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<br />88-105341 <br /> <br />If lender required mortgage insurance 85 a condition of making the loan secured by Ihis Security Instrument, <br />Dorrower shall P.:J.Y the premiums required to maintain the insurance 1n effcct until such time as the requirement for the <br />Insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable Inw. <br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the ProperlY. Lender <br />shall gj,.c Borrower nOlicc at the time of or prior 10 an inspection specifymg reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with <br />an)' condemnation or olher Inking of any part of lhe Property. or for convcynm:c in lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid to lender <br />In the e\'ent of a tolnl takmg nf Ihe Property. Ihe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument. whether or nOI (hen due. with any excess paid (Q Borrower, In lhe t"venl of n partial taking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiphed by the following fractinn: (a) the lotal amount of the sums secured immcdiatdy <br />before the tllkmg. di\'ided b)' (bllhe fair market value of the Propeny Imm~ialely before the taking, Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower <br />If the Property l!'l abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notlcc hy lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or seltle a c111im for damages. Borrower faib to rc!'!pond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br />given. Lender is authorized (0 collect and apply Ihc proct.'eds. allls option, eit her to rest~ration or repair of the Propeny or <br />(Q the sums s~ured by Ihis Security Inslrument. wilt.ther or nOlthen due <br />Unless lender and Borrower olherwlse agree in wrillng. any application llfpraceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone Ihe due date of the monthly pn)'mcnt!a referred to 1tI paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments <br />10. Borrower ;\iot Released; Forbearance By Lender Sor a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or <br />modification of amnnizalion of the ~ums ~c!.:ured by Ihi~ St."Cuflty Instrumenl granled by lender 10 any successor in <br />mterest of Borrower ~hall nol npcrale 10 rclell\e the Iiahilll)' of the oflginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interes!. <br />lender shall nol he requlft:J to I.:ommen.:c prncccdltlgs agl1l1lst any ~UL:L'CSs.or 1tI inter~t or refuse to extend time for <br />payment or othcrwi3e modify affioftlZ3IUm oflhc 'aums ~ccured hy 1111~ SeL.urity (n~lrumcnl by reason of any demand made <br />by Ihe- onginal Borrower or Borrnwer's !.ueccs\Dflo,lTIl1llerc!tl_ Any fnrhearance hy Lender in cxercising any right or remedy <br />shall nOI be a waiver of or pre-c1ude lhe eXerL'l~e of any nght or re-OlctJy <br />11. Successors and Assigns Round; Joinr and Scycral Liability; Co-sIWlcrs. The cm'cnants and agreements of <br />thl~ Security Instrument shall hmd and henefi1the SlIcct."Ssnr!> and aS~lgm nflender and Borrower. subject to Ihe provisions <br />of paragraph 17. Borro....'er.'a co\'enunt'" and agreemeJ11'i ",hall he )lllJ1t and se\'eral. Any Burrower who co-signs this Security <br />In~trument but dot.~ nul ellc(:Ule the Nnlc (n)I" Cll-'ilgmng Ih" Sceunly In~trumr:nl nnly to mortgage. grant nod convey <br />that Borrower'", 1n1ere-.t In Ihe Property under Ihe- lerm~ uf thl~ Se....uflly In..lrumel1t; (hi I'" 111l[ persnnally obligated to pay <br />thc sum!'! secured hy thl!'! Sccurl1)' In~lrumenl. and (1.:1 llgft:o Ihal Lcndcr and imy lIlher Borrllwer may agree to eX1end, <br />modify. furheur or make any a....commodatlnm wllh regard 10 Ihe Icrms of Ihl~ Secuflly In!-.Irument or Ihc Note without <br />that Borrower'~ consenl <br />12. Loan Ll1arges. Iflhe Joan !>Ccurcd by Ihl~ Sccunty [n..trumenlls !'!ubJecllo ala\\1 which ~cls maximum loan <br />chargt."S. and thaI law I" finally m1erpreted 'an Ihat the mlerc,t \lr other hmn chargc~ ctlllt."Cted or 10 be collecled in <br />connt'clloll with Ihe loan e....ceed the pernllllt.-d hmit!.. 1hen. In) any 'iuch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br />necessary to reduce the charge tn Ihe permit led hmlL and (h) any !tUIl1!t already collecled frnm Borrower which exceeded <br />permlltt.-d hml1\ Will he refunded In Borrower Lender may dlOn~c 10 make tlm refund h~ reducll1g tht: pnncipal owt.-d <br />under the Note or b~.. makmg a direct paymenl1n rf a refund reduce!> pnnclpal. the reduclion will be treated as 11 <br />partlnl prepayment WtlhllUI an} jlreraymenl dlarpc under the NolL' <br />13. LeRlslallon AffectinR, Lcnder's Rlll.hb. If C'lIal.'lInenl Ilr e:'l.plr:tlllltl llf applicable IllW!\ ha!> the e!Tect of <br />rendermg any rrovl!\lnn of1he Note nr thi!. Sccuflly In'lrumclIt unL'nforct.-ahlC' ..Jl.'cmdlllg In If', lefln... Lender. at i1~ oplion. <br />may require immedmll' payment III full of all ..urn\'urr:d hy Ihl\ SeCUfll) 11I'lrUlnenl and may ItIvnke any remedies <br />penntlletl hy para!tTllph IQ If Lelldt."r L'xcrCI~ Iht.. option. Lender ..hall lake Ihe \ICP" In fhe 'iccond paragraph of <br />paragraph }7 <br />14. Sotices. l\n~ IIIltll.:e 10 Borrower pfll\Hled for III lhl... SeL'unly lll~lrumclll 'ahall hc gIven hy ddivering Illlr by <br />mailing It h~- tir't da.... mutl unlt.'S!'! apphcable law regutre. u!te Ill' another method, The noll....e ...hall be direcled 10 Ihe <br />Propeny Addrc,\ or any other addresti Borrower designate:-.. hy nnltce tn LClldcr. Any nOllcc 10 lender shall be given by <br />first cla!>\ mati tu Lender', addres!'! staled herem or any other addre!o.!> lender de!'!lgnah,'" h~ nollct' tu Borrower. Any notice <br />proVided for m thl" Secunty Instrument shall be deemed to ha..e been glHIl to Borrower or lender when given as pmvided <br />In tlll~ parllgrllph <br />15. GonrninR; Law: Senrabilit)'. ThiS Se\,'unIY In\irument ..hall he g,owrned hy federal law ilnd lhe law of Ihe <br />junsdlctlollltl \\-hlch the Propeny IS located, In the eveJll that any prm'I!lIOn or c1au'ae of Ihl!'! Securny III~trurnenl or lhe <br />Note connlct~ wllh apphcable law. such conflict \hall not uffect other provl~lons ufthl" Security [n~lrumt:n1 or Ihe Nole <br />which can be Ip\.c:n effa.:t without (he conflicting provi!>itlJl. To 1hl~ end the prO\'I~ltln~ oflh" Secunty (l1~trumenl and Ihe <br />Note are declan:d 10 he !'!c"'erable. <br />16. Borrower's COP;)'. Borrower \hall be: given one !.:onformed CIIPY of Iht: NOh: ilud Ilf Ihl~ SecufllY In~lrumt:nl <br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficiallnreresr in Borrower. If all or any parl of Ihe Property IIf all}' <br />mlcro( IJlIt I~ ..old ur 1ramferred (or If a bel1cficlallnlef~t in IS ~old ur tran~ferrctl and I" nOI it natural <br />penon) without lender'~ prior wriuen con~nt. lender may, at lh option, require lInmedlale paymenl in full of all 'aUIl1' <br />'>CCurcd by this Securit) Instrument thi!> optum !'!hall run be cAell.:l..ed b} Lender If e.l(erci,~ i!> pruhlhlleJ h) <br />fedemlla\\' CUt ufthe dale of this Secunt}' In!ttrument. <br />Jf lender C....Crl;ISO Ihis oprinn. lender shall gi...e Borre)wcr 11011("e Ill' acccleralltll1, The ntllh,:e 'ahall Pfll\'lde a pCfHlL.l <br />OfnOllo."lhan 30 day!. from the dal~ the no1lce IS dehvered or mailed ",lIl1m ""iudt Uorruy,cr muo;t pay .111..ums !'!ecun:tl h} <br />thl~ Sc:eunt)' In!'!trumcnl. If Borrower foils 10 pay Ihese ~um~ pflilr [n the e"plrallon \lftlm penl1J. Lender may ltl\OKe illl~ <br />remedlcs pemutted by thl!> Sccunty Inslnlment WI thou I funhcr nollee ur demand on Borrower. <br />18. Borrowel"lI Righr to HeIMta'e. If Harrower meeb certam Ctlmhlulll.... Borrm\.cr 'ahall hun.' Ihe n~ht 10 ha..C' <br />enforccmro( oftht!!. Security Instrument Ih!>ConllOued at any lime: pilOT 10 Ihe: earlier or. (al ~ day' (or ..ueh other pe:nod OJ, <br />apphcable la", ma)' \pe:clfy fur r~m'il1l1ement) heforc sale of the PmpcrlY rUC,uullt In all) pm\ocr III' ..ale clllll..JlIlI.'d 111 11m <br />SccUfll) InSIrUmcnl. Dr Ib) enlr) of 11 judgment enforCing th... SCl.:unl)' IrhlrUmell1. Tlw\C CllllLhllllTl' arc lhul (Jilrrmh'l <br />(a) pay!> lender all !'um!. ~'hIL'h Ihen would he due under (hili St'1."unl~ Imlrumefll and the .....Oll' had till ;h;n'iL'tlllllltl <br />occurred. (0) curer. lln) ddauh tlf uny other covc,:nant", or agreemellh, (e J pay' all Cllpt:II\C' lIIcurrcd In cnlmclll~ 1}1I'o <br />SecUfll~ Imlrument. IOcludmg. but nul hmned 10. reaMJllable 1J1Iorncy,' fcc" and (0) lake.. 'Udl aI.:llIllI ,,," I.t'ndcr ma~ <br />rea~(J"3bl)' require (lJ iI~!'!urc thai the hen uf Ihl~ Sa;umy Instrumenl. LenJel'~ rt~lll' In Ihe: Plllpe:r1) and Ulltlll\\'l"I'.. <br />ubhpllon tu pa) the '\um"l "oCCura1 h) Ihl'i Sc1.:unty In!'!lrumenl \hall \:UI1IItlUC un1."hanged l'f'\lll relll'olill(,ll\C'1I1 t-o, <br /> Iha,. Sccuut) In,trumenll1nd Ihe obhpllon' !lccurro hereby '\hull rcmam flllh c:lT('('tl~C' il' 11 III' .lu:r\c:',IIlIll\ h.ld <br />("Ol;n.ncd tlll...e~c'. 1hl~ T1Khl tu mn!lllllc \hall nnlllpply In Ihe l.'l1!oC nl lll~cclcraltun unJcI piH .I~laph, 111" 1 "f <br />