<br />Julie ~, a ~ w:mm ard
<br />88-105099 J8IIeS D. Riley, Sr. ard Ellll'Cl'l J. Ri1.etY
<br />huslEn::l ard w:lfe, ard llmial E. Ri1.etY
<br />DEED DF TRUST ard I.eanrn M. Ri1.etY, huslEn::l ard w:lfe,
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, mode 'his ~dor of feptmI::er , 9~ by and omonnAILo::n.rn:.:r.IVE IlElillmED '10 A'3 'lJ!5ICR.
<br />whose IllGlling address is R.R., W:xxl River, Nelr. ard R.R., W:xxl River, l>l:!l:r. ard R.R., W:xxl River, Nelr. ,
<br />(herein "Tru,'or"" and Bank of Wood Hi ver ,whos. mailing address is~
<br />68818. (herein ..Till".... and "Beneficiary"). 110 E, 9th st., lIbcxi River, Nebr.
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Including the indebtedness indentified herein and the trust herein creal ed, 'he receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, TIlIslor irreyocoblr grants, 1ronsfers, conyeys, and assigns to Trus1.., iN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for lhe benefl, and
<br />security of Benllnclary. under and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust. the real property described 05 followss
<br />
<br />Farts of lots Q-e (1), 'l\..o (2), Three (.3) em Ftur W m Mrlnlen:l, of &cl:lm 1'evart:Ea1 (17), in
<br />'l:l:Nmrl.p Mire (9) l'brth, Fmge 1\.e1.ve (12) W2st of ire 6th P.M., lhll Ca.n1;y, Ne1:mslla, D3scrl1:al.
<br />as fclJ.aws: ~ at ire N:Jr1h..est = of eaid &cl:lm 17, rmning tle:re Eilst tD its
<br />lbr-tlmst = Fif'l<y Three I!.rrlra:l em Nine (,3J3) feet; thnce S::uth alJ:ng its Eilst J..im
<br />Ftur /l.n:lre:i 'lbirliY Eight (1J8) feet; thnce in a &::uth.esterJy rlirectarn tD a ]Dint in its W2st
<br />J..im >bich lies 1\.e1.ve IIurrlrei em Three (1213) feet S::uth of ire place of 1:egiming, em 'Iha1ce
<br />l'brth 1\.e1.ve I!.rrlra:l em Three (1213) feet tD eaid place of l:egirning, cartBining Q-e IIurrlrei
<br />(1m) acres, nnre or less,
<br />Trustor, Julie Riley understands that she is pledging this property to
<br />enable her father and uncle to obtain operating funds from the Bank of
<br />Wood River which will ultimately benefit her. . )
<br />\1.\1,'[ '!)' I (. I
<br />.. Ju,lie Riley I
<br />'IHIS 1Hll OF 1RIBl' F\1RIHER m:rnES: Arw fub.Jre ..Mme(s), with inI:eres\;, 1JJich lII\Y l:e l!Ede fran tinE tD tinE
<br />lu Trust.€e at its optim in arw am:mt(s), p:uviderl, !=ever-, SLd1 fub.Jre ocIvances slBll l:e 00 limital tlat ire
<br />tDtal !rimiPll !lIlDUlts Cl.Its1:anl:il: at arw a:l3 tinE slBll mt exIJEal. ire SlID of :lffD,COJ.m dollars, tD l:e
<br />reprid in a=rlsrD3 with ire tamE of a ~ mte(s) ~ arw SLd1 advance(s). Arw SLd1 advance(s)
<br />stell l:e Irliiticml tD arw advance(s) hereim.f'ter- authariza:l tD l:e l!Ede lu Trust.€e for the rroJ:ecticn of the
<br />.:.nri1;y of 'lhlstal's interest ther-:in; all covemnts, grants em agt'EBIBlts incJJ.Ile lut are rot limital tD
<br />jreS31t em fub.Jre ocIvances nale tD Dmial E. Riley em I.eanrn M. Riley,
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH, 011 rents, profits, royalties, income and other benefits derived from the real property; 011 leases or subleases covering the
<br />real proper'y or any por1ion .hereof, now or hereafter existing or entered into. and 011 right, title and interest of Trustor thereunder; 011 in.
<br />teres.s. estate or other claims. both in low and in equity, which Truslor now has or may hereaHer ocquke in the reol property; 011 easements,
<br />rights-of-way, tenements. hereditamenls and appurtenances thereof and thereto; 011 oil and gas rights and profits, water rights cnd water
<br />stock, 011 right, title and inlerest of Trustor, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land. lying within the right.of.way of any slreet or
<br />highway adjoining the real property, any and all buildings, fixtures, improvements. and appurtenances now or hereafter erected thereon or
<br />belonging therelo. (herein referred to os "Improvement" or "Improvements"); and any and 011 awards made for Ihe toking by eminent domain
<br />or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof. of the whole or any por1 of the real property.
<br />All of the foregoing 8stale, property and interest hereby conveyed to Trustee herein cDllectively referred tD 05 the "Property".
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST SHAll SECURE, datal 3/15/1c;e3(J~ D. Riley, Sr. ,eI1.oc) em 3/18/1c;e3 (!lmiel E. J:liley, eI1.oc)
<br />( (a) The pOY.'!',ent of indeblednj5S eyidenced by Tru,'or'. na'e ~ in the princip~ql!l.p~ tinJSolrrl & m/1roths
<br />J8IIES D. to..u::Y, Sr. eI1.oc em 'l\..o lnriIre:l fif'4y tl:x:m3IJi &. m 1roths(IBn:i.8l E. ''1foil~rs ( .COJ.m &. 2;::J,COJ.1jp
<br />
<br />together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein. (herein, together with Dny and 011 renewals, modifications, and extensiDns thereDf,
<br />referred to 05 Ihe "Note") both principal and interest on the Nole being payable in accordance with the terms set forth therein, reference 10
<br />which is hereby mode. the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner paid and if no renewals. modifications Dr extensiDns Ofe mode,
<br />due and payable on Md21riiy chtes as clfsriJ:aJ. in arl1 mte/advame (s) ;
<br />(b) The performance of eDch agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contoined; and
<br />(c) The payment of Dny sum or sums Df money with interest thereon which may be hereafler paid or advanced under the terms of this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />(d~ The payment of any fulure advances necessary 10 protect the s.ecurity or any fu1ure advance mode allhe opriDn of the parties; and
<br />(e) The performance of on obligation of onr ather person named in this Tru.t D.ed to a beneficiary.
<br />1. Pcrynllnl at Principal Dnd Inl,rest. Trustor sholl promptly poy when due the prim:ipol of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Note, and all olher charges and fees os provided in the Hote, and the principal of ond interest on cny Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br />Tru.1.
<br />2. Wunmty at rrtlt. Trustor is lawfully seiled and possessed of gODd and indefeasible title and estate to the Properly hereby conveyed and
<br />has the righl to grant and convey the Property; the Property is free and c1eor of 011 liens and encumbrances except liens nDw of record; and
<br />Truslor will warrant and defend 'he IIlIelo the Properly again,' 011 claims and demands.
<br />3. MmatllHlllCI and CampUgne,.ith laws. Trustor shall keep the Property in good condilion and repair and sholl not commit wasle or permit
<br />impairment or deterioration of the Property and sholl comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. No improve-
<br />ment now or hereafter erected upon lhe Property sholl be altered, remDved or demolished without the prior written consent Df Beneficiary.
<br />Trustor shall comply with 011 laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants. conditions and restrictions affecting the Property and not commit, suffer.
<br />or permit any oct to be done in or upon Ihe Property in viDlation of Dny law, ordinance. regulatiDn, covenant, condition or restriction. Trustor
<br />shan coulplete or restore promptly and in good workmanlike monner any improvement on the Property which may be damaged or destroyed and
<br />paf, when due, 011 claims for labor performed and materials furnished therefore and for any alterations thereof.
<br />4. Ia...-.cl. Trus.or, at its expense. will maintain with insurors approved by Beneficiary. insurance with respect to the Improvements and
<br />personal property, cor.stituting the Property, against loss by fire, lightning. tornado. and other perils and hazards covered by standard extended
<br />coverage endorsemenl, in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the full replace'ment value thereof and insurance against such
<br />olher hazards and in such omounls os is customDrily carried by owners and operators of simular proper1ies ar os Beneficiary may require for ils
<br />p~lection. Trus10r will comply with such other requirements os Beneficiary may from time tD time request for the protedion by insurance of Ihe
<br />interests of lhe respective por1ies. All insurance policies maintained pursuant 10 this Deed Df Trust sholl nome TrustDr and Beneficiary as in-
<br />sureds, 05 their resptClivB intere5ts may appear, and provide that there sholl be no cancellation or modification withDut no less Ihon 15 days
<br />prior writt~ notification to Beneficiary. tn Ihe event any policy hereunder is not renewed on Of before 15 days prior to ils expirotion dote,
<br />Benerltiary may procure such insurance in Dccordance with the provisions of paragroph 7 hereof. Truslor sholl deliver to Beneficiary Ihe original
<br />policies of insuronce and renewals thereof Of memo copies Df such policies and renewals Ihcr(!ot. Failure to furnish such in~UrQllCe by Trustor. or
<br />renewals os required hereunder sholl, 01 the aplion of Beneficiary. constitute 0 defoull
<br />