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<br />88- <br /> <br />105110 <br /> <br />made ~h311 be added 10 ,he prmcipal ,urn owing on the above <br />notl:, ..hall be ~ei:urc:d hC'rcb~. and \l1all bear inlCre~1 al Ihe rale !iel <br />fonh in Ihe \aid nOle, until paid <br /> <br />'. Thai Ihe Borrower hereby assign!.. lrll""rCr\ llnd "Cis o\'er 10 <br />the Lender. 10 be applied toward the pilyment of the nOle llnd all <br />!.ums secured hereby in case of a de-faul! in Ihe performance of <br />an\' of the terms and ..:ondilions of Ihis imlrUmcnt or Ihe 'iBid <br />noie. all the renl'i, re\"enue... llnd income to be dcrh cd from the <br />\aid premises during \u..:h time ill, the indeblcdnc.." shall remain <br />unpaid. and the Lender ...hall ha\e po\\cr 10 appoint an>' agent or <br />agen!" it may desire for the rmrpmc of rCl1illrlng said premises and <br />01 reming Ihe "'amc and callcellng lhe remit, n'\'t:nuc,> and income. <br />and il may pay OUI of ~ald in..:omt:~ all e\pcn\c\ of repairing ~aid <br />premis..:-.. and ne,,:c!I,ary ..:ommi!oMon.. and e\pen\c' in..:urred in ren!- <br />ing and managing Ihe ..alne- and I.}f .:olle..:ong ren!al~ Iherefrom: <br />Ihe balan,e remammg. If an~. III hc applie:d 1\1\\anJ Ihe: di,..:harge <br />of ,aid indeblcdn..:-"" <br /> <br />8. ThaI Ihc Borro\\cr \\illl..ecp lhe imprl\\eme-nh lllm e:\I"Ilmg <br />or hereafler ~recled on lh~' ptorert~. il1"urcd :1\ m;l\ be requIred <br />from lime 10 time b\" Ihe lender ill!am"l It'.... 1'1\ flrc and olher <br />halard~. casual1ic, a'nd ..:onlmgen\.'I;.. III ,uLh al;lilllllh .Jnd for ..u..:11 <br />period.. as ma~' be required by Ihe Lender ami \\1]] pa~ prompll~. <br />when dUe. an~ premium.. on "ul.:h In..urJlh':~' IUt1\I'lllll h\r pa~men! <br />of \\hich has nOI been made hereinl1efun: .\11 lINlran.:L' ,hall he <br />l.:Jrr:ed in .:ompanie:.. appn:l\cJ b~ lhe l~'nJer .JilL! IhL' pohl.:le.. and <br />rcnewall> Ihereof ..hall be held h~ the lCI1L!er and nil\e iltla..:ltcd <br />Iherelo 10'" payable dau~e" in fa\ llr I1f and In f~lrm il..:ceplable: III <br />Ihe Lender. In e\cnt of 1m.. Borro~h'r \\,11 gl\e IInmeuiate noll..:e <br />b~ mail to the Lender, \\lto ma~ make prOUI Ill" Ill" If not made <br />promptly by BOrrO\H:r, and cadl m..uran..:e ..:nmpall~ con.:erned 1"1 <br />Itereb~ authOtlled and dire.:ted II' ma~e pa~lllenl tllr "Iu.:h 10"1"1 <br />Jircl.:tly 10 lhe Lender m..tead of III lite Bllrrll\\er and the lender <br />Jointl~. and the imuranl.:e proceed". llT am parI thereof, ma~. be <br />applied b~ Ihe lender J.I It-. opllon either III the rcuu.:llon or the <br />indebtednc\"l hcreb~ ,ccure-d llr III rllt' lC"{III.1I11111 1lI repair of the <br />rlTopeTl~ damaged. In l:\e1l1 ilf fOTl'do...ufl' III 1111' In'trumem or <br />olher Iramfer of mle 10 Ille mOTlgaged pr~)peTl~ III c\lmgui,hmel1l <br />of Ihe indebtl.'dne,," ",.'cured hereh\. .IJ1llghl. tllk .lI1d IllIere"lt ul <br />Ihe BL'JTTO\\er 111 .Illd III .1n~ IIl"uralll.:e rlllIIL'lt'" thcn III fnrt:e: ,hall <br />pa\"l h..' lhe purdlil,er lH granlce <br /> <br />~. ThaI.!' addillonal and ~'ollaleral "I1.'cunn fur Ihe pa~menl 01 <br />the nOle JesdlbeJ. and J.1I SlInh tll hI'\. 0111 I.' JUl' unJer thiS Instru' <br />ment. thl' Iwrl'h~ assigns 10 thL' It:nd~'r Jl1 profits, <br />r~\.~nues. royalties. nghl"l and bencht, at:l.:rUllll!- 10 the Borro\\er <br />under any and all 011 and gas lea..e.. 110 said premi~e5. wilh Ihe <br /> II.} re~ei\e: and rCl.:Clpl fl.1f Ihe ,ame and apply them to said <br />mdebledne", ..'" \\ell hefme a, afler default in the l,'ondilions of <br />Ihl.. in..lrumenl. and Ihe lender may demand. sue for and r~co\"er <br />an~ ",uch payment' when due and payable, bul ,hall nOI b.... r..... <br />quired 'l0 10 do, TIm a"slgnmen! is 10 h:rminilte: and be.:ome null <br />and \-oid upon n:lea!lc of thi!!. ins(Tumenr. <br /> <br />10. That the Borrower "ill hoep Ihe building!!. upon said premise!!. <br />in good repair, and neith..:r commil nor permn \\ aste upon said <br />land, nor suffer the saId premises to be used for an~' unlawl"ul <br />purpo'ie. <br /> <br />11. That If the premises, or any patl Ihereof. be condemned <br />under the power of eminem domain, or acquired for a public use, <br />the damagC'5 awarded. the proceeds for the taking of, or the con- <br />sideration for such acquisition, 10 the extent of the full amount of <br />indebledness upon Ihis instrument and the note which it is given 10 <br />secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the Borrower to <br />the lender, and shall be paid forthwith 10 said lender to be ap- <br />plied by the laner on account of the next maturing installments of <br />such indebtedile5s. <br /> <br />12. The Borrower further agrees tlmt ~hould this Instrument and <br />Ihe note secured hereby not be eligible for insurance under the Na. <br />lional Housing Act within eight months from the date hereof <br />(written stau:mem of any officer of the Department of Housing <br />and Urban De\'C!lopment or authorized agenl of Ihe Secrcrary of <br />Housing and Urban Development dat~d subsequent [0 the eight <br />momhs' lime from the dale of this inslrument, declining to insure <br />said note and this mortgage, being de~med conclusive proof of <br />~uch ineligibility), the lender or holder of the nOle may, al its op- <br />lion, declare all sums secured hereby immedialely due and payable, <br />NOlwithstanding the foregoing, this option may nOI be eJterdsed <br />by the Lender or lhe holder of the: note when the ineligibilitY for <br />in~uranc~ under the :-.lalional Housing Act is due to the lender's <br />failure to remit Ihe mortgage insurance premium to the Depart- <br />melll of Housing and Urban De\'eopmem. <br /> <br />13. That if the Borrower fails to make any pa)'ments of money <br />\\ hen Ihe 'iamc becomc duc, or fails to conform to and campi)' <br />\\ ith any of the conditions or agreements contained in this instTu- <br />men!, or the note which il 'lecures, then the entire principal sum <br />and a.:crued interest ~hall at once become due and payable, at the <br />elel.:lion of rhe lender. <br /> <br />lender shall gi\'e notice to Borrower prior to acceleralion <br />fllllO\\ing Borrower's breach of any cO\enanl or agreement in this <br />In"ltrumenl (bul not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />unlc..~ applicable 103\\ provides olherwise), The notice shall specify: <br />lal the default: (bl the action required to cure the default; (c) a <br />dale, nor less than 30 days from Ihe date the notice is given to <br />Borro\\cr, bv which Ihe default musl be ..:ured; and (d) that failure <br />ILl ":Uf~ the default on or before the date specified in Ihe notice <br />may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this instrument <br />and ,ale of the ProperlY. The nolice shall fun her inform Borrower <br />of Ihe right to reinSlale after acceleration and the right 10 bring a <br />coun action 10 J!tserl the non~existence of a default or any other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not <br />..:un:d on or before lhe dale specified in the notice, lender at its <br />opllon may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured <br />b\. this inslrument without funher demand and mal.' invoke the <br />power of sale and any other remedies permitted bY. applicable law, <br />lender 'ihall be emit led 10 collecl all expenses incurred in pursuing <br />the remedies provided in this paragraph 13, including, bUI nOI <br />limited la, reasonable altorne)'s' fees and costs of tide evidence, <br /> <br />If the power of sale is im:oked, Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any part of the Property is localed <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in [he manner prescribed b)' <br />applicable law to Borrower and to Ihe other persons precribed b): <br />applicable law. A.fter the lime required by applicable law, Trustee <br />..hall gi\'e publk notice of sale 10 the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. without demand on Bor- <br />rower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bid. <br />der at Ihe time and place and under the lerms designaied in the <br />notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee <br />delermines. Truslee may postpone sale of all or an)' parcel of the <br />Propeny by public announcement at the time and place of any <br />pre\.iously scheduled sale. lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Propeny at any sale. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver <br />10 Ihe purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The <br />recilals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />truth at the statements made therein. Truslee shall apply the pro- <br />ceeds of Ihe sale in the followinK order: (a) to all expenses of the <br />sale, including, but nOl limited to, Truslee's fees as permilled by <br />applicable law and reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums <br />secured by this SecurilY Instrument; and (c) any excess to the per. <br />son or persons legally emitled 10 it, <br /> <br />Page 3 01 5 <br /> <br />HUo.DZ1.:10T <br />