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<br />ttRS SlAt! RtlfKYED FOIIi COOl" RECORDER <br /> <br />;. WID9 <br />88-10536()" <br /> <br />FOR USI IN THE STATE OF NDRASKA TO.~E AECDAD!D IN REAL ESTATE RECORDS <br />INSTALLMENT SAiES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE ~~:;)iT~~RACT NO, 8 3 9 8 7 <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION, A CORPORATION <br />IlHE SEllEA1tREOnORI I" "', tJ~ <br />9505 "I" STREET 0" ..... 7 <br />2550 NORTH DIERS AYE., SUITE F OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68127 .lll <br />GRAND IS~~~l~SKA 68101 ,"" "ETROPO,,~:.?~"~l:::'~c, c...., ",om ("r, !fh, 6~&l1 <br /> <br />Sold To Albul ::J:. (,G~J" of Boll~r~ .Pl, bCJo~r;., _ Dot,' or Thi, Cootmet '''is' -~) - 'i~ <br />B r4RlIo}~F(jM ''''\If:nF'''.II~l:Y[nsl "fA '.L:;JJ ~ <br />-Add",,,' O.Jr f;) 1\ I ::L nIl C'" (rc . . S'"" _. 1""- lip b'll Y T"'phooe No. -1fB). -tf;l:8{. <br />In this InslDUmenl Sales Ctlnlnll:1 Ihe wonh I, mr, am! m\ rd~t III lht.' HuYt:r a,ud Cl.I-Bu~'cr (if ~n)'1 ~Ignin,g I.hi~ I.:(ln[r;ll:l. ~hc words. you and your, <br />we and us. refer In the Seller nnd may abu mean a bank or illher finanCH11 in!>tllUllun II II buy~ tbl~ cbnlrnct. II it d()e~. I wtll make my puyments 10 <br />it. Under the Mong.u~e "Ialute", I am ~IJ;() knnwn a... Ih~ "Mort~a[!.or." and ynu arc rdem:d Iu liS the "Mongugee", I untler.;tand thut if more Ihan one "Buyer" <br />~~1/n:n bc~~p~~~~Cl1r ~~n~a:~~:t"~~u~I:~ ~\! K~)::~~~t~~C:.C~~~~~~i(r;.Y~!d!~~~c ~~~~:~a~::~~~U:~d r~~~ ~~~IIIW:J b;I!f{~ 1t~~~It~~C:C~~'Ziio~iy~~n~~~ <br />quoledt:o~ CCh1:o~~~1 ab~/ ~~~aJY~I~lell~c.II~;lln~~llr St~: ~~~~lls~~ec ~~~~t:~ll1l\l~h ~~~~~~t!olh;dr~~~I~~~ ~~~ ~~~:~~~c':~;ribed below. I uI;rce 10 puy <br />r;~~~ t~l:nl r=~d aW ~L'~~u~I~~e;'I::~~e ~~Y:~hl .~:-Jc~d~~~ ~hit~ r~~~I::lltlUO~lll~t:~h~~'~~ l~~~~}al~~~;d ~ythTh~n~~~~I~~';~u~~ha~e d~C~~ <br />by our 10 Jmlled \V1I~l' No >>dd~~d:.:; trim, palnUog (~~~~~~:I_~~~._~:~~_~:1/id~_~nlr5.\ ~pe:lOrd In Ihls Contract. <br /> <br />q <br /> <br />-". <br /> <br />~~~. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION Thc ~n'~ ~rz:rd rtUud,o ~cr.lo.:e" mt" III hCll~Cd JIIlJ pl.u:cll ul"llI the <br />ror 1.uch "^ddre!<~" I~ ~~. ~ ------~ .'... ~ .- <br /> <br />.\ddtt:~~.. , abm-'c. and the legal dCliCriplion <br /> <br />Bu)'t:n kknmrkdlc Ihat II I.ellal De~'npllHn.I" 11111 lI\'ulluhlc jll the lime' Ihl" ..-"llnttm:l I" e1.ct.'ulcd Seller 11l1~ the T1f'hl I~l nhluin ilnd lO~en Ihe Legal De!\cnplion <br />ut u laler ~I"e. ,. '3:1, 3' o. <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Bll.,t: ca~h pm:.: So _ __7.S'"~ lull. ~----!.~_ . IllhtUUIOUI "lImm'y/~cr, cnverugc etJ,OD S :3 75, <br />T;'tul cash pricc S n...7'S.!...~_ ("a.~h [Intall JtlwnpU)'I11CIII '" .7S'....P~ l.npUlJ hulunl:e HI' $ 3".!oo~OO <br />ITEMIZATION OF TilE AMOUNT FINANCED OF S _? "3QO.!~.D_ <br /> <br />s 7300,Q:II AmounI crcdit.:d tn Ihlll contract I Same amounl a~ me .'l'npllld BIII;m~'c "I <br />~ O(), 0" Amnunt pan! nn nel h"tunce Inun ~trior ~untl'i1CI wilh u~ DO <br />AmuunUlll bllll! 111 tllhen un '"~ hchalt: \ ~'--- <br />S (JI). 0_____. III in~uranl.'l' CUlllpan) fur Credll Life Inlouram:.: $; _~!2~ -- <br />50 CD. 00_ In In)'ourancc l'umpan) 1m An"lJcnlund Hcahh in)urancc ~ ,..Q2...0"-_ <br /> <br />tn lo!our-.mI.:C cOlllpany [(lr PmpcrTlI DamBgc insurance <br />tu public nfficial~ fu Iling/recording tees <br />_ Itl I Spcl:lf') I _ O^L.. <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amounl Tolalo! TotarSale PrleB <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The 1l1ll11 cost of my purchnlie <br />RATE llk' dollnr IImounllhe The amnunlllr I.:redll 'nlCaltltlunt!wllI un credit, including my <br />The em.l of my credil as. cmlilwillcustmt. pmvilJed 10 0l~~1I till ha\cplllddllcrI ~(Jwnpu.,:ioOo <br />ayculyrilltc. m)'behlllf ha\'c made 1111 pllymcnl~ <br /> II~ ....:hcdulcd <br />17,7Li % $ nOlf, rJ:> $ 3300.00 $ S<<J"I.OO $ 5019.00 <br /> e e e <br />.. . , ..",.......,,^ <br />