<br />Janes D, ~, Jr" SII1@Barr.l
<br />88- 10~098 JBllWD.~,Sr.arrl9mmJ.~,
<br />u tw1:mrl arr.l w:li'e arrl Jlmi.el E. ~
<br />DEED OF TRUST arr.llmme M. R'i':!sY, tw1:mrl arrl w:li'e,
<br />THIS DfEDOF TRUST, modolhis~dayal SalJl:an1::er ,19~by and amar..fiIL anmrI\IELY JlE1iJ]ffiJID ID N3 ~.
<br />who.. mamng addrl5. iLR.R.. IIb:rl Riwr Nelr. arrl R.R.. IIb:rl River. Nslr. arrl R.R.. IIb:rl River. Nslr. ,
<br />(boroln "Tru'lar"), and amk of IIb:rl River ,who.. mailing addr.ss is~
<br />68818.lhortin.'1rust....and "Son.ficlary"), 110 E. 9th st.; IIb:rl River, Nelr.
<br />FOR VALUA8lE CONSIDERATION, Including tha indebtedne.. indentlfled her.in and lhe Irusl herein creat.d, Ih. recaipt 01 which is h.r.by
<br />ocknawl.dged, Tru.lar Irr.vocably grants, Ironslors, canv.ys. and assign. 10 Tru.ta., IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, lor tha b.nafit and
<br />secIKlly 01 Son.ficiary, undor and subiactla th.larms and conditions 01 this De.d of Trust, rh. r.al prap.rty d..cribed as lollaws.
<br />
<br />the North One-half of the Southeast Quarter (NnSEi) and the South
<br />One-half of the Northeast Quarter (SnNEi), All in Section Five (5),
<br />Township Ten (10 North, Range Twelve (12) lvest of the 6th P.M..
<br />Hall County. Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Trustor. James D~ Riley,
<br />to enable his father and
<br />of Wood River which will
<br />
<br />Jr, understands that he is pledging this property
<br />uncle to obtain operating funds from the Bank
<br />
<br />ultimately benef~t his o:~~::F!,~~:z~:ation.
<br />J~ Riley~
<br />
<br />'!HIS !HlJ CF TIllEr FIJRIHER smJRES: Arw fub.Ire 1rlvaree(s), with interest, mich m:w l:e tmde f'ron tine tn tine
<br />q,r TnJstee at its opticn in "'lY 811D.JrIt(s), p-ov:idei, h:w3ver, strl1 fub.Ire advances sI:Blll:e 00 limited tmt the
<br />total ITirciJEl llIIOll'ItB cutstBrrling at "'lY ere tine shill. mt e><med the SlJlt of :li:DJ.a:o.aJ Ibllitrs, tn l:e
<br />replld in a=tErre with the t.ernE of a puni.ss:IIy oot.e(s) evidmcing "'lY acl1 advanoe(s). Arw strl1 advance(s)
<br />shill. l:e adlitia:Bl tn "'lY 1rlvaree(s) rereiI!If'ter aJ.rt:hIr1zai tn l:e tmde q,r TnJstee far the jIUI:e::tim of the
<br />soo.ni1;y of TnJstee's interest tlEredn, all COVEI1'3IltG, grants arrl agreaIHIt.s :im1n:le hIt are mt limited tn
<br />]:I'El931t arrl fub.Ire advances tmde tn Dmiel E. Riley arrl lmme M. Riley,
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH, 011 rents. profits. royalties. income and other benefits derived from the real property; ollleDses or subleases covering the
<br />real property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing or entered into, and 011 right. 1itle and interest of Trustor thereunder; all in-
<br />lerests, 8stole or other claims, both in law and in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereoUer acquire in the real property; 011 easements,
<br />righls-of-way. tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof and thereto; 011 oil Dnd gas rights ond prorits. water rights and woler
<br />stock; all right. title and interest of Trustor, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land, lying within the right-of-way of any street or
<br />highway adjoining the real property, any and 011 buildings, fh;lures. improvements, and appurtenances now or hereaUer erected thereon or
<br />belonging thereto. {herein referred to 05 "Improvement" or "lmprovemenls"J; and any and 011 awards mode for the taking by eminent domain
<br />or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of the whole or ony part of the real property.
<br />All of the foregoing estate, property and interest hereby conveyed to Truslee herein collec1ively referred to os the "Property".
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST SIlAll SECURE, d9.terl 3/15/1c;m,~ ll3ni.el E.Riley arrllmme M. ~
<br />(al1ha poyment of ind.bledne.. ovld.nced by Tru.lar's nale ' in the principa\:Jiurn..91 ~~ ~ m/1CDtl
<br />(JaJIES D. R:il<jy. Sr. ebD<) arrl 'lW:l hurrlral f'ii'ty th::l.mJrl arrl aJ/1COth(ll3ni.el E.'''Ilo1Idrs :;ro,an.aJ & 2'il,anal)
<br />together with interest 01 the role or roles provided therein, (herein, together wilh any and all renewals, modifications, and extensions thereof.
<br />referred to os the "Hole") both principal and interest on the Note being payable in accordance with the terms set forth therein, reference 10
<br />which is hereby mode. Ihe final paymenl of principal Dnd inlerest, if not sooner paid and if no renewals, modificalions or extensions are mode,
<br />due and poyable on MotlnoiW rlR+= M "='M1'Ri in ".,M ,nt.,/""""'''''''(R I
<br />(b) The performance of each ogreemenl and covenant of Truslor herein conlained; and
<br />(e) The paymenl of any sum or sums of money with interest thereon which may be hereafler poid or advanced under Ihe terms of this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />(d) The payment af any future advances necessary to prolect the security or Dny future advance made 01 the option of Ihe parties; and
<br />(e) Th. performance 01 an obligation of any olher person named In this Trust Deed to 0 beneficiary.
<br />1. "".nt of Pmdpal and Intere.I. Trustor sholl promplly pay when due the principal of and inlerest all the indebledness evidenced by Ihe
<br />Note. and all olher charges and fees os provided in the Nole. and Ihe principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br />Trusl.
<br />2. W....t, of Tille. Truslor is lawfully seized and possessed of good and indefeasible title and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and
<br />has the right to gront and convey the Property; the Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except liens now of record; and
<br />Truslar wlll warrant and defend the till. to lh. Property agoinst all claims and demands.
<br />3. MIinIIHnCli aad Compliance with I.crw.~ Trustor sholl keep the Property in good condi1ion and repair and sholl not commit waste or permit
<br />impairment or delerioration of the Property and sholl comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on 0 leasehold. No improve-
<br />men' now or hereafter erec.ed upon the Properly shall be altered, removed or demolished wilhout the prior written consent of Beneficiary.
<br />Trustor sholl comply with all laws. ordinances, regulations, covenants, cDnditions and restrictions affecting the Property and naf commit, suffer,
<br />or permit an, act 10 be done in or upon the Property in violation of any law, ordinance. regulation. covenant. condition or restriction. Trustor
<br />shall complete or restore promptly and in good workmanlike manner Dny improvement on the Property which may be damaged or destroyed and
<br />pay, when due, 011 claims for lobor performed and materials. fumis.hed therefore and for ony alterations thereDf.
<br />4. am.r.nc.. Trustor, ot its expenR. wHl maintain with in5urors approved by Beneficiary, insurance with respect to the Improvements and
<br />personal property. constituting the Properly, agoinst 1055 by fire. lighlning, tornado. and olher perils and hazards cover.ed by slandard extended
<br />coverage endorsement. in on amount equal to atleaSI one hundred percent of Ihe full reploce"ment value thereof and insurance against such
<br />other hozords 0Pd in such amounts 05 is customarily carried by owners and operators of simulor properties Dr as Benericlary may require for ils
<br />protection. Trustor will comply wilh such other requirements 05 Beneficiary may from time 10 time request for the prolection by insurence of the
<br />int.rests of the r-especlive porties. All insurance polities maintained pursuant 10 this Deed of Trust shall nome Trustor and Beneficiary as in-
<br />sureds, os their respective interests may appear, and provide 'hot there shall be no cancellation or modirication wilhaut no less lhoo 15 days
<br />prior wrilten notification to Beneficiary. In the event ony policy hereunder is not renewed on or before 15 days prior to its expiration dote,
<br />nener.ciory may procure such insurance in Dccordance with the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof. Truslor sholl deliver 10 Beneficiary The original
<br />policies of in,uronc~ and renewals thereof or memo copies of such policies and renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such in5urance by Trustor. or
<br />r~neWDIs os requir~ hereunder shall. at Ihe option of Beneficiary, consli1ule 0 default.
<br />