,11I elf/am tlXptldler'll Any porson may bid 81 the uale Including <br />Trualo'llIl, Trualee 01 Benllf,c.ary <br />191 TruSIOT(S) hert!by reQuest a copy 01 tiny "'OI,ce ul Or/au II o. Not,ce ot SlIle h"re"nOl" 1(\ bt! "',111m] IOI"em Illlhllllddre!l!llus) ,et lorth herem bycertllied malJ <br />(10) Upon d01llull Bflnel,t;,n'Y f"'thf" If' por"on or b\, IIgenl, wlrh or ....'ll'1out bnng,ng .II'V l1c1mn or pruceedmr.lllna wllh or wllhaut regard to Ihe value ollha <br />propertyOllhe 'utl,c,~ncy Inel(Ool ro a'lcrliuQer!'le 'ntlolltcdneaasecwed herell\, '5 aulhot'J"O ilna unt,lI11d loen'er upon and lllke passes!llOn 011he TruS1 Estate In <br />,I!! own name 01 IflIhentlmll 01 rhe TnlSI_and do any aCI!l or e.pend any sums II aeem! nllcosanr.,. 01 dealrable loplolect or proserve thevalueollhe Trust Estaleor <br />on\, InlOreallhereln.OJ Increaaelnelncome rherelrom and ....tll'1 01 wll!'loullaklng posse,s,on 01 tl'111 T'u!l' Eslale laaulhonzod to~uelar or otherwise collect therenls, <br />lS$ues, (rops_ plollla and ,ncome rhel~QI ,nclualflg Ihose past due anCl unpll'd ano app!y lt1e !lllme upon any Indobledness aocurcd heleby or In Ihe loan <br />agreemenl(SI <br />Norernedy l'1elf!ln (onlerlod upo", or In"erved 10 T rUIIll'e o. Bflflfll,(,arY'!I ,nl,'ndoo II) t>l"l!'(;'u!ll~l! ul any other ulmedy heremalbylaw prOVided or permllled. <br />bul each ahal! be cumula..,vo Shell be '" addition 10 f1~l!lry other rf!mlldy g'~1ot' "",rlJunClt'l or now or hfllOaltOr olllstmg 01 law or In eqUity Of by slatule. and may be <br />1lll-0lCII0c1 concurrently ,ndepenOllntly f)f suCCllSSlvely <br />III I Tluslar(slllClonawlodgo Ihallh~ a"l'fft. llnc1 obloglltl0nll of Truatee !lnall flU dolorm,nlJd !iolely bV tho eltpre!lS plaVl!llons ollhls Trusl Deed or Ihe Nebraska <br />TrUll Oeoaa Aclllnd Trustceshllll nor be liable Ihft pttrlormnnct! 01 511CI'I dullllS and obligatIon" 05 nfe spoClhcally sellorlh thereto, and na Implied <br />cavenBnl5 or obllgalonl ~hall be ,mpased UPflll T 'ualeo Truatee !lhall not bfllrllble till ;!ny action laken by 'I .n good lalll'1 Bnd reBsonably believed by 1110 be <br />aulhollled or ....llh'n the dIscretion or "9nl~ 01 powers conlerred upon II by ttlla Trusl ul!If:!d O' slllltllBW <br />1 '2) Tl'1e lnlegflly 11M] ftlspOn5'b,hr" 01 T '"stor(al conalll"te!l a part ollno con',do'"I,on fa, Ihl' ohhgnllolls sncured heleby Should Trustarlll) sell, trBnsfer or <br />conveylne plopertyoe!lcrlbetl l'1e.e,n ...,t"Olll pliO' wr,lIe" consent ot Bem!l'clary Bllnul'Llery mllV ilt 'I!I opllon. declarelheenllre mdebledneM Immedu'llelydue <br />and peyatlle and mly procltflc1 '" Ihtr enlOlCerntlnl at 'I' r'g!'ll!l a!l un lIt'ly Olhur delault <br />(13) ASSignment 01 RenlS ,ncluc1mg Proceeds 01 M'nfl'ftl t easn T'usIOII!.. hrrflby lrflt'l!lft" 5,,1 ovm ilnd convey to BonellClary all reola. royalll6s, banusea and <br />oelay money!llhal ma)'trom I.metollmt!become dUI! iillO payable undeTt ftn~ .t'!ol'l9Iale I..ase or "ndU' "ny 0,1 gll!l or olhor mmeralleasool anykmd now eJllatlOgor <br />lhat mlly helealler come mto e_lstence covDTlng '"II etlovtl T 'U51 Eslale or 111\1 pll" H'erllfll All !lUC" sum!l so receIved by BenefICiary shall be applied 10 Ihe <br />mdebledneu JeCulOO l'1ereby. 0' salo BenellcHIIV may et ,Ia opllon turr' owe' an(] atll...", 10 r'uSlorlS I O' thmr SUCCllSSOfS Illlnltlr6!lt.anyarall 01 :such sumswlll'1oul <br />prejudice 10 any 01 Benellclary', rlghl!1la lahl! dnll relllm lulunl touma IInd w,t!'loul pnll"a,cc 10 any or lIS other rlghlallllOtH tl'1l11 Tluat Detld Tho Ironsler IInd <br />conveYlnce heleunder 10 BenefICIary of SB.a r'!l,IS /(lVIII110S. bOlluaell an(l (llllaV rrIO"t"..... !l1'flll be t:on~trut!a 10 oe I) PIOVI!l,on lor Ihe paymenl or reductIon 01 tl'1e <br />debt. lutllect to Ihe Benellctllf't'a option as nrHIII,ntlllllOI. r.':'......,~ lI1alllponClent "I Ih.. he" on Sllld T 'U!lt Eal"le Upon paymelll In lull 01 tho aebt and the <br />reconveyanco 01 thiS TIUSI Deed 01 .ecold Ih,!. con~eyllnce ,hall bocome 'n(Jp6rall~" uno 0/ no furthel lorct! and ellecI <br />('4\ Tne co~enants conla,nea In lhl5 T 'usr Detld IIhall be Ollomm] to bll sevelable '.' lt1e tt~t!tll Il'1al any port,on ot mls Trust DeoO I!I delelmmeel 10 be VOid or <br />unenforceable.tha' de~ml~n sttll i~ot sllrocllhf! ~alld'Iy ur thfl .emftlflln9 portlfJt'~ t.-I!,t! TruSI Dcea .r,. ',~ <br /> <br />"-- ",f..;,,~, '"...........~~_~~~_~ _ __ ~&_~!:t,L.:.... >>=-7 ./(~ ..A'Jd"c .......:::;/ <br />rr)' R Dibbern Verrhl F. Dibbern <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />COUNTY OF r- <br />On thiS "~av 01 <br /> <br />Hall <br />~~ ~dn <br /> <br />I <br />I" <br />__ I <br />El...u-L <br /> <br />AD t9 Sa <br /> <br />bel are me. a Notary Pubhc. personalty appeared <br /> <br />~R flihhf>rn_Mnrl Vf--'rnM F nlhhprllr h'l<:;h,Hld dJW w~fe <br />to me known 10 be the person Is) named In Bnd who executed the forego,ng AChnowledgmenl Bnd Trust Deed, and acknowledged <br />thllt ~ e.ecuted the same as ~ voluntary act and Oeeo /- - --:----. _ 1 _ . . . ,. <br /> <br />ISEALI 1J.:---II--1 Lj;;''''''>l,.L.Li.dd A~ .0./,; /nt-t<<d <br />..-.l-.a ,"'Af/Va. ,"e k--::Y;;rlU'-Z.~--- <br />My commos.,on ..por.s It... __1, · No.... '~,:~:,~',~';~;~~; ,';,~.~~~~~~"~.~a 51". <br /> <br />N <br />o <br />'" <br />'" <br />~ oC <br />~ :; <br />l:: ~ ~ <br />N ~ '" <br />~]:~i <br />- .... -: - :0: <br />--- ~ <br />7_ ~ - <br />~ ~ 'J; <br /> <br />-' <br />