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<br />i <br />8~- a05110 <br /> <br />lb) MOl1gagor '_'0 pey Ih. adju.ted monthly In.lellmenl amounl beginning on tho ft.., peymenl dol. which acco.. all...t <br />Ihlr\y (30) deya .ft.. Mortgagee hd glven Ih. Adju.lmlnl Notice 10 Mortg.gor. Mortgagor wm conllnu. 10 pey Ih. .dJu".d monlhly <br />In._ amounl IOtlorth In Ih. Iul Adju.tmenl Nollce glven by Mortgagee 10 Mortgagor unllllh. llral peymenl del. which <br />....... at lee.. thirty (301 deyo aft.. MortgallH ho. given a IoMor Adju.tment NolIce 10 Mnrtgagor, NolWllh.tandlng anything 10 <br />the aontrory contained In tllIo Adjuotahla Rale Rider Mortgage, Mortgagor win be reP.lYed 01 .ny obligation to PlIY, and <br />Mangegee w111tave lcrIeIled Ilo ~.ghl 10 -. any in...... In th. monthly Inllollmenl amount (cau.ed by lh. ncoJculotJon of <br />ouch emounl ""der SUbpll1lgreph 4('1l1or any _I dale occurlng lee. than thirty (30) doyo aft.. Ih. Mortgagee ha. glven the <br />~ Adjullmanl NoIIce 10 Mortgagor. <br /> <br />(e) _atandlng enything contained in this Adju.tabla RaI. Rid.., In th. ..enlthal (I) Ih. Exlallng Inlerea\ Rela wa. raducecl <br />on a Chenge Del.. and (I) Mortgag.. laDed 10 glva th. Adjualmont Notice when noqulred, end (II) Mortgagor conaaquen1ly, <br />haa mode any monthly Inllollment peymenla In ...... ofth. amount which would hova been ...t taM In such Adjualmont Notice <br />("Excesa P\lymen1a1, then Mortgagor, al MOl1gagor'. .oIe opUon, may eIIh.. (11 demand th. rotum tnim Mortgag.. (who lor Ih. <br />_ 01 this ...,ence wII b. deemed to be u.. mortgagee, or martgag..., who recelv.d such J:xce&ll Paymenla, whether or <br />not any such martgag.. subsequently awgned Ih. Mortgag.) of en or any porllon of such Excee. Paymenla, with int....., Iheraan <br />at. rale equal to the Index on the Change Oale when the existing Interest Rate was so reduced. from the date each such Excess <br />Peymont wu modo by Mortgagor 10 ~t e< (2) noqueel \hal en or eny porllon or ouch Exceeo Paymenla, Icgether with oJ <br />In_ thll1lOl\ calculated u provided GOY&, ba appSed as _II ageJnot prtncIpaJ. <br /> <br />5. Nothing contained in thla Adjustable Rate Alder wW permlt Mortgagee to accomplish an Interest rate adjustment through an In9fe8S1! <br />(e< d........) to th. unpeld principel belenca. Cheng.. 10 the EJdsllng int....t Rola may only be refloc\ed through .djualmen1lo <br />Mor1gagor'. monthly Inllallment peymenla or principel end Inlereat. as provided for horsln. <br /> <br />BY SIGNING aaow. Mongagor accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained In this Adjustable Rate Rider. <br /> <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br /> <br />MM~,~ ~(~ <br />&6< IV )/~tLr- <br /> <br />Liss M. Hagman <br /> <br />rSeal) <br /> <br />(Se2l) <br /> <br />} sa. <br /> <br />Th. loregclng Inotrumen\ wa. aclo1owlodgacl belore m. this _~ day of September <br /> <br />1988 <br /> <br />, by <br /> <br />~ ~'~~~~"om~ds~sa M. Hagman, husband and Yife, <br />Ln-U oJ 08cu?c--, <br />(NClW)' PubliC) <br /> <br />My carrarlIsIan' 1llM'-SUlS et .. <br />~=r:o:~'&' <br /> <br />(5EALl <br /> <br />STATE OF } <br />SlL <br />COUNTY OF <br />I hereby certIy Ihal this lnl1nlment wu filed for record in my DMce m <br />end Is duly..-.clln book pego <br /> <br />o'c1ock _M.. <br /> <br />""""'-~ <br /> <br />F.... S <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />FttAANII. ...... <br /> <br />PaIJl 2' cf2 <br />
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