<br />21. 1ItIlceI. Exc",llor any notlell, demands, requests, or olher cClll1llM1katlans required .....r oppllcable low 10 be glyen In onother mon-
<br />ner, wllene_llInellelory or Trustor gly.s or SIlYIS...y notlu (Including, withoulllmltotlon, notice 01 d.llIUlt and nollee 01 sol.), d.marAls re-
<br />qutsts or other cClll1llM1katlon with rtspec:llo this Detd 01 Trusl. 10th sud1 notie., demand, request or olher communlco"on sholl be In writing
<br />and sholl be elfeellYl only III'" _is dellmed by persanol servlee or moiled by certified mall, poslage prepaid, return receipt requested, od:
<br />dressed to t'" oddrtss OJ set lorth at the begiming of this Detd of Trusl, Tru.tor hereby requests lhot 0 copy of any notltt of delooll, any
<br />notiu 01 sele, ~ or penn!ned to be giyen the Truslor hereunder, be mailed 10 II at the oddress Sellorth ollhe beginning ollhls Deed 01
<br />Trusl. Arrr porty IIIDI' of ony time chonge It. oddress for sueh nolie.s by dellyerlng Dr mailing to Ihe other portl.. hereto, os oloresoid, 0 notice
<br />01 sueh ehongo. Arrr notiee herllUlld... sholl be deemed 10 hove been given 10 Truslor or Benefiel""" ""en given in tbe monner deslgnoted herein.
<br />22. 0.......... This Detd of Tru.1 .holl be gOYerned by t'" lows of the Slote 01 Nebro.ko.
<br />23. s.c.............. Thl. Detd 01 Trusl and 011 t"",,, condition. ond obllgcrtlon. herein opply to and Inure to the benelll of and bind
<br />"'I porties hereto, their heirs, logotees, deyi.ees, personol represenlolives, suecessDrS and osslgns. Th. I.rm "B.n.llelory" sholl moon Ih.
<br />owner oncI holder of lbe NoI., whether or nol named as Benefiel"", h....ln.
<br />24. .ItItt.. SnonIlIeYItr. All convenant. and ogrooment. 01 Trustor sholl be lolnl ond sey.ral.
<br />25. .......,.In the event anyone or more 01 t,," proylslons conloined In thi. Deed 01 Trust, Dr th. Nol. or ony oth... securily Instrum.nt
<br />given in eonnecllon with lhis lransuetion sholl lor any reason be held 10 be Invalid, iII.gal or un.nlorceabl. in any r.specl, sueh Invalidity. il-
<br />legality. or unenlorceability shall, 01 the option 01 B.neflclary. not offect any proYlslon 01 this Deed 01 Trusl, but Ihls Deed of Trusl shall be con-
<br />strued os if sueh Invalid, illegal, Dr unenforceabl. pravlsion hod n.y.r boon conlolned her.ln Dr th.r.in. If the lien 01 this Deed of Trust is inyolld
<br />or unenlorceabl. os loony part of lhe debt, or If Ihe lien is inyalld Dr unenforc.abl. os 10 any part of Ih. Property, the uns.cured or parliolly
<br />secured portion ollhe debt sholl b. completely paid prior 10 t,," paym.nl oIl,," remaining ond secured Dr portiolly secured portion of th. debt.
<br />and an paym.nt. mode on lhe d.bt. whether yoluntbi-y Dr und.r foreclosur. Dr ather enforcement action or procedur., shall b. considered to
<br />hove been forst paid on and applied to the full payment of thot porllon 01 the debt ""ich Is nol secured Dr not fully secured by Ihe tien of Ihis
<br />Deed olTrust.
<br />26. .......... GttoItr; CtptIon,. Whenev.r used herein, Ihe singulor numb.r sholl inelude the plurol, the plural, Ihe singulor, ond Ih. use
<br />of ony gender shall be applitable to oil g.nders. Th. coptions ond headings ot the paragrophs of this Deed of Trusl ore for convenience only and
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />27. AccoplolRt ~ Trell". Truste. occepts this Trust ""en this Deed of Trust, duly executed ond ocknowledged, is made public record os
<br />provided by low.
<br />
<br />
<br />~;J~~"'~"''':'"
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<br />
<br />I 55.
<br />COUNTY OF Hall ,
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<br />On this 16th day 01 Se tanber , 19 88
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<br />sold county. persannolly come .
<br />10 me known to be the identical persons ""os. nam.s ore subscribed to Ih. foregoing instrumenl and acknowledged the execution thereol to be
<br />thoir voluntary oct and deed.
<br />
<br />
<br />
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