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<br />88_ 105350 <br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fUr1hc:r covenant Bnd agree as follows: <br />19. A...luatloa; a.medla. IADdor .halI III'. notice 10 Borrow.r prior 10 .ccel.r.tlon followtna Borrow.r'. <br />__b of.., co.....t or acree-t iD t1L~ Securlt)' lIIItnunent (but not prior to .ccel.ratlon undor para...pbJ 13 and 17 <br />IIIIIoa ..,ucabl. law pro..d.. oIbonrloe). De IIOtIce ....0 apecIfy: (.1 tII. d.f.ull; (hI tII. .ctlon required to CUi'll tII. <br />default; (.). date. not _Iba 30 my. tram tbe dill tbe notl.. tJ lII..n to Borrower. by wblcb till def.ull m.... be cured; <br />ad (01) tIIIt fIlIlnl to C1II'll !be defllllt on or befOl'll tbe dllI.peclfted In tile notice ...y I'llIUIt iD ....I.ratlon of the .UOll <br />HClII'lld b, tbII SecurIty IDltrDment and uIe of tile Property. ne notice IIhI1I further Inform Borrower of Ihe rlpt to <br />relMtlle IfIer ....Ieratlon IJId the rlpt to brlnl . court don to ....rt the non...I.t.nce of . def.u1t or my otller <br />def_ of Borrower to oeeeIeratlon and 5IIe. Utile def.ult Is not eured on or befol'll the dlt. .pecl8ed In tile notice, Lender <br />.t III option ...y require IDIJOedlate paymont iD fall of all...... aecured by tIItJ Security InItnUn.nt wttllout further <br />deIDIIld....1IIIJ iD.ok!!be po.... of.... IDd any otller I'llmodl.. permitted by "W. Lendor .h111 be endlled to <br />collect all _ Inc:urred In panuIna tile ......edI.. prorided In tbII paraartlpb 19. IneludIJIg, but not limited to. <br />relIIClII8ItIe .n.....,.. f...lDd COI\I of till. mdenc:e. " . <br />If the of .... Is In.oked. Trustee sbaII record . notlc. of d.f.ult iD ...h count)' In whl.h any put of tII. <br />Property Is located IUld IIhI1I mall copl.. of such notice ill the manner p....r1bed by .ppllcable I.w to Borrower and to tile <br />olher penotlI preocrlbed by .pplleahle ..... After the tIm. required by .ppllcable "'" Trustee shill gI.. public nutlce of <br />.... to tbe penoaa IDd In tbe mann.r prescribed hy .ppll..hl. ...... Trustee, wltllout d.mand on Borrower, shall ..II the <br />Property .t pabll. .uction to the hlp..t bidder .1 lbe time and p.... and under lb. lerm. d..l_ted iD the notice of 511. In <br />one or more parcels IDd In any onler TrJStee det.rmlnes. Trustee IIIIJ pDltpO"" .... of all or any parco! of tbe Property by <br />public announcement .t the time and pi... of any pl'll"oOlly scbedoled 511.. Lender or lis deslllll" may pur...... the <br />Property .t IDY 511.. <br />Upon I'llCOlpt of paym.nt of lb. price bid. Trust.. shall to Ih. pur......r Trust.... d.... con..yloR Ih. <br />Property. n. reeltI1a In !be Trustee'. d.... IIhI1I be prima faci. ..Idence of lb. trulb of Ih. stat.m.nts mad. lb.l'llin. <br />Trustee sbaII ."Iy lb. proc:eedl of lb. 511. In !be following order: (.l to of lb. ..... IncludIJIR. but not limited <br />to, Trustee'. fea u permitted by I.w and I'llIIODlbl. .ttom.l'I' fees; (hI to all sums secured by tills Security <br />IDltrament; and (cl any...... to tb. penon or penonsleplly .ntllled 10 It. <br />ZOo Lender in P.ouession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonmenr of the Property, Lender (in <br />person. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Propeny including those past due. Any rents coUected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including. but not <br />limited to. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by <br />this Securily Instrument. <br />21. Reconnyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by thiS Security Instrument. Lender shaH request Trustee to <br />reconvey Ihc Property and shall surrend.r this Securily InSlrumcnl and all nol.. .vid,ncing secured by this Security <br />Instrument 10 Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and withoUl charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such penon or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />22. Su.bltitute TrUltee. Lender, alllS option. may from lime to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Wilhoul conveyance oflh. Property, lhe successor lruslee shallsuccecd to a1llhc title, pow.r and dUlies conferred upon <br />Truslee herein .nd by applicable law, <br />13. Requat for Notlcn. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default bnd salc be sent to Borrower's <br />address which iJ Ih. Property Add...... <br />24. RIden to tills Senrlty IIIItnuaent. If one or more ri<le,.. are .xecuted by Borrower and recorded log.lh.r wilh <br />this Security 11IIlrumenl. th, coven.nts and agreements of each such rid.r shall be incoljlOrated inlo and sh.lIam.nd and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />11IIlrumenl. [Check bo.(es)] <br />o Adjustabl. Ral. Rid.r 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rid.r <br /> <br />o GllIdulted Payment Rider <br /> <br />o PI.nned Unit Developmenl Rid.r <br /> <br />[J Oth.r(s) [specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the t.erms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any rider(s) .xecuted by Borrow.r and recorded wilh il. <br /> <br />,J4.1~4C~4J'!1L:. <br />naro a :J. L..arney <br /> <br />.........fSeal) <br />-ao"ower <br /> <br />..............(SeaI) <br />-80....... <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBR0\5KA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On lbiJ 26 day of September , 1988 . before me, th. undersigned, a NOlary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualifi.d forsaid counlY, p.rsonally cam. Harold S. Carney. a single <br />person ......_______________________________________________________,10 me known to be the <br />identical penon(s) whose namc(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the cllCccution <br />Ihereof 10 be his voluntary aCl and deed. <br />Whneu my hand and notarialscal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, the <br />dale aforesald. <br /> <br />MYcomm~, ~~l ,.O~k_d1,ct,.i~7~4~: <br />-.,. -.11. I..... Nuliln 'Pb;lu: <br />EST FOR RECONVEY ANCE <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE, <br />The undenl,ned II the holder of lhe nOle or noles ~ecured by lhl' Deed of Tru'\t. Sau.l nule l,r nole.... IUllcther <br />Utllh all olhCT indeblcdnen \ccurcd by thn Derd or Trusl. haH been pallJ In full You art' hcrd,)o' dlfC:l:IN III ,au.l <br />notl! or nOles and Ih", Dnd of Tru!.l. which arC' dC'h\/C'rcd hrrrb.,.. nnd 10 rt'Uln\.C'\. ......thuul \\<nrri1n1)'._1\"1he ,,:slelr <br />no... held by .,.OU undef (hi" Derd or Trusf lu IhC' penon llf pN'Um~ It'ltnll\ cnlllkd tht'rt'1l1 . <br /> <br />D.I~ <br />