<br />88- 105370
<br />
<br />If lender required mortgage insurance as a candilio" of making the loan secured by this SCCUrllY ("strumenl.
<br />Borrower \11011 pay rhe premiums required 10 maiorai" the insurance in effect until such lime as the requirement for Ihe
<br />in~unmcC' terminate!. in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's writlen agrecmenl or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent mny make reasonabh: entries upon and inspcclions of the PrC'perty. Lender
<br />shollgi\'C' Dorrower noti,c at the time afar prior 10 an inspection specifying reasonable cause for Ihe inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direel or consequential. in connection with
<br />an)' condemnation or Dlher laking of any part of Ihe Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby
<br />assigned and shall be puid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a lolaI taking of the ProperlY, Ihe proceeds ~hnll be applied to the sums !ooccured by Ihis Security
<br />Instrument, whether or not then due. with any excess paid 10 Borrower. In the event of n partial taking of the Property.
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall he reduced by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following frnclion: (a) lhe tOlalamount of the sums secured immediately
<br />berore the taking, divided by (b) the rnir market \'[Ilue orthe Property immediately before the taking. Any balance !oohnll be
<br />paid 10 Borrower.
<br />Uthe Property IS abandoned by Borrower, or If. afler notice by Lender to Borrower thallhe condemnor offers 10
<br />make an award or scule a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30days aner Ihe date the nolice is
<br />given, Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceed!oo, at its opnon, either to resloration or repair of the Property or
<br />to the sums secured by Ilus Security Instrument, whether or "(llthen dUe.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. ilny upplicatinn of proceeds 10 principal shull not extend or
<br />postpone che due date of the monthl)' pay men Is referred 10111 paragraph!> 1 and 1 or chunge the amount orsuch payments,
<br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender ~ot a "'niver. Extension or the time ror paymenl or
<br />modification or amortizalion or the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument granted by Lender 10 any successor in
<br />interest or Borrower shall nOl operate to release Ihe liability of I he original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />Lender shall not be reqUIred 10 commence proceedings agalnsl any successor in interest or refuse to ex.lend time for
<br />paym:nt or otherwise modify amortization oflh~ sums secured by this Sccunty Instrumenl by reason of any demand mode
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbcaram:e by Lender in cxerdsing any right or remedy
<br />shall not be a waiver afar preclude Ihe exerciseoruny righl or remedy.
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several UabilitYi Co-signers, The covenants and agreements of
<br />this Securily Instrument shall bind and benefil th~ successors and assigns of Lender and Bnrrower, subject 10 the provisions
<br />of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and ugreemenls shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co.signs this Securily
<br />Instrument but does nol ex.ecule the Note: (al is cO-SIgning this Security Instrument only 10 morlgage, gmnt I1nd convey
<br />that Borrower's incer~1 1JJ (hc Property under Ihe lerm~ ur IhlS Sl..'Curity Instrumenl; (b) is not personally obligated In PI1Y
<br />the !\ums secured by this SecurilY Inslrumenl; ilnd (c) agre~ Ihut lender Ilnd any other Borrower muy agree 10 extend,
<br />modify, forbear or make any 1.lI:commodatl0I1S ".llh regllrd 10 Ihe lerms of Ihi.. SecuTlty Instrumenl or the Nole wilhout
<br />Ihal Borrower's consent.
<br />12, Loan CharKcs. If Ihe loan secured by thi!'. Security (nstrumenl is subjecl to a Ill\\' whidl ..et!-. maximum loan
<br />charg~, and Ihat luv.' 1'10 finally interpreted so thut rhe inlere.'il or OTher loan charges collected or 10 he l..'ollected in
<br />connection wilh the loan exceed Ihe pcrmined limils, then: (a) any such loan dlarge !'.hall be reduced hy the amount
<br />neccssary 10 reduce lhe charge In the permitted limit: and (h) any 'ium~ ulrcudy collecled rrnm Borrower which ellce~ded
<br />permined Iimlls Will be rcrunded IU Borrower. Lender may l.:hoo'ie to make this ft.-fund hy reducing thl: priul.:iplIl owed
<br />under the Nme or by muking n dirC1:l payment to Borrower. Ira refund rt:duco pnncipul, the reduclion WIll be trealed as a
<br />panial prepayment withoutllny prepayment charge under the NOh:
<br />13. Lepllation Affectina Lender's Rights. If enaclTnefH tlr cxplralHlII of applicable laws has the elfecl of
<br />rendermg any pT<lvision oflhe Note or thiS Secunty Instrumenl unenfilrccuhle accordlllg to its lerms, Lender, at its option,
<br />may require Immediate payment in full of all "urns secured h)' thl' SeCUTlI} Inslrumenl and muy invoke any remedies
<br />~rmilled by paragraph 19. If lender exercises thiS oplinn. Lender ,hall luke the ..Ier" specified in the second paragraph of
<br />paragraph 17.
<br />14. Notices. An~. Ilolice tn Borrower prtl1nded for In Ihl\ St:l..'Urll)' JT1\lrUmenl ",hall bt: given hy delivering it or by
<br />mailing it by first c1as...\ mail unless applicable law reqUlr~ use of :Inulhcr melhod. The notice !thaI! be directed to the
<br />Properly Address or any olher address Borrower deslgnnt~ hy n(lIKe In J.ender Any nolice 10 Lender shall be given by
<br />finl class mail 10 lender's addrc$s stated herein or any other addrl..os!oo L.ender dl~lsnale'i h) nut Ice 10 Borrower. Any nOlice
<br />provided ror in Ihis Securily In!iotrument shall be deemed to have hea:n j;l\ell tl1 Burrower or Lcnder when given as provided
<br />mthl!i pumgraph.
<br />IS. GoveminQ: Law; Severability. This Secunty Inslrumelll ..hall he gll\t:rned hy federal law and the law of the
<br />Juri!idiction in which the Propen). is located. In the event Ihat an)" prml'lllll or dausc of IhlS Securily Instrumcnt or Ihe
<br />Note conOicb Wilh applicable law, 5uch connict shall not affccl other pro\-1..1t1n!'o of thiS Security In~ilrument or the NOle
<br />which can be given effect withouttheconfticting provi'iion_ To thl!> cud Ihe prm.,!ooinn.. of 1111'; Security Instrumcnt and the
<br />Note are declared to be severable.
<br />16. Borrower'. Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed COP) of Ihe Note ilnd nf Ihi!oo Security [nslrumenl
<br />17. Transfer of tbe Property or R Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or uny pari of thc Property or any
<br />inlerest In it is !iold or tmnsrerred (or ir a beneficial intefl."St in Borrower I~ ..(lid or Iran!oofcTTeu anu norrnwcr l!oo nul a natural
<br />person) without lender's prior wriuen consent, Lender rouy. al lis oplUlIl, require Immediate payment in full or all sum~
<br />secured by Ihis Security Inslrument. However, Ihi.. oplion shall nol he cJterclM:d hv Lender If excrclse i.. prohlhited by
<br />fcdcrallaw as of the date oflhi~ Security Instrument.
<br />If lender ellerc1scsthls oplion. Lender shall give Borrower nollce of acceleratitltl. The nlltlce 'ihall provide a peru'd
<br />of not l~, Ihon 30 days from Ihe dale the notice is delivcred or muiled wllhin which Unrnlwer mu..t puy all...ums ..ccured hy
<br />thiS Seeunt)' Instrument. If Borrower fails. to pay lhoe sums poor to the eXplTIIllOn urlhl!oo pC'Tllld. l.t:nder may IIIvokc any
<br />remedies pc:rmitted by Ihis Securily Instrument wilhout further notKe or demand (In Borrower
<br />18. Borrower's Rlabt to Reinstate, IrDorrower meets certam condil1()II~. Bnrnl\\cr shall hu\'e Ihe nglll III havc
<br />enforcement oflhis Security In51rumenl discnnlinued (It an)' time pnor 10 Ihe carher IIf (al ~ daY"lur ..uch other pCTlod ilS
<br />applicable In.. may specify for relO!lolalemenO hefore !\ale or Iht: ProperlY f"lur..uant In all)' power of ..al(' l,.'l'nlillllcd In lhl'\
<br />Seeunl,!>. Inr.Irumenr; or (hI enlry of a judgment C'nforcingl)Il'i, SCt:unlylfl!'.lrumeflt_ Thll\l"" wndlllOIl\ are llml B.,rnl"-er
<br />(a) p.:l).' under .nil ",urns. u.'hich Ihen \IIould be due under this Secunty In..lrum~nt and Ihe ~lllt" had 1111 lIl,..ccll'rallllll
<br />occunni. Cbl curC\ 3n~' defaull or an}' other cO\'cl1lmt~ or agrC'Cmcl1t..; (c) flay.. all npt"n'oC" IIKurn'd If1 enfl"l.lIl.'l lhl'
<br />Sa:unl~ In\.lruOIen1. IOdudmll, hut nOI hmlted tn. reasonable ulItlrne).... fCe\. and ldl tOlh... ~uLh ildltlfl a.. ll"lIdrr nw\
<br />rasonaol) require' 10 a........tft' Ihlll the hen of Ihl" SCCUTlI) hl',trurnenl. l.ender.. n~h" In lhe: Prnp<"rI\ .1Ilt! H'lrrp\\t.T.~
<br />ohhltlllum W floilY Ihe ..um'\ 'n:urcd by 11m, Sexullt)' ImITumenl ..h3011 '-'''"l lOW: unl,..hall~xd l.T"11I felTl..I.III"'lI'nl h\
<br />110ft"",!:",. Ibl\ Sa-unt} In.-.rrumcnt ilnd Ihe" l,hllp;ulllIn.. ~l."ured he:rC"h~ .....:tll n'",~IITl rllll\ ('!Tl.~ 11\(" ,I" lln";I" l'k'.lfl- ,1\ It.hl
<br />''''-\ urrnJ JI.-l\lor"t'r_ IlIn. nitht 1(1 riMn..rllh: "hllll nul a(lpl~ Ifllh("\.a\.C "r:tITd"'al"'1l umkr r.lr;tl!farh~ r \ .'1 !-
<br />
<br />J
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