<br />88- 105088
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<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made and entered in'o ,hi. ........................!,?E.~............................ day of ............~.~.I!,~~.!!'.p.~.r..........................., 19...D,Q..,
<br />by and between 2:.~~:..~.~_.~.:_..~.~.~~~._~~~...~!?r..:.~...~.:....~.:~.~.~.!....?.~~.~.~~.~....~~.~...~~.~.~.............................................., Trustor I
<br />........_..:~..:.~.:...~=:.::~~...:::.:.::....:~.~.~=.:~::....~~.~~~.?~.........................................................................................,....................., Trustee,
<br />
<br />and BENEFICIAL NEBRASKA INC. d/b/a BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO., a Nehraska corpora'ion, Beneficiary.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That, Trustor, by these presents. does gront. bargain ond sell, convey ond confirm with Power of Sale unto Trustee the
<br />real property, including nil buildings. improllements, ond futuren o11very kind now or hereafter erected or placed on the real property
<br />(hereaflf!r referred to as the "Property") situate in ...........................~.......................................................................... Count)'. State or Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Part of Fractional Lots 1 and 2, and all of Fractional Lots 3, in Fractional
<br />Block 150 in U,P.R.R, Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeasterly
<br />corner of said Fractional Block 150, running thence in a Westerly direction along
<br />and upon the Northerly Boun~ary Line of said Fractional Block, for a distance of
<br />164.4 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Fractional Lot 3, running thence in
<br />a Southeasterly direction to a point on the Southerly Line of Fractional Lot 2,
<br />which point is 76,0 feet Southeasterly from the Northwesterly corner 'of said
<br />Fractional Lot 3, running thence in an Easterly direction parallel with the
<br />Northerly line of said Fractional Block for a distance of 98.1 feet to the
<br />Easterly Boundary Line of said Fractional Block; running thence in a Northerly
<br />direction along and upon the Easterly boundary line of said Block for a distance
<br />of 37.2 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />
<br />Possession of the Property having now been delivered to Trustee:
<br />
<br />cked,lhis Trust Deed is subject to a prior trust deed dated ........~.~s-.~mp.!7.r....l~..............................., 19..7.~... executed by
<br />
<br />, ...."Ill!, ~~~~~s.~~::~::~~::~:::=::~::~:~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;.;;;; :::tf~.1~~
<br />benefit of ....._...._........................:......................,'.................,'....:................................2'9...40.0...0'0............-..........:................................' as beneficiary,
<br />se~r1nl taJ'merh of a promI5s~!r nole In the pnnclpal amount of t......".........:............. That pnor trust deed was rccLorded on
<br />........~.~...m......f.......................... 19....._. with Ihe Recorder of ...............Hi!...1............................. Counly, Nebraska in Book J:{ A............,
<br />.. page ...NJ.A...at lnst. 1178-008285. Assignment filed October 21, 1986 in lnst. 1186-106009 to
<br />New York Guardian Mortgage Corporation.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges and appurlenances to such Property belonging unto Trustee, and
<br />executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of Trustee forever. And Trustor in Ihis Trust Deed expressly waives, releases
<br />and relinquishes unlo Trustee all figh... litle, claim, interest, benefit and estate wholever, in and to the Property which is given by or
<br />results from all laws of the State of Nebra!lka pertaining to thf' exemption of homestead. And Trustor CD'wci:3Jlts with Trustee that he
<br />will [orever warrant and defend the tide 10 the Properly against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVE~, for the purpo,~es dc~cribed., as follows: Tru,stor on this date has executed a pro~ialjf~ ~te or Loan
<br />Agreement (hereafter Note/Agreement), which eVidences a Joan 10 the Actual Amount of Loan of S............~..............._..........
<br />(hereafter referred to as the '~Principal"), together with interest on unpaid balances of ~e Prin~al fr21Y time to ijTe outstanding at
<br />the Rate of Charge sel forth in the Nole/Agreement, the Final Due Dale being ........_..~.p.~~m...~!.........._...... 19......., all of which is
<br />payable at the office of Beneficiary.
<br />
<br />In the event of the death of one or Ihe Trustors, ntlhe option of Beneficiary, the unpaid balance of the Actual Amounl or Loan, together
<br />with accrued interest. immedialely may become due and payable.
<br />
<br />Until the filing of 8 NOlice of Default. Trustor shall: (l) pay all present and ruture taxes and assessments, general and special, against
<br />the Property before the taxes become delinquent or actionable; (2) keep all improvements erected on the Properly insured as may be
<br />required from lime to time by Beneficiary against loss by Cire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts and for
<br />such periods as are reasonable and may be required by Beneficiary, and 10 keep all policies of such insurance in force or effect upon the
<br />Property constantly assigned and delivcred 10 Beneficiary. and (3) pay and comply with all the terms and conditions of any lien, claim
<br />or indebtedness that may be scnior to or take precedence of this Trust Deed as soon as any such payment on or of such lien. claim or
<br />indebtedness shall become due. Upon failure of Trustor to keep any agreements made in this Trust Decd, Beneficiary may pay accrued
<br />taxes and insurance premiums or payoff any liens or claims Dr indebtedness, as the case may be. The money so expended by
<br />Beneficiary for this purpose shall bear intereSI at Ihe Rate of Charge and shall be secured by Ihis Trust Deed. Trustor agrees to repay
<br />the liJame upon demand. Upon failure so 10 do, the lonn immediately sholl become due and payable, at the option of Beneficiary.
<br />Trustor specifically confers upon Truslee that Power of Sale as provided in Nebraska law, and shall retain p05sesfiion of the Property
<br />and collect the Tents and revenues therefrom unlil filing of such Notice.
<br />
<br />
<br />Trustors will pay and keep current the monthly inslalments on the prior trust deed and to prevent any default thereunder. Trustors
<br />further agree thai should an)' ddault be made in the payment of any instalment of principal or any inlerest on Ihe prior trust deed, or
<br />should any suil be commenced or other action taken III foredllse the prior trust deed, then Ihe amount secured b" this Trust Deed shall
<br />become and be due and payable in full 01 any time Ihereafter, al the option of Beneficiary" and in accordanl'e with thl" NOlc/Agrrcmcnt.
<br />Beneficiary, at its option, may pay the t1cheduled monlhly instalments on the prior Irust deed IU1d, to thc llllent of I~e nmQuftt"-,) paill.
<br />become fiubrogaled to the rights of tht" beneficiary identified in the prior trust deed. All payments made by BeJl~fir"lilri;on Ih(' luan
<br />secured by the prior lrufil del'd shall bt'l1~ iUlt'n~81 at lht" Ilatl' uf Charge unlil paid in full. '
<br />
<br />0", " NE 13-15. Ed_ Non 'SI (\1.'-11
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