<br />. i
<br />
<br />88- 104950
<br />
<br />(With Power or Sale)
<br />
<br />-;;1" ('\0
<br />Amount of First Instalment" -' .." ,
<br />TotalofPaymen..' 1531, .00 J'.
<br />
<br />Number of Monthly In.talmcntl!l ~
<br />
<br />Amount or Other InstalmenlB $ 319.00
<br />FirslhUlt.almentDueDate 10/13 19--=e
<br />Final Instalment Due Date 9/13 19-22
<br />
<br />TIllS DEED OF T~Usr, '1!ode this __~ day of ';e~1tember
<br />between JohnnIe \, .1runs anc. !.nncy rr\~n5 husl"'and an~-.i \>life
<br />
<br />whoaemaillngaddreMI1I203..;est10thGrand~.fj1and. _Ne.. f -~.01
<br />
<br />811 Truston, John r'ur.nll1cha,' .1. t torr:e}' a tam.:, 22?
<br />
<br />whO!le mailing addreu is 222:~ Cedar Gra'1d I51Flnc, ::e.. ! '- 01
<br />
<br />Tnu d tJ 2337 horth \','ebl~ Hd..
<br />88 PO ~o:.n 1.~~~3~tr~il~dnc~~]~~d:k~~ J~c,,(.~~ moiling address is
<br />
<br />. IO-1!L,
<br />
<br />. as Beneficiary,
<br />WITNESSETH. Trwtotf, hj1by irrevocably, grant, bargain. .,11, and convey to Tn1atee in tnlat, with power of ssle, the following de-
<br />lICri~ property in 'It;l County, Nebnuka:
<br />
<br />:"'ot (ne (1), . :OCl :;iftf:>en (1:":;, !'"'!5sel .\,.'':-\eeler's I,dditior. ':0 the City
<br />of Grand "-::;lnnrl, :-':nli '-'01]r:t~.., :;e'resj~a
<br />
<br />Together with wne-menla, hert"ditamenltl, nnd nppurwnnncl'!1 thereuntn belanginA' or in anywise appertaining and the renta, issues and
<br />prufilll thereof
<br />
<br />Thil ronveyal1C1l ill inl.ended for the purpose o( arcunnl{ the payment 00 Beneficiary of TrulltONl' promissory nole of even date in the
<br />amount lltated above .1 "Tolal of Paymenu" &id '''olal of IJaymontJ" ia repAYDble in the number of monthly iTlltalments stated above.
<br />The Ulnount of lh instalment paymenlll duo on !laid lonn ii, lllall'd above. The first Rnd final instalment due dates on ll8id loan are stated
<br />above. Payment may be made in advance in any amount at any time. DeCl'lIulL in making any payment shall. at the Beneficiary's option
<br />and without notice or demand. nonder thtl ~nl1rn unpaid balance of !lAid 10Bn at onee due and payahle, leSH any required rebate of chargeR.
<br />
<br />To proted the RCUrity or this Deed or Trust, Trullwr coVlInanLe und agreNI
<br />
<br />L. To keep the property in good conditIOn and repair; to permit no waite thereof; to complelto Bny building, .lructure or improvement
<br />being bum or about 00 be huilt thereon: to relllon> promptly Bny hulldinR. IItructure or improvement thereon which may be damaged Dr
<br />delltroyt!d: Bind to comply with alllllwB, OMUlBttW"l, N'gulalionil. CQvenllntJI, conditIOn. and TlIltnctioM affecting lb. property.
<br />
<br />2. To paly hefohl delinquent 1111 lawful ta.Ml ond u8IJeumenlll upon the property; to keep the property rre-e and deBr of al1 other eharges.
<br />lien. or .neumbrance impairing the lM!Curlty of thiS 1l4!ed of Trwt
<br />
<br />3. To keep all bulldinp now or herenller cn.cted on the property deterlbed h~rl!m continuously 1",lUred againHt 108K by Ore or other
<br />hlWlr'!:l. in on amount not lesa than Ole total d~bt ..>cured by this need of Trust All polieies IIhall he held by the neneOcinry, nnd be
<br />m such companies BII the Beneficiary may I1ppntVtl und have Imlll JJllYllble firllt to tht." U"neficillry UK lLe intereHt may appear and then
<br />to the Tnutor. The omount collmed under Dny IOsurnnCl' polley may be applied upon any indehtedneu hereby secured in BUch order 08
<br />the Beneficiary shall detennine. Such opplicatian by the Benf'ficiary shall not eaulM! diaeontinuonce of Bny proceedings to forec1oae thlB
<br />Deed orTrmt or eUhl or waive an)' default or notiel! of default or Invalidate any oct done pUNluant to Ruch notice. In the event of foreclosure.
<br />"II right. of lho Tnutor in inliunmce policiu then in fore>> .hall P'" to the purchuer at the foreclolure !lUle.
<br />
<br />.... To obtain the written ronsent of Beneficiary before telling, conveying.or otherwile transferring the proptlrt)l or any part thereof nnd
<br />any lIuch sale. conveyance or trontlfer without the Benefidary'. written consent IIhal1 conatitute /1 default under the tennll hereoF.
<br />
<br />5. To defend any action or proct'eding purporting to IlfTed the security hereof or the rightB or powers of Beneficiary or Trt1!llee.
<br />
<br />6. Should Trulllor roil to pay when due ony taxes, a5.!i!:I!lmen1.8, IMuranre premiumtl, HeM. encumhranres or other charges against the
<br />property he~inabove deecribl'd, Deneficiary may pay the Illlme, and the amount 80 puid, with interest ot the rate Bet forth in the noW
<br />8eCU~ hereby,lIhall be add~ to and be-rome a part oftht' debt secured in this o..~ of Truflt all permitted by low.
<br />
<br />
<br />i. In the event Bny portion of the property illo taken or damaged in an eminent domain procet.oding, the entire amount of the award
<br />or lIuch portion thereof as may be nrceuary to fully satillfy the obliJ;t:otion fk'cured hereby, IIhnll IN! paid to Beneficiary to 00 applied to
<br />uid obU,ation.
<br />
<br />2. By acceplIng payment of Itny sum !It!cured hereby nrter Its dut" date. BenefiCiary d~ not wOlve Its rtght to require prompt payment
<br />when due of all other aums 60 !leCured or to declare defaull for f"llun> to MJ pay
<br />
<br />3. The Tnutee shall rrconvey BlI or any port of the property covered by thiS I>et'li of Trutlt to th~ pel"1lOn entitled thereto, on written
<br />requHt or the Tnutor and the Beneficiary, or upun satisfaction Df tht" ohlt):lItlan IleCUred Bnd written rrquellt for reconveyance made by
<br />the BenEficiary or the ~non entitled therl'w
<br />
<br />gg, G84 (HE)
<br />