<br />88_105339
<br />
<br />Borrower and lender covenant and agree 8S follows:
<br />
<br />1. That Borrower will pay \ho Indebtedness, os hereinbefore pro.
<br />vlded. Privnagl!t Is IlI'sorved to pay Ihl) dohl In wholo or In part on any
<br />lnatallmSlt due date.
<br />
<br />2. That. together wtth, and in addlllon to, the monthly payments of
<br />principal and interest payable under the terms 01 the note secured
<br />hereby. the Borrower wiI pay to the Lender. on the first day of each
<br />month untl the said nale Is fully paid. the fonowlng sums:
<br /><a) A sum equal 10 the ground rents, II any. next dUB. plus the
<br />premiums thlt will next become duo and payable on paRoles of fire
<br />and other h~ insurance covering the property. plus wes and
<br />assessments next due on the property (all as estimated by the
<br />Lender) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of
<br />months to elapse before one (1) month prior to the dale when
<br />auch ground rents, premiums. lues Bnd assesaments will become
<br />delinquent, such sums 10 be held by lender In trust to pay said
<br />iJround rents. premiums. toes and special assessmenls; and
<br />
<br />(h) AD paymenUl mentioned In the preceding subsection 01 this
<br />patagTllph and all payments to be made under the note secured here-
<br />by shaD be added together. and the aggregate amount lhereof shall
<br />be paid by the Borrower each month In a sIngle payment to be
<br />appUed by lhe lender 10 the rollowlng lIems in the order sel lorth:
<br />
<br />(I) ground rents. tbOS. assessments. fire and olher hazard
<br />Insurance prerntums;
<br />
<br />(II) Inl..t on tho nolo secured herebV:
<br />(Ill) amorttzation of the pr1nclpll 01 said nole: and
<br />
<br />(IV) 101. chUll'"
<br />
<br />Any deficiency In the amount 01 such .ogregate monthty payment
<br />sha!. unless made good by lhe Borrower prior 10 the due dale or the
<br />neY.t such ~ymenl. consUlute an evenl 0' dlri.u" under this mortgage.
<br />The lender mlY colec:t a "lale ch.rge" nol 10 exceed four cents (4c)
<br />tor t!lIIch dollar ($1) Df t!lIIch p.yment more lhan fifteen (15) days In
<br />arrears to cover the ~ oxpense Involved in handling delinquent
<br />paymenls
<br />
<br />4. That the Borrower will pay around rants, tMOIl, aDlIolSsmonts,
<br />water mias, and othor govornmental or municipal chargoD, fines, or
<br />imposlUona, for whIch provision haB not bem made hereinbefore, and
<br />In defaulltharoof the lender mey pay the Bams; and that the Borrower
<br />win prompUy deliver tho official receipts therefor to the lender.
<br />
<br />5. The Borrower wiD pay all taxes which may be levied upon the
<br />lender's Interest in said real estate and Improvements. ftnd which may
<br />be levied upon this Instrument or the debt secured hereby (but onty
<br />to Ihe extent that such 115 not prohibited by law and onty to the extent
<br />that such wUl nol make this loan UIlUriOUS), but excludIng any Income
<br />tax. Slate or Federal. Imposed on lender. and will file tho official receipt
<br />showing such payment wflh the Lender. Upon violation <;.,thls under.
<br />laking, or" the Borrower Is prohibited by any law now or herae.fter
<br />existing from paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid taxes.
<br />or upon the rendl::fing ot any court decree prohibitIng the payment by
<br />the Borrower of any such taxes, or It such law or dea-ee provides that
<br />Bny amount sO paid by the Borrower shaD be credtted on the deb1.
<br />the lender shall have the right to give ninety days' written noUce to
<br />the owner of the premises, requiring the payment ot the debt. It such
<br />notice be given. the said debt shall become due. payable and coUect.
<br />ible at the expiration ot said ninety days.
<br />
<br />B. That should the Borrower faU to pay any sum or keep any
<br />covenant provided for in this Instrument. then the lender, at Its
<br />option, may pay or perlonn the same, and all expenditures so made
<br />shall be added to the principal sum owing on lhe said note. shall
<br />be secured hereby, and shall bear Interest et the rate set forth In the
<br />said nole. untQ paid.
<br />
<br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns, trBnsfers and sets over to the
<br />lender. to be applied toward the payment of the note and all sums
<br />secured hereby In case of a default in Ihe performance of any of the
<br />terms and condltlons of this Instrument or the saki note, aM the rents,
<br />revenues IInd Income to bo derived tram the said premises during such
<br />time liS Ihe Indebtedness shaD remain unpaid, and the lender shall
<br />have power to appoinl any agard or agents It may desire for the pur-
<br />pose 01 repairing said premises and of rentlng the same and coII~g
<br />lhe rents. revenues snd lncome, and II may payout at said Incomes
<br />aU expenses of repairing said premises Ilnd necesslllY commfsslons and
<br />expenses incurred to renting and nwnaglng the same and 01 coHecUng
<br />rentals therefrom; Ihe balance remaining, If any, to be appUed toward
<br />the discharge of Slid Indebtedness.
<br />
<br />3. thai tI the total of the payments rMde by the Borrower under
<br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shaD mu:eed the amount ot paymenls
<br />actualy made by the lender for ground rents, wea and assessments
<br />or Inlurance premiums, .. lhe case may be. luch excess, If Ihe $can
<br />Is current, at the option of the Borrower. shd be a-edlted by the e_ That the BorrowM will keep the Improyements now existing or
<br />lender on subsequent paymMlS to be rMde by the Borrower. or hereaner erected on lhe property. Insured as may be required from
<br />refunded to the Borrow<<. It. howevl!l'. the monthty payments I"NIde time 10 time bv the lender egainlt loss by fire and other hazards.
<br />by the Borrower under (a) of par.graph 2 preceding sh" not be casualties and contk1genaes In !luch &mounts and lor such periods as
<br />sumdent to pay ground renll. tax_ and assessments or Insurance rMy be requ1red by the lender and wID pay prompUy. when due, any
<br />prI!ImkJml, al Ihe case may be, when the same aha. become due and premiums on such Insurance. provlsk>n lor paymenl Dt which has not
<br />payabkl, then the Borrower ,ha. pay to the lender any amount been rT\llId~ herelnbefDnl. AI Insurance ahaU be carried In companies
<br />necessary 10 make up the deficiency, oc or before the date when approved by 1he lend. and the poIlcles and renewals thereof sh" be
<br />payment of such ground rents. taxes, assessments, or inaurance pre- held by the lender and have attached thereto loss payable dauaes in
<br />mlums ,haI be due. If at any li'ne the Borrower ahallender 10 the favor of and .in 'ann acceptable to the lender, In event of loss
<br />lendw, k1 accordance with lhe provisions of the note secured hereby. Borrower will give immediate noUce by mall to the lender, who may
<br />fun paymenl or the enUre Indebtedness represented thereby. the lender make proal of loss tI not made promptly by Borrower. and each
<br />shd, In computing the amounl 01 such Indeb1edness, credit to lhe insurance company concerned Is hereby authorized mid directed to
<br />accounl of (he Borrower Bny balance remaining In the lunds aCalm. make payment lor such loss dlreclty to the lender Instead of to Ihe
<br />ulated under the provisions 0' (al 0' pllnlgraph 2 hereol. If there shaD Borrower and Ih& lender loinlly. and the Insurance proceeds, or any
<br />be a defAUlt under my or the provisions of this Instrument resulting In part 1hereof. may be appUed by the lender al its opUon ether to Ihe
<br />. pubic sale of the premises covered hereby, or " the lender IIC- reduction 01 the Indebledness hereby secured or to the restoratlon or
<br />QUWes the property olherwlse after defau", the lender shaH apply. al repair 01 the property damaged. In evenl 01 foreclosure or this Instru.
<br />Ihe \me 01 the commencement of such proceedings. or al the time menl or olher transfer of thle to the mortgaged property In extinguish-
<br />the property Is otherwise aCQuired. the balance then remaining in the menl of the Indebtedness secured hOl'eby, all right, tiUe and Interest
<br />lunds aCOJmulated under ta) 01 panlgraph 2 preceding. as II aedil. 01 the Borrower In and 10 any Insurance polk:les then In force shall
<br />a"uut Ihe amoun1 01 prindpal then remaining unpaid under said nola. pass to the purchasei' or grantee.
<br />
<br />~~l:U C11 (06Ie8\
<br />
<br />120T73tl7l
<br />
<br />HUD-92143.DT
<br />
<br />'~IJ"O' C'll ~
<br />