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<br />88_ 105005 <br />NON,UNIFORM COVEN"'NTS, Borrowennd Lender furthercovenanl and agree as follows: <br />19. AmlnllOll; R-'IeI. L8IIder abIl III" aodce 10 Borro"er prior to accelanlloa followlas Borro"e"a <br />-.clIof., COftaut or..-ea-t la tlllI Seevrity ~t (bat DOt prior 10 accelenlloa lIIIder parqrapba 131l1d 11 <br />...... ."ueUle II" proridea odIenrINI. n. aotlee aMll apedfy: (al the dee-utI; (bl lbe Idloa reqolred 10 cure !be <br />; (cl a date, aol. tIIaa 30 ...,. from tlIe date tile aotlcelllllYID to Borro....r. by "blcb tII. lIefaoll moat be cured; <br />ud (Ii) tblt r.uan lo...lIIe der.all oa or before tIIc date .peclll...1n the nollce may reautlln accelenllon of lb. I_ <br />__ by tb!I Secartl)' batnImat tad sale of lb. Pmperl)', 'I1Ie aodce lball further laform Borro"er of !be ripl to <br />m.Dte after ~nlloa tad die rilbt to brI.. a COlIft Idloa 10 aaert tII. noa..slal.ace of a d.e-all or aD, olber <br />...... of Borrower 10 accelerat10a aDd .....Utlle dee-utI II nol cored oa Dr before tbe date Ipeclll...1n lb. aollce, Leader <br />at Ita ..,uoa mBJ reqa1re IlIUIIedIate pa)'llllllt la roll of al110ma 1ICIIl'" by tbIa Seevrlty laatrullllllt wltboot furtber <br />......... aDd may 111...0 Ibe po".r of.... IlId illY other remedI.. permitted by applicable IIw. Leader aMll be ealltl'" to <br />""Ueet all OllJllllMl 1IIc:uned la punal.. the remedl.. pro.ld... la Ibll panarapb 19, laelodloa. bol aol limited 10. <br />.-able_fl' f_tadc:oatloflltle n1deuce. <br />U tile po..... of ..Ie II In......... TI1IIt" aMl1 rerard a aollce of dee-utt In _b eoODI)' la wbleb any part of tile <br />Property ..located tad aball ~ cop'" of neb aollce la lb. maaaer pracrlbed by appllcabl. IIwto Borro....r and 10 tbe <br />oIber perDDDI preserlbed by Aller lb. tIm. required by appU....I. IIw, Trusl" aballlll..pubUc aolle. or <br />sale to die ....- tad 10 tbe maaaer pracrlbed by appllcabl. law. Truatee, wllbouI d.mand oa Borrow.r. aMl1 ..U lb. <br />Property at pIIbllc auelloa to lb. blp..t bidder al lb.t1m. aDd p!ace aDd ODd.r lb.lenas d..lllDlII...1n lb. aotlc. of ....Ia <br />DIIO _more pan:ell ODd 10 BaY order Trustee determlo... Truslee may poetpon..... Dr aU or 8fty pan:e1 of Ih. Pmperty by <br />pIIbUe aDllDOncemeal at tlIe tIm. Bad place or aDY prerioualy ..h"'al'" ..... Lend.r or ill desl..." may purchale lb. <br />Pmperl)' at Bay..... <br />Upoa receipt or pa)' or lb. price bid, Truslee shall dell..r 10 Ih. purehaser Truatee'l d.... con..ylng lb. <br />Pmperl)', 'I1Ie recitala la lb. TI1IIt.... deed shall be prima r..l. Dr lb. trulh Dr Ih. .talllll.nll mad. thcrein. <br />Truatee ""aU apply th. proceeds of lb. ..I. 10 lb. rollowlag ord.r. (aJ 10 all or lb. ..... ladadllla. but aol limll'" <br />10. TntItee'l r... sa permltt'" by appllcabl. law tad reasoaabl. attom.,.' rees; (bJ 10 alllDma secured by Ihls Security <br />IIIItnnaeaI; IlId (cJ 8fty ...... to tbe penon or penoas Ieplly it. <br />20. Leader la P.osaeuIon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by agenl or by judicially appoinled receiver) shall be entilled to enter upon. take possession of and mBJIase the <br />Property BJld 10 collect the reolS of the Property including those past due. Any renlS collected by Lender o'r the receiver <br />shall be applied filSt to payment of the costs of managemenl of the Property BJld collection of rent., includins, bUI nol <br />limited 10. receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable anomeys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />tbis Security Instrument. <br />U. ReenaYO)'Bace. Upon paymenl of all.ums secured by Ihis Security 1nstrumenl. Lcnder shall requesl Trustee 10 <br />reconv.y the Propert)' and shall surrender this Securil)' In.trumenl BJld all notes evidencins debl secured by Ihis Security <br />In.lrumenllo Truslee. Truslee .hall reconvey the Property without warranty and withoUI charselo lhe person or pelSons <br />leplly entitled 10 it. Such person or persons shall pay an)' recordation cosls. <br />22. Sabstltute Trustee. Leader. al ilS oplion, may from time 10 lime remove Truslee BJld appoinl a sue<:essor truslee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereonder by BJI illSlrument recorded in Ihe counly in which Ihis Security Inslrument is record..., <br />Wilhout conveYBJI<O of Ihe Property. the s_essor trustee shall succeed 10 alllhe tille. power and dUlies conf.rred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicablc law, <br />13. Reqoeel ror N_ Borrower requeslS thai copies of th. nOlices of default and sale be senl to Borrower's <br />add..... which is Ihe Property Addr.... <br />Z4. tbII Secartl)' 1IIItnnaeat. If one or more riders are e.ecuted by Borrow.r and recorded together with <br />this SecuriIY IllSlrument, the covenants BJld agreemenlS of cach .uch rider shall be incorporaled into BJld sbal1 amend BJld <br />supplemenl the covelWllS and asreemenlS of this Security IllSlrumenl as if Ihe rider(s) were a part of Ihis Security <br />Instrument. [Check applicable bo.(es)) <br />o Adjustable Rat. Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Paymenl Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unil Development Rider <br /> <br />~ Other(s) [specify] Acknowledgment <br /> <br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />IllStrumenlBJId in BJlY rider(s) eaeculed by Borrower and recorded wilh it, <br /> <br /> <br />........,.....,.....................,....,............. ...... ..... .. , ..J~c!2u-:n:(dI.('".t.J...................(Sea1) <br />Har Ian R. Puncochar ...-.- <br /> <br />"',.~,.7.T.J,""~,..,',.....,..,.....(SeaI) <br />Anne M. Puncochar --Borrawer <br /> <br />ST"'TE OF NEBRASK.... <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County S5: <br /> <br />On this 9th day of September ,1988 ' before me, the undersisned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personally came Har Ian R. PUncochar and <br />Anne f1t Puncochar. husband and wife . to me known to be the <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof 10 b. their voluntary acl and deed, <br />Witn~ my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island. Nebraska in said county. the <br />date afortSlUd, <br /> <br />My Commi..ion e.pires: <br /> <br />lk-:ar:\ <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE: <br />Ti.~ undersigned is IhE:' holder or the nole or noles ~ecured by thi~ Deed of Tru...l. Said nOle or noll:\, together <br />with all olhei' indebtedness secured hy Ihi!o Deed or Trust, have bec:n paid in rull. You arc hereby directed 10 cancel ..aid <br />nOle or notes ani': Ihis DeC'd of TrU\I, ....dueh IIrc dC'Ii\lC'u:d hereby, and to recnnvey, "lIh01l1 \"IITranl~. alllh~' c..lalC <br />now held by you umlt:: lhi!. [ked of Trml to Ihe penon or peno"" legalJ~ enlilled Ihlo'rclO. <br /> <br />",....,.".c.,.l...,"~~,. <br />Notary Pubhc <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />Dale: <br />