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<br />I <br /> <br />to. IIkMrowIf Mot "...IId; fort)urMCI .y Lender Not . MhW. ExttnlO'l of IhI t,me IOf PI)1Tlenl Of modd'lCIt1on 01 o.marliZlIllon ollhe IUrn. Hr.UNd by tnlI 8ecurtIy IntIrumInI <br />01111101:1 by L.ndIt 10 any iUCOIllOf In mlo,..l 01 Oonower ahd not opera'. to '"'lI\rhe llablllfy or the O!1gln.1 Borrowtf 01 Bom2wtr'. luccOlsortln In_It Londtf IhIn not bI rwquItId <br />to commence pror:eedlngs Aglll\SI Any luCCOISOl' In inlttnl or retu.. to e.ltnd lime !Of payment Of otherwt... modify amortization ollh. lums weure<l by lhl, Securtty Inltrbmlflt by Huon <br />01 ,!Iny eom&nl2 midi by the origll\ll Bonedf or Borrower', auc:et1lOl1 In inlnS1. My 10l'be1f1l'lCl by Lend., In ,..rcI,lng any nght or f1Im.ay Ihall riot be . ..... of or prKIudIltll <br />C\llilll~~~'.:. ~ IkMInd; ~nl and S.vwal LJabUIty: CCHtgnen. The COVM\lIIts Ind agrHmltnll ollhis Securlly rostrumenl ahall bind and benefit the IUCCINIOI'I and <br />!:"- ,,",lgnl Of LII'lder and Borrow.r. aubfect 10 thi pn:MSIOnS at paragraph 17. Borrower's covenantl and aor-menta Wiall be JOinl and several. AnV Bonowtr who COollgnslhl. Securtty <br />e'\!bul dotS nolllXoJCUta m. NoI': lall' co-"Oning (his SaeunlV InlUUmtnl only 10 mof1gllJ8. grant and convey that Borrower'slnlltrDll In the Property under Ihllll1ll1l1 01 Itlll Slcunt)' Instrurnenl: <br />ln~~m~~tt1OD1,:~o~~arll~lIs ~~~~s~":tyorn~~~=~~~S::::~i:u~ ~~I ~~: ~=t.and any other Dommar may !lg1ft 10 mmd, modtf)', loM...or mUlr lIlY <br />r 0 12. LaM ChwgeL II tM ban HCUrDd by Ihls SKunty Instrument 1& aubttd 10. '-w which sets mUlmum k)an charges. and Ihallaw Is finally int.rprel" 10 thai 1M fr1telUtorottler kwl <br />~=ed~;~~=~~rn~;~:8==r~~~~~:~:~:~t>>~fu~~er::~~~n::::=::em::::=:'r:= <br /> <br />,the principIJ owed unctM tM Note or by making II direct payment to Borrower. It a refund ~ce' principal, Ihe reduction will be trealed as II partial PfIPGYfMInt wlthout any pNpIymInt: c:hItge... . <br />under !hi Note. <br />CO ," ~ Affecdng lAnder'a RlghtL If Bnaclmenl or expiration 01 appUc:ab1ft laws halltle effecl 01 rendering any provision allhe Nal. ar this Security IfIIINinInt ~ <br />OQacc:ordIng 10 11I11f'lftI. LtndIr. &Ills option, may requite lmmtdlale paymenl In tuII of aD sums nc:ured by thll Security Instrument and may Invoke any nm1ttd11ll permtnid by patlgrlph 19, <br />II Lender IIxorcisnlllts optIOn, Lena. shall take the stopa specified In thII SfJCOnd paragraph at paragraph 17. <br /> <br />~~~=t~t~=:::::~~~~~~%:=~~tyo~::r.itA~vf~~::.a:L:~~~rn=l:p=~a;m~=:= <br />addrelll stated hcnin or any 0UMr addrttss Lendltl' detignatu by notice to Borrower. Any notk:e provided lor In this Security Instroment shall be deemed 10 h.... been giYln 10 Bonower or <br />Lender when given as provided In this paragraph. <br />15. aov.mtng LAw; SeverIIbIllly, This Security In'lrumenl shall be governed by lederallaw and thlllaw of Ihe Jurisdiction In which the Property Is located. In the event that any provision <br />or dause allhlS Security Instrumenl or Ihe Nola connlcls with applicable law, such conffic1 shall not lifted olher provisions ollhls Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect <br />wilhout Ihe connlcbng provision. To this end the provisions 01 this Security Instrument and thB NOle ant declared to be severable. <br />1L Bon""""a Copy. Borrower shall be given one eonlonned copy of the Nole and ollhls Security Instrumen!. <br />17. Tran..... of the Property or a BIIn~ct.llnlM'Ut In Borrower. I~ all or any part of the Property or any Interesl In Ills sold or lransferred (or If a beneficial Interest In Borrower Is ~Id <br />or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) wllhoul Lender's pnor written consenl. Lender may. at Its opllon, require Immediate paymenl In lull of all sums I51tCUred bV this Security <br />Inslnlment HowelJel'. lhJ$. optIOn shaH riel be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohIbited bV fDderallaw as 01 the date 01 Ihls Security InslrUmenL <br />II Lender exeroses this opuon. lenoer Shall give Borrower nolice of accelerallon. The nollco shall provide a per1Ot1 of nollass than 30 dll'flli from the dale lho no1lCe I' deltWred or mailed <br />WIthIn which 6cnower must pay ftiI SUrtm $OCu~ by thl:! Sowrity Ill$trument. II Borrower lalls ra pay these sums prier 10 lhe ellpiralion of this period, Lender may Invoke any remedies permltlod <br />by this Security Instrument withoul further nolice or demand on Borrower. <br />19. &onow.r'. Right to ReJnst.te.1I Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have Iha right to have enforcement offhls Security Instrumant discontinued at any Urna prior to <br />the earllerol: (a) 5 days lor such other period 85 applicable law may spedfy lor l8instalement) belore sale ollhe Property pursuanllo any power at sale contained In Ihls Security Instruman!: <br />or Ib) entry 01 ajuclgment enforcing thIs Secunty Instrument Those conditions am thai Borrower. (a) P8V8 Lender all sums which then would be due under thlt Securtty Instrument and Ihe <br />NOle had no IICCItleratk)n occurred; (b) CUteS any defaun of any Olher covenants or agreements; (c) pays all oxpenseslncurred In enforcing this SecurIty InslnJment, Including, bul not limiled <br />to. reaaonable don1eya' feel; and (d) lakes such ~~~ as Lender may rtt8:lOnab/y' require 10 assure that tho lien of thi!l Security Instrument, Lender's tights in !he Property an('! Bonowe!,s <br />obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Inslrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstalemenl by Borrower. this Securily Instrumenl and the obllgalions ~9Ctl11!Jd hereby shall <br />remain lutly efl8Cliw as II no acceleralion had occurred. However, this righl10 reinstate shall nol apply in Ihe case 01 accelerallon under paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrovwlr and Lender rurther covenant and agree as follows; <br />19. Acceleration: RIIMdIu. Lander ahaIl glw notl.,. to Borrower prior 10 .cceletlltlon 'ollowing BOrfOWllr'. bruch 0' any coven.nt dr .g....lnInt In thl. Securlty In.trum.nt <br />(but not prlof' to ICCIIII,.Uon uncllt paragnlphl 13 end 17 un....appllcabllllW provide. 0Ifterwj..). The nodce shall IplClty: (I) tne dIthIUII; (b) the action l"Iqull"ld to cure the <br />dlfauh; (c) a data. not Ina tbIIn 30 dayl rrom the date the nollce II 91....n to Borrawer. by which Ihe defluh mUl1 btI CUl"lCli Ind Cd) that IllIul"IlO cure 1M ~un on or before <br />U. dele epectned In tbII notice may rnuh In KCeleraUon of the IUITIII .-curMi by thll s.curity InllrurMnl and Nls of the Proptrty. The notice ahaIl further Inform 8onowlr of <br />the righ1 to reln~ attar ICC81erat10n and lhe right 10 bring. courl8Ctlon 10....1'1 the non...'stenCII ot a dehlult or .ny oth.r datenae of Borrower to lICcetlfalion and ..Ie. If <br />the dehlult II not cuNeI on or before th. datlllplClfied In the notice. Lender at Ita option may requl.. Immedlatll paym.nt In full of an auma MeUM by thl. Security Inatrumllnt <br />without funhlr dllmand and may lnvolw the powIf' 01 sa.. and any ather ramediea permitted bV 'PPUcllbll law. Lana ahall be endUld 10 collect all axpen... Incurred In putllulng <br />tha NIMdIH provldld In lhll paragraph 111. Including, but not limited to, ruaonable auomIY.' tHe and coal. 0' 1lI1.lVldenc.. <br />It th. power 0' ..1I1. InvoUd, n-us... .hall ntCOrd . notice oi deflult In each county In which any PIIr1 of the Proptrty la located .nd .hall mln copl.. ot IUch notice In the <br />manrwpracrtbed by epplleabJe J.- hi aorrow.r and to the other penon. prucrtbed by .pplk:ab" I... Atterth. 1m.. requl.-d bV .ppllcable law, 1hJatee .tt.JI gl... public nOllce <br />ot sals to the peraona and In the manner prwacribed by appllClbll 1ft, nul., without demand on Bonowar, .hllI ..lIthl Proptrty at public luetlon to the hlghnt blddir II the <br />Umland plact end under IhI ttnn. dt.lgMted In lhe no1lC11 of Ale In ani or mol'l parcel. and In .ny ontlr nu.tet deIInnln... Ttua'" may pDllpO.... ..1I of all or any p.rcel <br />of the Property by public .nnouncement at the IIrns.nd placll of any prwIOUBIy acheduled ..Ie. LamiaI' or Ita d..lg"" may purcha.. the proparty al .ny ..I.. <br />Upon receipt ot ~ of the pttce bId, 1hl1tle ahall dallver 10 lhe pun;:h...rlRtat.... dHd conwylng the Property, The rKltal.ln the 1l'u1"". dIIId ahaIl bII prima raele <br />evidence of thetruth of the ltalementa mada theteln. Trultee lhall apply the proceed. at thl ..I. In thl following ont.,: I') 10 all Illpen... 01 tha ..I., Including, but not IImltad <br />10, TtuIIH'.,.... penntlted by appIk:ablelllW and fUlOnable IttomIya' fH.; (b) to allIUm. MeUM by thla Slcurlty Inllrumanti and (c) sny uc... to IhI penon or ptraona <br />logallyonU1lodlG'L <br />20. Lander In PoIHUIon. Upon acceleration uncler paragraph 19 or abandonment 01 the Propeny, Lender (In pttrtOn, by agent or by Judlclallv BjJpolnled receiver) shall bel enUlled to <br />enler upon, lake possession of and manage the Property and 10 collect the rents ollhe Property Including those pasl due. Any renls collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied 111151 <br />to payment 01 the costa 01 managemem at lhe Property and collecUon 01 ranis. Including, but nolllmlted 10, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonas and reasonable attorneys' feea. and <br />then to the fUfm' HCUrvd by lhlll Secur1ty Instrument <br />21. Reconwyance. Upon payment of an sums securvd by this Security Instrumenl. Lender shall r&qu8ll1 Truslee ra reconvey Ihe Property and ahallllunender thIs Security Instrument and <br />all notes evidenc:lng debt secured bl' this Security Instrument 10 Trustee. lh.Jstoe shlllll'3COnwy the Property withoul warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally enliUed 10 <br />it Such person or persons 5hal1 pay any recordation costs. <br />22. Subatltuta nu... Lender, at ils option, mal' lrom lime to lime remove Trustee and appoinl a successor lrustee to anI' Trustee appointed hereunder bl' an inslrument recorded in the <br />county In which this Security Instrument I, recorded. Withoul conwyence of the Propeny, Ihe successor truslee shall 6ucceed 10 alllhe lille, power and dulles conlem!d upon Truslee herSln <br />and bV applicable law. <br />23. Rlqunt for NotIcn. Borrower requealS thai copies oltha notices of delaull and sale be sent 10 Borrower's address which 15 the Property Address. Borrower lurlher requests thaI <br />copies of the nollces 01 dllaun and sale be senlto each person who is a partl' hereto at the address of such person sellorth herein. <br />24. RldlrtI to thla Slcurlly InatrumenL II one or more riders are execul8d bv Borrower and recorded logelher wllh Ihis Security Instrument. the covenanls and agreemenls 01 each such <br />ridlfl shall be Incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and egreements 01 this Security Instrumenl as " the rider(s) W818 a part 01 this Security Instrument. [Check <br />applicable box(es)) <br />o AdJUSlallle Rata Alder 0 Condominium Rider 0 2.4 Famill' Alder <br />o Graduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Unil Developmenl Rider <br />o OIher(s)!specifyl <br /> <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepls and agrees to the lerms and covenanls conlained in this _~my Ir1s1rument and in 3Y~t(SI execu.led by Borrower and recorded wilh II. <br />" :'t--H'C-l \.;,~-,' . <br />-.....VG--X)(li ~v..... _.,_L.ct'\i'L (Seal) <br />\ .-/ -BoftcWtlr <br />-_--/ . '- , , <br /> <br />" '7Z7--~-f L~ ,'.< , -;r <br /> <br />[Space Below Thll Line For Acknowledgment) <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-Barrawaf <br /> <br />State 01 Nllbraska <br />County of; I =-)1, ;:p ) <br />OnlhlS~dayol /-/,.,://":...........;,.// <br />pe<SOnaJIy-"'"" <br /> <br />. 19...fL, belore me. a Nolary Public in the Slale 01 <br /> <br />,/ //;, _~. /.:1 <br /> <br />10 rntI person~ known to be the person(sJ named In and who execuled Ih& loregoing lnst/umen!. and acknowledged thai <br />voluntary ad and deed. <br />My Commission Expires; <br />j~ (. /1;,' <br /> <br />SWe 01 Nebraska <br /> <br />611ecuted Ihe same as <br /> <br />'l./..... <br /> <br />~. --: :. <br /> <br />. GfNFII N01ARV.5t.luINtbr.IQ <br />~ MICHELLE At CALLAHAN <br />IAVeD'l1m Exp. Au,. 18.t9t2 <br /> <br />County 01. <br />Onthis_dayol <br /> <br />. 19 _. berole me. a Notary Public In Ihe Slale 0' <br /> <br />l personallV appeared <br /> <br />10 me peraonaI/)' knOwn ra be the personls) named m l1I'Id who I!Ixec:uted Ihe loregomg Inslrument. and acknowledged Ihal __ lhe same liS <br />voIunlaty ad and daecl. <br /> <br />My Commtuion &pIh!lS <br /> <br />. . <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />" <br />~ <br />