<br />
<br />LoaD ....6~~............k;:......~,.. 88- 104994
<br />THAT WHEREAS. all 01 the Indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by ....~~..~:...~~......,......,.....
<br />
<br />N~
<br />
<br />4170
<br />
<br />.......~.,~_~.,~,'...~~..~..l@!h,j,9.~J;Jy...~..~,.~...~,.f!'@...g.8hJ;.,....................,..........,.....
<br />
<br />to ..'l.9.!!!al!1..R,...~..,......,....,......,...........,.....,............. os Trustee for the benefit of ....~,.~~.....................
<br />
<br />..._,~~,.~..~,.~MTIPN..Q!L~,......,.,',...,.....,...,...,..,..,...,.....,..,..... the Beneficiary named therein.
<br />
<br />lkted ...,.f.@.~..l?..J,~IU!........ and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of ,..~~L.....,........................
<br />86-100710. xxx
<br />County, Nebraska. in Book.,~.........../ as Instmment Number...................,/ on Microfilm Roll Number.......................
<br />
<br />Page....,..~......... hos been paid, and said Beneficiary hos requested in writing that this Deed of Reconveyance be
<br />eucuted and delivered os confirmed by its endorsement below;
<br />
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named
<br />therein. the undenrigned os Trustee does by these presents. grant. remise. release and reConvey to the peIllOn or
<br />peIllOOS entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Deed fu the
<br />following described premises but only sa to such premises:
<br />
<br />See attached sheet
<br />
<br />DATED: ......!!~p,l;!W!!?,~,!':..~"..1?~.~..,..,....... TRUSTEE: ~...N.,..~....,........ ",.......,...........................
<br />88.
<br />COUNTY OF ......!,~!.',9.~!!::!',~....,...........
<br />
<br />On this ...~,\;!!....... day of .....J~~P,t~!'!!?!!E,..,..,..... 19,!!!!.... belore the undersigned. a Notary Puhlic duly commi88ioned
<br />
<br />and qualified for said County, peIllOnally came .....,..:lQe"'~..H....e.adam;L.......,.................,.............................,....................
<br />os Trustee. to me !mown to he the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and
<br />a 'wled ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary act snd deed sa such Trustee.
<br />.-.......-
<br />... IHEllrlLIl. MIL
<br />Y comm::a.....~.~ u;ll.8t..2.4...,....... 19..~2... ,QbJppJ It...Q...~~;;~ry Public
<br />
<br />Tbia ia to certify that the above nsmed Trustee has been requ=~~zr:nting ~~,;,., Deed of
<br />Reconveyance aDd his action in doing 80 is ratified and confinned in all respects. ~~ .... .... ~'\
<br />
<br />By: .........~r2J, ,,::..........,
<br />J PRESIDEfi,"" ....
<br />
<br />} . th ~~.... __r...~i.:~~8
<br />On th,s .....~..,.,.... day 01 ~ .......m...'\\o:fi",..,.... hefore
<br />COUNTY OF ....LAliCAS1'EoR... ..,...o...,. 88. me. the undersigned, a No ..~.~kYll,oll\' and lor said
<br />
<br />County personally came .........H....,f.....,,RQft!;D.I',WftK,i,,.......................,m..m..................'..m............... 01 First Federal Savings
<br />
<br />
<br />and Loan Association of Lincoln. to me personallr known to be the .......,J?!':~#.<i.!mj;,.........'.m..m....n... and identical
<br />penon ..:.",.. name is affixed to the shove loregomg instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his
<br />volun~ act anol <leed os such officer. and the voluntary act and deed of the said First Federal Savings and Loan
<br />
<br />=~~..:~~~~ o.m.il'\\!Il!Il.L~}m...'mn. 19..R.. ..CII;PDbl If..,Q..LU.a.ifL..o..., Notary Public
<br />
<br />;.' ___ ~,: ...."-....-0..'
<br />
<br />IfrlililaElilfiui.24.1192 'Register, ~f'Deed8 Index When recorded to be returned to:
<br />
<br />
<br />.:t.
<br />(~.J
<br />c.:
<br />
<br />N_
<br />
<br />r ;,
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<br />>Count)', n.br..... and IIllJU part:t1j K.III:II ren (IUJ. Weat of the 6th r.tl., IInl1
<br />l'uh,t ..n lht! fiuu~1o Un. of IlIIdd ;u arl, d,uerlh.d .Il fol1mru ...1nnlhl at .
<br />""ur Tenth. UB8 II) 11I!!'1 F...t of ~. ;nJdl,luha '"d"u "our llulI.!rltd EJ..hl)'r.I~hl Anu
<br />r;..nerly doni till, South ilnll of '~d 1I~1 IlIlIllt r:ornllr of sRltI SW'&; Ih""1:11 tUII111nk
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