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<br />88~05332 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br /> <br />The foltowi1g lUll addnncll to the MOI1g1ge. Please check appRcable addendum. The addendum checked shill be <br />Incorporated Into. lDl1d recorded with. the Mortgage. The term .Mortgige- shall be deemed to Include .Oeed 01 <br />Trusl". If appVcable. <br /> <br />_X_ FHA ADOENDUM <br /> <br />As long u the MOl1gage II o:J1atBndlng, the Lender may dedare all sums secured by the Mortgage to be <br />Immlldlaloly wo ond payable 11: <br /> <br />(II d at part of the property II lold or otherwise tnmsfemtd (other than by devlsl!l, 1r.scent or <br />operation of 1Iw) by Borrower to II purchaser or other transferee: <br />(I) who cannot reasonably be expected to occupy the property HS a princfpal residence within a <br />reasonable time after the sal6 or trsnsfer. aD liS provided In SectJon 143(01 sod 143(1){2) of the <br />Internal Revenue Code of 1988. I!IS amended; or <br />(II) who has had. present own8r.lhlp Inlera! In a prtnclp../ residence during any part of the <br />three-y..- period ending on the date 01 the sale or transfer. aD as provided In SectIon t43(d) and <br />143(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (except thai Ihe language "100 percentM shan be substituted lor <br />M95 percent or moreM where the Latter apPe&nl fn SectJon 1431d)(11); or <br />(Ii) at Ul acquisition cost which Is greater than 90% of the average Brei purchase price (greater 1han <br />no.. for largeted area resldences), all III provided In Section 143(0) and 143(1)(2) of the Intemal <br />Revenue Code; or <br />(iv) who has an Income In excess of thllt eetlblished by the Nebra:ska InvC'stment Finance Authority under <br />tls appIcabJe regulltlons or program guldeUnes In effect on the date 01 the sale or Inlnsfer. or <br /> <br />(b) Borrow... ~es to occupy the property desaibed In the Mortgage without lender's prior written <br />consent: or <br />Ie) BOOOWII' omfts or misrepresents a material fact In an appHcatlon for the Mortgage. <br /> <br />Aelarancea ... to the Internal Revenue Code Ir, effect on the dale of el'Iecutlon of 1he mortgllge IInd are deemed <br />10 Include the Implenw1ting regu"UonI. <br /> <br />VA MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />It, so long .. the MOC'tIiJlQe II OUlllandlng, .. or any par1 of the property is soJd or transferred by Borrower <br />without Lender's prior wrlt1en coosent, olh. than I transfer by devise, descent or by operallon of law, the <br />Lander may. at Lender's option, declare I. the sums sOQJred by the Mongage to be Immediately due and payable. <br /> <br />/) , '~ <br />Dat8: September 30. 1988 ( A I _ ) <br />y U'l'lif ,t{:\ ;- C<{/ZL- <br />P.mel. J Kav. <br /> <br />Slot. 01 Nobra.... ) <br />County 0I......r->/).. <br />Tho ~ in_I.... ocknowledoed before me 'hi. ~ cloy 01 ~ ~~" ~ l.,.~ <br />T8-Si:-, by - J Kava f<; ~ I <br />WIln... my ....d ond nolortal .... 0' ~ in sold counly I dote d, J <br />G"A...l T,,1......i ~~4 V} <br /> <br />My CormOosIon Expno, 7-2--9,2 Ron Schn_ ('(&I, <br />MFA 1ie! ISSUE 8 RJOO.A3' (MWl1 <br /> <br />I~-:~-:I <br />