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<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow.r and Lend.r furth.rcoyenanl and "Br.. u foll~Jl:- 1 04 9 7 4 <br />19. AoctItralloD; ReIIledlel. LelIder abaU lire IlO\l.. 10 Borro...r prior 10 _1....1100 (ollowlog Borro...r'a <br />k-" 01.., _t or ....-t Ia dab SeclIrIty I_eol (bul 001 prior 10 _I....llan uoder puqrapbl 13 and J7 <br />.... 1IPIIUcUI. Ia.. proyIdeI odIerw\Ie). ne nollce abaU I\lOCIty: (I) lb. de(lult; (b) th. actIoo required 10 cure the <br />.......1; (ela...... aot_1lIu 30'" froIa the dale the aotIce "Ilino 10, by ..bleb th. de(aull muat be cured; <br />MIl (dllllat lIdJare 10 ..... the dellull 00 or belore the dale opecIfIed m th. noli.. may ......11 In _lenlloo o( lb. 1U0II <br />...... II)' .... SeclIrIIJ lutrameat .... at. 01 !lie Property. The ootlce ablll furt1ler io(orm Borro...r o( lb. rllIbl to <br />reIuWe Iller .....Ientloo .... the rllIbllO 1lrIq a coart actIoo 10 ...rt lb. oon......lence 01. delluJl or any oth.r <br />tIeIeae 01 Borrower to aecelentIoa and ......IIth. delaall" oot cured on or belore Ib.dll. lpeellled io th. oollce, Lender <br />It I.. ......... IIIIY require Immediate .-YJII.ol In run o( III_ HClIfod by this Seearlty Instrument wltho.1 furtb.r <br />....... .... allY mYOk. th. o( at. ad any olb.r remedies permlllod by law. Lend.r ablll be .otllled 10 <br /><nil... III upellMlloeorrod In pIIJ'IUiq lb. remedies prorided In ibis puagnpb 19, IncludlnlL b.1 nolllmlted 10. <br />.-aabJ. IItorIIe)'l' I...1IId COItI 011111. erid.nee. <br />II the po.... 01 at. .. 10YOked. T....... .....1 record . nollce o( dell.llln eacb county In ..b1cb any part o( lb. <br />Property ..Isealed and abaU mall copies ohueb.nollcelo th.llWlller prescctbed by law to Borro...r and 10 th. <br />otbu penoaa -'bed by II... After th.llme req.lred by la... Truatee .bIlI 8In pnbUc notice o( <br />at. 10 th. penono and In th. OWIner p....ribed by law. Trual... ..llbo.1 deOWld oa Borro...r. .blll oeU th. <br />Property.1 pnbUcllllctlon 10 th. hllIb'" bldd.r II th. tlm. and pllcelllld onder Ib.l.rma c\ealpated 10 lb. nollce o(at. 10 <br />ODe or more parceIa IlIId In IlIIY order T....... d.lermloes. T....... "'1' pootpone aat. o( III or any parcel o( Ibe Property by <br />pnblle II tile 11m. and p.... of any preriously scheduled aat.. Lend.r or I.. deslp.. ...y p.rcbue lb. <br />Property at IlIIY uJ.. <br />Upoa recelpl o( paymenl o( lb. price bid, Trull.. .bIlI dell,er 10 tII. purchaser Trustee'. deed con,.ylng Ibe <br />Property. The recitals In the T......... deed.bIlI be prima (..Ie erid.nce o( the lrulb of the .latem.ots mad. Ib.reln. <br />Trustee abaU apply tile proceedI o(the ate In Ibe foUowlng order. (olio III expe.... of tile aate. Incl.dlng, bul nolllmlled <br />10, Trustee'. tees u permitted by IppU..ble II" and reasonable IttOru.)'lI' (ees; (hI 10 III .ums secured by tills Sec.rlty <br />Iutnuoent; and (elllllY ......10 lb. penoo or penoos lepJly entllled 10 II. <br />ZOo Leader In P.oaeulon. Upon acc.l.ralion und.r paragraph 19 or of Ih. Property, Lend.r (in <br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and manage the <br />Property and 10 coll..tth. rents of Ih. Property including those pasl du.. Any rents coll..ted by Lend.r or Ih. r..eiy.r <br />sblll be applied first to payment of Ih. costs of managemenl of lb. Property and coll..tion orrents, including. but not <br />limited to, receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by <br />Ihis Security Instrument. <br />21. RecoOTC)'IlII'" Upon paym.nt of all SUIOS secured by this S..urilY InSlrument. Lend.r sball request Trust.. to <br />reconvey the Propeny and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all noles evidencing debt secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally enlitled 10 il. Sucb person or persons shall pay any r..ordation costs. <br />n. Substitute TI'1IItee. Lender, at its option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />10 any Trus... appointed h.....nder by an instrument recorded in Ih. counlY in which Ihis S..urity Inslrum.nt is r..orded. <br />Witbo.t cony.yance of the Property, tb. successor trustee shall succeed to alllh. titl., pow.r and duties conf.rred I;pon <br />Trt15t.. b.rein and by applicable law. <br />23. a.a- for Noll.... Borrow.r req..... that copies of lb. noli... of and sale be sent 10 Borrow.r's <br />address whicb i. Ih. Propeny Address. <br />24. RIden 10 tllla SeearlIJ I_I. If on. or more riden are .....ted by Borrower and recorded togetber witb <br />uu. s..urity Instrument. Ih. coyenanls and agreemen.. of each oucb rid.r shall be incorporaled inlo and shall amend and <br />supplemenl ;.~ coyenants and agreements of this SecurilY Instrument as if Ih. rid.r(s) a pari of Ihis Security <br />Instrument. [Check aw~bl. box(es)] <br />o Adjustabl. Kale Rid.r Cl Condominium Rider 0 2-'1 Family Rid.r <br /> <br />o Graduated Rid.r <br /> <br />o Planned Unit ~:".lopment Rid.r <br /> <br />!D OIb.r(s) [specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SIONINO BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the lerms and covenants cont.L."ed in this Security <br />Instrument and in any nd.r(.) ex"Uled by Borrow.r and recorded witb~ <br /> <br /> <br />.. ......../~~~~.................(~l <br />.~e.~ner~o 1:.. orra es -sorrow- <br /> <br />... . ~~'/J/)!2.: ~..tb2.~o.......................(SeaI} <br />~r.Y:..l"L~~les ---8orrawM' <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On Ibis 31 day of August . 19 aa. b.for. m.. th. undersign.d, a NOlary P.blic <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said counly. personally came Reinerio E. Corrales and <br />Susan J. Corrales, Husband and lIlife , to m. known 10 b. Ihc <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the furegoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />Ibereof to be their vol.ntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial ,.a1at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the <br />date aforesaid. <br /> <br />My Commission ..pir.s: .:5 -.:3 -9.:? ~ ( 7 ~ .f"/ _ ----" <br /> <br />,.~ft..-:;=I "Q""'~~~""u <br /> <br /> <br />The undenianrd is the holder of Ihe nOle or nOles 'itcurE:'d by this Deed of Trust. Said note. Dr J10lcs. loyelhE:'r <br />with.U other indebtedness scc;ured by this Derd orTrusl. ha\le been paid in full. You are hereby directed 10 cancel \31d <br />nOle or noles and Ihis D<<d of Trust. which are delivered hereby. and (0 rccon\'cy. "II hout warrant). all I he "'latc <br />now heJd by you under Ihh Dero of Trusl 10 Ihe penon or pefliom leRally C'nllth:J therclll. <br /> <br />Date: <br />