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<br />88-105332 <br /> <br />o. That.s addnlonal and collateral security for the payment of the <br />note d~aibed. and an 5ums 10 becomll due under this Instrument, the <br />Borrower hereby assigns 10 the Lender .1 profits. rl'YMues, rovaltles. <br />rights and benefits acaulng to the Oarrower under any and aU on and <br />gas leases on said premises. with the right to receive and recelpt for <br />the same and apply them to said indeb1edness as wel before .s after <br />default in the condiUonl 01 this instrument. and the Lander may d. <br />mand, sue for and recover any such payments when due and payable. <br />but shd nol be required SO to do. This ..sJgnment Is to termlnale <br />and become nul and void upon relMse of this InslrumenL <br />10. That the Borrower will keep the bundlngs upon said premls," <br />In gt)Od repai', and netl:her commit nor permit waste upon saJd land. <br />nor .tun. the a&id premises to be uaed In any un\awtul purpose. <br />11. That If the premlses, or any part thl!lr8Of. be condl!!nV1ed under <br />the power 01 eninent domain. or acquired for II public use, the dam- <br />ages awarded, the proceeds for the 1aIOOg 01. or the consideration for <br />such acqulsmon, to the extent of the full amount of IndebllKiness upon <br />this Instrumen1 end the note which" Is given to sec::ure remaining un. <br />paid, are hln!lby assigned by the BorroWS' to the Lender. and shaH be <br />paid forthwith to said lender to be appied by the Ianer on account of <br />the next mlJturing i1s~enls of such Indebtedness. <br />12. The Borrower further a~s that should this Instrument and the <br />note seQJred hereby not be eligible tor Insurance under the National <br />Housing Act within eight months from the date hereot (wrttten statement <br />of IInY orficer of the Department ot Housing and Urban Development <br />or authorized agent of the Seaetary ot Housing Ind Urban Development <br />dated subsequent to the eight months' Urne from the date 01 this Instru- <br />ment, declining to Insure said note and this mortgage. being deemed <br />conclusive proot of such lneGgiJDity). the Lender or holder of the note <br />may, at fts option, declare .. sums secured hereby Immediately due and <br />payable. Notwithstanding the foregolng. this option may not be exer- <br />c:Is.:f by the Lender or the holder of the note when the lne!lgibRlty for <br />Insurance under the Nationaf Housing Act Is due to Ihe lender's <br />rdure to remit the mortgage Insurance premium 10 lhe Depmment of <br />Housing and Urban Deveiopment <br />13. That" the Borrow. Ids 10 make any payments of mon")' <br />when the same become due, or Ids to conform to and comply with <br />any at the condlUon. or agreements conlailecl In this InsllUmont. or <br />the nota which II aec:urn, then the enUre pr1nctpal sum and accrued <br />ilt.-t shall at once become due and payable. at the eiecllon of lhe <br />Lender, <br /> <br />Lender ahd give notice to Borrow.. pnor 10 aCCfMeraUon fclawlng <br />Booower's brach of any covenant or agr.-n.,t in this Instrumenl <br />(but not prior to acceieratlon under panlgraph 12 un"', applicable <br />law providea otherwise). The notice sh.1I specify: (a' the defaurt: <br />(b) the action ~ 10 QJre the detautr.: (c) a date, not len than <br />30 CWys from the date the nolice Ia gtven to Borrow., bV which the <br />detlult rJMJst be cured; and (d) that to cure Ihe detlult on I)r <br />befoJ8 th. date apedhd In the notice may resutl In accelerl:tlon of the <br />sums sea.ued by this Instrument and saJe of the Property. The notk:e <br />shal furth.. ilfonn Borrow. of the righl 10 reinstate after acceleration <br />and lha right to bmg a court action 10 .saarl the noo-existence of <br />a dcrIautt or any other defense of Borrow.. to acceleration and sale. <br />tf the default is not cured on or before the dale specifled in the notice. <br />Lena al ita option may require immediate paymen1 In fun at ell aums <br />secured by Ihis Instrument without further demand end m:lV Invoke the <br />POW" of... and any oth.. remecSes pemI1ted by applicable law. <br />Lena ahal be enUUed to colec1 aI eJq)eOHS incurred in pursuing the <br />remecIea prcvkIed In this paragraph 13, Including, but nol limited to. <br />...sonabIe attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> <br />II the power Dr BlUe Is Invoked, Trustee !Shall record 8 noUeo or <br />defaun In each county In which any part of Ihe P;o~<my Is located and <br />shaD mall copies of such nollce In the manner prescribed by applicable <br />law to Borrower and 10 the other persons prescribed by applicable law, <br />Ancr the lime required by applicable law, Trustee shan give public <br />notice 01 salo to the persons and In the manner prncribad by appli- <br />cable law. Truslee, without demand on Borrower, ahaD aell the Property <br />at pubDc auction to Ihe hlgheal bidder It the lime and pi;ce and <br />under the terms deslgnaled in the notice 01 sale In one or more parcels <br />and In any ordl!ll' Truslee delenntnea, Trustee may postpone sale of aD <br />or any parcel of the Property by public IUlnouncemenl at the time and <br />place of any previously scheduled sale. lender or Its deslgnn mIIY <br />purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of paymenl or the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to <br />Ihe purchaser Trustee's deed conveytng the Property, The redlals In <br />the Trust8e's deed shaM be prima flcie evidence 01 the truth of the <br />statements made therein. Trusiee shan apply the proceeds of the Hie <br />10 the foUowing order: la) to aU expenses at the sale, including, but not <br />Umlted to, Trustee's fees as penn/t1ed by appUcable law and l'8IIsonable <br />attorneys' tees: (b) to all sums secured by this security Instrument; <br />and (cl any excess to Ihe person or persons legally entitled to It. <br /> <br />14. Upon acceletlltlon under paragraph 13 or abandonment or the <br />Properly. lender ~n person, by agent or by judicially appointed re- <br />ceiver) shall be entitled 10 enter upon, take pos5esslon of and manage <br />the Property and 10 collect the renls of the Property Including those <br />pasl due. Any rents coUected by lender or the recetver shaD be appUed <br />first 10 payment of the costs 01 management or the Property and coUac. <br />tlon 01 rents, Including, but not limited la, receiver's fees, premiums on <br />receiver's bonds and reasonable Ilttorneys' fees, and then to Ihe sums <br />secured by this Instrument. <br /> <br />15. Upon payment of aU sums set"'.Jred by this Instrument Lender <br />shaJI request Trustee 10 reconvey the Property and ahan surrender this <br />inslrument and aU notes evidencing debt secured by this Instrument <br />to Truslee. Trustee shaD reconvey the Property without warranty and <br />without charge to the person or persons legaDy entitled to it. Such <br />person or persons shaD pay any recordation casts. <br /> <br />16. lender, .1 Its option, may trom Ume to time remove Trustee <br />and appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder <br />by an Inltrumenl recorded In Ihe county in which Ihls instrumenl Is <br />recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee <br />sW succeed to aU the tille, power end duties conterred upon Trustee <br />herein and by appHcable law. <br /> <br />17. BorrowBr requests that caples of the nollces of defaun and <br />sale be sent 10 Borrower's address which 15 the Property Address. <br /> <br />1 B. If one or more riders are ex.eculed by Borrower and recorded <br />together with Ihls instrument, the covenan1s and agreements of BlIch <br />such rider shan be Incorpol"l1ed Into and shall amend and supplement <br />Ihe covenanls and agreements 01 this Instrument as If the rider(s) <br />were a part or this Instrument. <br /> <br />"'JJJ,L"Tl f06mel <br /> <br />22Qno166 <br /> <br />HUO-82143.{)T <br /> <br />P11IJt1Jof!l <br />