<br />: . ( 1,1 (
<br />
<br />COHTSld
<br />
<br />DI!.!D OF TRUst
<br />
<br />88-105355
<br />
<br />Thl. Deed of TruBt Ie aadCl th.lll30th day of Seotanber ,19..B.B..-, by "nel ItlllonR
<br />Gar A. Fitch - , hl!!l'elnalter rer.rrltd to all "TrUl!ltDr~"
<br />vltO.1!! _tUns addrn. I. NIl Arend R. Baack .
<br />Attof'lll), at I.Iw hereinafter refernd to fill Trultee, wllolle tal nl .ddr... h P. o. P,nv 7~ml
<br />Grana ISIWla, NE 68802 ; and Tim OVERLAND NATIWAL BANI OF GRAND ISLAND, henlnlfter fIlterred to .1
<br />uBendlcl...,." whole ..Uln8 .ddraBII h P. o. Box 1688, Gund Island. Nebullh 68802.
<br />For .aluable cOI1l11deratlon, Trultot' Irrevocably srant., trendera. conveys and a.aIKO. to Trultee, In
<br />trUlt, with power of ..Ie, for the beneHt IInd lIecut'lty of Bllnefh:hry, under and aubjact to the tlll'.... and
<br />condition. of thb Dead of Trult, the (ollovlns-ducrlbed prapert" located In Hall Count,.
<br />Nebr..u, ta.vltl
<br />Lot: Seven (7), Subdivision of Lot Nine (9), Windolph's Subdivision
<br />of part of the Northeast OW=l:r1:er of the Nort:h~~1: QJI~l""h':>.-r 1N"r.'--lNW!)
<br />and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NlV:Jo1'ill:Jo) of
<br />Sect:ion Fourteen (14). Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br />West: of t:he 6t:h P.M., in Hall Countv. Nebraska. '
<br />tOlether with _U bullding_, 1l1lprovetaentft. fixtures, Ittreettl, aUeY8, pllluu.gevaYII, e8111lllente, rll!,htA, prtvl-
<br />1.... and .ppurtan_c.. located thereon Dr In any va, pertalntnl thereto, and the unta, bauee. proUt.,
<br />r...r.lona -.\d the "__Inder. thel"eof. Includlnll all lIuch per.onal propllrty thllt 1. attach.d to the illprovll-
<br />.enta aD .. to con.titut. . (btur.. all of which, lncludlnl ..aplac...nta and addition. thareto, .1'. hareb,
<br />deelared to b. . part of tha real ..tau eonv.red In trUllt hereby I it baiRS allnad thllt .u or the fou-
<br />loin. ....U h hu.lnaft~r 'C'.ferr.d to .. the "Property."
<br />
<br />(a) the par-nt of lndebtedne.!l.!l evidenced by Tr-u.!Itor'lI not~ of IlIvllIn datil herewith in
<br />the prtncJpd 1I1m1 of Thirtv Thnm;:;and and Nn/100----($ 30.000.00 ). tORethcr
<br />with interellt at the rate or rate.!l prOVided therein. or the prIncipal and Int. relit on MY
<br />future ad"..ce not to l!xClled the total princtpal IIU1l InitiallY lIecuud hereby.. evidenced
<br />by prOl....ory note. IIhtlns they arl! .!Iecurl!d hereby, and .n)' end all renevah. MOdUlcatlone
<br />.nd er.ten.tonll of .uc:h notu. both prlndpal and intllrl!lIt on the notell bein. p.y.bll In
<br />aceordance wtth the tel'lllJ lIet lorth thenin, whieh b)' thia reference II hereby ..de. part
<br />h.raol;
<br />
<br />(b) the perforaance of e.!lch agrec.ent .!Ind covenant of TrUl'ltor herein contlltned; and
<br />
<br />(c) the p.)'IIent of any IIUII or IIUa.!l of .oney vhich ..Y be hereafter paid or advanced
<br />by Benefictary under t.he tam. of thia Deed of Trullt. tOlether with lntllre.t thlu'eon at the
<br />rllte prodded in the note.
<br />
<br />To protllct the .ecurit.7 of th1.!l Deed of Trullt, Trustor ht!lr-eby covenant.a and "greea 118 follow:
<br />
<br />1. ra.,.nt of Indllbtedneu. To pay vhen due. the princIpal of. IInd the tournt on. the lndebted-
<br />ne.. IIddenced b, the notll. charle., feu and aU other IIUII. a. provided In the loan 1nstru.ents.
<br />
<br />Z. !.!!!!.. Tru.tor ia the owner of tha property and h.. the rilht and authority to execute thl.
<br />OIIad of Trun In n.pect to the propeny.
<br />
<br />I. T..e. and A....._ntl!l. To p.y. whlln due, .11 taxlu. IIpllci.l ...e...ent. and all other charlll.
<br />as.tnat tha property. bafore t.ha ..... b.co.. d.Unqulhlt. .nd. In the .vllnt len.ficur, .hall .0 rllquira.
<br />to add to the p."'DtIl required under the note .ecured hereby. .ueh ..,unt a. ..y b. .uff:ldant to l1li-
<br />abl. leDlflclar, to pay .uch tax.., .......at. or other char... .. the, beeoM due.
<br />
<br />4. In.urance. To keep the l.prove_nt. now or here. her located on the real e.tllte described
<br />herein in.uncl ..a1nllt d...ge by fire and such other haurd.!l 8!1 Beneficiary IIlIY require, in ..ounts .nd
<br />eo.panlH acceptable to tencClc.1Dry, and with 10l1li payable to Beneficiary. In cue of Iou under such
<br />poUc1u, Benefielary .. Authorized to adjust, collect and ctmpr~het in it. discretIon, .U datu
<br />thereunder and. at ita .ole option. h authorized to dther apply the proceeds to the reetontlon 01 the
<br />proparty or upon the indebtedne.. .eeu1'lld herllby, but p.,.ent. required by the note .h.n continUII ....tll
<br />the .~ a.cured hereby lire paid in full.
<br />
<br />5. Repair. Mainten.nce and Use. To pr~ptly repair. r.store or rebuild any bulldlnl!!l. or I.proy;e-
<br />aentil now 01' heredter on the property; to kup the propert, in flood condition and repair, "lthout va.U
<br />_d Irq frOll _chMnJca Dr othllr I"n. not axpre..l, .ubordinat.d to the 1I11n hueof: to not ..ke. auUn
<br />or PllrMlt IIny buhance to edst nor to dl.lnhh or lap. II' the value of the property by .ny act or OIIh.ion
<br />to IIct; and to cOIIpl, ,with .U requlre..nta of law with 1'.....ct to tM property.
<br />
<br />6.. CondMmation. In the event thll prop....tv. or .ny part thereof, IIhall be taken by e_tnent do...ln.
<br />'..efldar, I. entitled to collect and ncetv. aU cDllpan.atlon wbich _y b. paid far any property tauh
<br />or for .1__&.. to ,rapert,. not taken. and lIeneHchry ahall apply .ucll cOllpen.aUon, at Ita opUon.
<br />either to a r"uctlon of tha indabt.dRell. ..curd henby or to repair and rutol'll the property liD takan.
<br />
<br />7. Pe.rforacce by BeneClc1orv. Benellcl.r,. "y, but IIhllll have no obBllltlon to, do any IIct which
<br />Tru.tor h.. aarn. but faUed to do, and Beneficiary _, alao do any act It de... necea..ry to protect
<br />thll lien hereol. Trulltor .areea to repay. upon de.llnd. any aUIIII eo eJ[pended ., Beneficiary for the
<br />a&o.. purpo.... .-d _, .... .0 expended b, Beneficl.ry shan .,. added to tha indabt.dolla. .eeured here-
<br />by and HC_ .eeal'ad b,. tb. lien henof. Bendlclar, lIh.U not incur .ny pereonal lhblUt, b.cau.. of
<br />_,thlna It ., do or oaIt to do hetllW'lder.
<br />
<br />8. A..la..nu of bnta. BeN!flcbry .h_n have the right. pOver and authority durin. the can-
<br />Ur"...c..of thla Deed of Trust to collect thls rente,. ieaUtlIl and profiu of the property IInd of an, per-
<br />1I~1 propartJ locllted thueon wtth or vithout t.lt1ril~ po.lleulon of thll property ..ffected hereb" t:nd
<br />Trw.toll' her.b, abaolutely and ....condltionally ....11'. .11 lIuch rent., haue. .nd prollt. to Beneficiary.
<br />.....flc..ry. hmlaY8l'. hereb, con.ent. to Trustor'. collection and retention of such rentll, h.ue. and
<br />profit. .. the, accrue and bec~ payable. .0 lOllS a. Trustor h not. .t .uch tl_. in default with re-
<br />a.-=t to pa,.ent of lIIIy indebtedne.a Becured hereby. or In the pedoraance of any allr.~nt hereunder.
<br />If -, .... of default dllllCrlbed hllre.lter in tIIl!1~et to thil!l Deed 01 TrUllt .han hava occurred .nd be
<br />coatl_ua, a.ne.flc1.at'J'. a. . _Uar of rlBht. and without notlc. to Tru.tor or anyone dai.lna under
<br />Tn.-tar. and without re&.rd to tha value of the tru.t .lIt.ta Dr the int.r..t 01 the Truslor thudn,
<br />llhall han U. ..llht to .pply to uy court h.vlnK jurladlctlnn to appolnl a reedyer of the PC-Orefty.
<br />
<br />t. JaapectJon.. Beneflciarr, ar It. alenll'l. r.prell!ntllthu or vor~n. lire authorhed to enter
<br />et ., nooneb1. U_ upon 01' in ..,. pan of the property for the rurJloae of Inllrect1nl!!l the .... end
<br />far U. pUl'poa. of p.rlondns anr of the ect. It .. ..uthorhed to perfa.... under the ten. o( an, lDan
<br />a_tr~t. IIllKuC.itd by Trustor.
<br />
<br />10. Tr""er of ho"rty. If aU or ma, put of tM property or any Jnurellt of Tru.tor thenin
<br />
<br />-1-
<br />