<br />
<br />ThIs MortplO I' ente..d Inla bOlw..n '
<br />
<br />88- 105150
<br />InRin L Hpwl,dt H c:lnglp rpl"l;lnn
<br />(herein uMaRII.or") Bnd
<br />
<br />Five Pnlntr. Bank Grand Isla"" Np.bra~ka
<br />
<br />(herein "MDrtPlee~').
<br />
<br />Mar\illar I, indebled to MarIKal"e In the prtnclpal sum oC ~ 2 BOO. 00 , evidenced by MorltlaKor's note
<br />
<br />dated Seotember 21 I 9a8(he..in "Note'" provldlnK Cor payments oC prtncipal and Inle..,I, wflh the balance of Ihe
<br />
<br />Indebtedness, ICnotsoaner pald, due and payable on Seotember 21. 1992 .
<br />
<br />To secure the payment DC the Note, with interest AI provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with Interest,
<br />advanced by Mart_e to protecl the securtty oC Ihl, MortKaKe, and the performance of the covenROts and agreements aC
<br />the Mar\t(qar canlalned he..ln, MortpKor does hereby mortpKe and convey 10 MortgaK.e the followfnK d.scrtbed
<br />
<br />property located in Hall County, N.bruka:
<br />
<br />Lot Fourteen (14). Block E, In Parkvlew Subdivision, located In the Northeast
<br />QUilrter (NEil of Section Twenty Nine (29), ilnd in the Northwest QUilrter (NW!)
<br />of Section Twenty Eight (28). in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Together with all buUdlngs, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements. rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or In anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues and profits, rev.ersiollJi and remainders
<br />th.reoC; Including, but not limited to, h.atlnK and cooling .qulpm.nt and such pelllonal property that is attach.d to the
<br />improvemenla so u to constltule a fixture; all of which, including replacem.nts and additions th.reto, is h.reby d.clared
<br />to be a part oC the real estale secured by the lI.n of this Mortgag. and all of the foregoing b.ing r.C.rr.d to h.reln as the
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment. To pay th.lnd.btedne.. and the Interest th.reon as provld.d In this Mortgage and the Not..
<br />
<br />2. TiUe, Mortgagor Is the owner of the Property. has the rtaht and authortty 10 mortgage the Property, and
<br />wamnts that the lien created hereby is a fint. and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />(!:The Property lsa~b~~ct~a#~8~f~q09hgreln Flva:a Pnintc;; R~nk r:r;lnrl Id;lnrl
<br />
<br />is the Mortgaa.., recorded ll~xxxxx!Ql'lftlt1L-- oC the Mortpl" R.cords oC Hall
<br />N.braska, which Mortpl" Is aU.n prtor to th.U.n creat.d hereby.
<br />
<br />NF'
<br />
<br />County,'
<br />
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />8. 'rues, _.nla. To pay when due all taxes, special ......ments and all oth.r charg.. agalnsl the Prop.rty
<br />and, upon wrltlen d.mand by Morlpgee, to add to the payments required und.r the Nole ..cured h.reby, such amount as
<br />may be euCllcient to .nabl. the Morlpgee to pay such taxes, ....ssm.nts or oth.r chUl.s as th.y become du...
<br />
<br />4. IDsurance. To keep the Improvements now or berean.r localed on the real .stale descrtbed h.reln Insured
<br />apInst damqe by fire'and such oth.r hazards u Morltlagee may require, In amounla and wfth companl.s acceptabl. to the
<br />Mortgagee. ud with Iou payable to the Mortgagee. In cue of loss under such policies the Mortgagee 11 authorized to
<br />adjust, coIIoet and compromlJe. in lla dlscreUon, all claims thereunder allts sol. option, authortzed to .Ith.r apply Ihe
<br />proceeds to the rostonllOll oC tha Property or upon the Ind.btedness secured hereby, but paymenla h.reund.r shall con.
<br />Unue. unW the IUD'lI ReUftd heftby ~ PI;i~ in rulL
<br />
<br />5, 0 Eaao. For T_ and lnaurance. Notwfth'tandlnt anything conlaln.d In parapaphs 3 and 4 h.reoC to the
<br />conlDry, Mar\illor shall pay to the Mortraeee at the time o(payllli the monthly Installments aC prtncipal and Inlerest,
<br />_twelfth aC the yearly taxes. ......m.nla, hazard Insurance p..mlums, and ground rents (IC ,any) which may attain a
<br />priority over this MortplO, all as reasanably esUI!'.led from Ume to time by the Morlpae.. The amounts 'a pald shall be
<br />held by the Mortpaee wfthout Interest and applied to the pay"",nt of the Items in respect to which such amounts w.re
<br />dopllllllod. The S1IOIll paid to Morlppe hereunder are p1.dl"d u additional securtty for the Ind.bledn... secured by this
<br />Mortrail'. Yort.qonbaU pay to YortcaIH the I.IIlDUDt of any denciency between the BctualLues, Ulessments, insurance
<br />premluma aDd pound Ienta and the depoclta hereunder withIn 10 claYI after demand (I made upon Morte_eor requeltlne
<br />pay:nent tberooL
<br />
<br />6. Repair. MalnteaaDct ud Ute. To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any bulldjngs or improvements now or
<br />bereaf1.H on lb. Property; to keep the Property in load condition and repair, without waste, and Cree Crom mechanic's or
<br />otherUem not expreuly lubordinated to the Iizn berPOrj not to make, lunu or pennit any nuisance Lo exist, nor to dimin-
<br />ish or Impair the "alUI or tbr Property by any act or omission to act; and to comply with all requirements of tlw with
<br />_t to tho rr-rty.
<br />