<br />21. Ilollcu. Excep' lor any noliet., demand., roque"" or olher cDlllllltJl1icotlon. required uncItr IIJlIlIlcobltlow 10 bl glvln In lJI\!llher man.
<br />Mt'. v.Mntvt.' Btnol1clory or Trusl... glvlS ... .orvlS any notict (Including, without IImhollon. nollcl 01 dllOllh and nollcl 01'0111, dlmond"'I'
<br />quill. .. othor communIcotlon wllh rtSJlfCI 10 Ihll Dttd 01 Trusl, toch luch nolko, demond. roque'I or other communlcollon .holl be In wrhlng
<br />ond sholl... .1I"Ilv. only II Ih. ......1. dtllvored by per.onallmicl or mailed by corlllied mall, po'Iogt pl'opold. relum recllpl reque'Ied, ad.
<br />drIlled 10 lhe addrtll 01 .11 lonh ot "" beginning 01 Ih1. Dttd 01 Trusl. Tru.I" herebV rtqUlllts lhol 0 copy 01 any nollcl 01 doloull, onV
<br />nolicl 01 sole, roqulrtd.. pennitled to be g1..n lhe Trusl.. horoundor, bemalledloll.llhe.ddre...lllorth .1 lhe beginning 01 thl, Deed 01
<br />Trull. My por1y may.I any limo cl1angt II. addre.. I...uch nolkl. by dlllverlng or mailing to thl olher portll' herolo,.' aforl..id,. nollcl
<br />01 ,uch chango. My nolicl htroundor sholl be doo<nod 10 hovl boon glvln 10 Tru,'or or Olnlflclory. whln glvln In Ihl mannor dl.lgnalld herein.
<br />22. 00....._. Thil Dttd 01 Trusl sholl be governed by lhe laws 01 tho Stall 01 Hlbr..k..
<br />23. ................... this Dttd 01 Trusl ond .11 lerms. candlllon. and obligation. herlln applV 10 and Inure 10 lhe benlflt ol.nd bind
<br />.n pertl.. hertto, lhelr heirs, legat..s. dovl..... per.onal r.pr..lnl.llv... .ucc...or. and ...ign.. Thl Ilrm "O.nollcl.ry" .holl moon Ihl
<br />.- ond hoidtr.1 Ihl Hatl, wholhir or nal named.. Olnollclory heroin.
<br />24. ..... SO....IWIIty. All convlnonl. ond .grlomenls 01 Tru.lor .hall bl jolnl and slverol.
<br />25. StnnIIIItr.1n lhe IVlnl onv one or more 01 the pl'ovi.lon, contained in Ihl, Deed 01 Tru.I, or Ihe Hole or .ny olher .ecurlty In,trumenl
<br />gNonln connecllon with thl. lron"'Ilon shall lor onv rea.on bl hlld 10 be Invalid, illegal or unenlorceableln any rl.pect. ,uch Involidlly, il-
<br />logaIily. or untnforceabllity ,hall. .1 t"" option ofBlnoliclory. nal offecl onv pl'ovl,ion olthi, Deld ollru,I. bui thl. Deed ollru,I .holl be con.
<br />.trued.. il .uch Invond, illegal. or unlnlorcloble provl,lon hod nlver been conlolned herein or therein. II Iheliln 01 Ihi, Deed 01 Tru,I i,lnvolld
<br />or ....n/orctable o. 10 any port 01 I"" debl, or II thl lien i, Invalid or unlnlorceable a' 10 any port 01 the Property, the unsecured or portiolly
<br />.ocured portion 01 I"" dlbl shall be completely poid prior to the paymenl 01 Ihe remaining ond .ecured or portiollV .ecured portion 01 the debl.
<br />0'" all payment. madl on the debt, whelher voluntllfV. or uncItr loreclo,ure or olher enlorcement action or procedure, sholl b. considered 10
<br />hovI boon forsl poid on and applied 10 Ihe lull povmenl 01 lhol portion allhe debl which i. nol ,ecured or nol lully ,ecured by Ihe lien 01 this
<br />Deed ollru'I.
<br />26. .......... GtHwI c.,s...... Whlnever u,ed herein, t"" .ingulor numb.r ,hall include Ihe plural. Ihe plur.I, Ihe ,ingulor, and Ihe u,e
<br />01 any gender .holl be applicabll 10 011 genders. The captions and heading' 01 the porogroph, 01 this Deed 01 Tru,I ore lor convenience only and
<br />are not to be used 10 interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />27. A...,.,..'" TruIlH. Tru.tee occepls Ihi, Tru.' when this Deed 01 Tru,I, duly ..ecuted and .cknawledged,ls mode public record a'
<br />provided by low.
<br />~.ITNESS WHEREOF, Trustor ho. e.eculed Ihi, Deed 01 Trust as 01 lhe day and year firsl abalLitlen. O. _ _
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