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<br />COIfrl,d <br /> <br />DnD D' nUST <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />104927 <br /> <br />Ethe'li~~i~ tru;: t~r:~ day Dr SePtanber : ~:~it:~ :::e:~~Rto .. UTruetor,1I <br /> <br />who.e _Ulnl addn.. 1 flnrl 'N"R: A.1:end _HI 8anr.k <br />Attome, at l.- henln erred to lIS TrU'UI, 0.. ..Ulns dAre.. 18 P. U. tlOx 190 <br />Grand Island. fo."E 68802 ; .nd THB OVERLltHD NATI(ltAL lARk OF GllAHD ISLAND, hereinafter referred to II <br />"hneflehl'J"," WO.. ..lllnll addI'Cl.. 18 1'. O. Box 16Sa, Grand hlend, Nebr..b 1581102. <br /> <br />ror ".luable eon.ldentlon, Trultor ln8vocably lunt" tran8fen. conveys and 'l!IlI1~1I to Trultee, In <br /> <br />::nU:~tt=:"a~a:~. D~::l:i ~~~~~e t~:n:~~~D::I~:::::t.:r p::::::;:'~:~.:~'~n and i1:leit to the ~::;7:nd <br />Nlbr..b, to-vlt I <br />wt Fifteen (15). Kentish Hill" Suhdivi!<inn, lnpn1-P<l in 1-h", <br />South Half of the Northwest Quarter of thp. Rout"'""''''' QI'"l"t,,,. <br />(S1!NW;iSW!) of Section Twentv Five (251. T=Dshin Rlpvpn '(11) <br />North. Ranee Ten (10) Wesrt: of 1:hR nTh P M J HQ11 t"'nl1n+~rl <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />tOltlthar vlth all bulldlnS8, illlprov8.enu, flxturea. IItreets, _UeYI'lI paIU_flRew.-YII, eallement., riBhtf', pl'ivl- <br />1_... and locatad thereon 01' In an)' vay pertatninB thereto, and the ranta, 1II1IU8f1, profita, <br />ra.,.nlon. and the I'lmllinden thereof', includlnl aU lIuch penonal property that is oItUehed to the Il1l1prove- <br />....u aD .. to e.onaUtuta a fhtu.... an of uhlch. lndudlnl replaeUllnu alld addition. r.hauta, ara hanby <br />d.ehr.d to he II part of the real eatate conveyed In tru.t h.reby, it bein. aarud that dl of the fon- <br />loinl ahllU b. hareinaft,r ref.rnd to aa the "ProperlY." <br /> <br />POR ntR .URPOSE O' SECURINC: <br /> <br />(II) the paflM!nt of indebtednellll evldencad by TI'Ulltorl1l note of even date her'ewlth In <br />the prindpll! aua of Th;T'TY Three Thollsand & NOl1on.c.$33.000.00 ), tOBeth!:!r <br />with Intel'eat .t the rate or I'IItllll provided therein, 01' the principal and Intereat on ay <br />future IIdvllftce not to exceed the total pdncipal 'UUI Initially Recurd hereby aa evIdenced <br />by pl'~l..ol'J' notea .tatlng they are aecul'ed hereby. and any and all renew...., IIOdlflcatlona <br />and exten.lon. of auch notes, both prlndp.1 and Interl!!l!lt on the notl!lll belna payabl. In <br />.ccord....ce with the teraa .et forth therein, which b)' thb reference b herebr put <br />hueo!; <br /> <br />(b) the perf'onunce of each aguclllMt and covenant of Trulltor herein contained; and <br /> <br />(e) the papent 01 IhIY .UII "I' IIUIlII of IIOftey which lll8y be here.rter paid or advanced <br />hy lIen.Uclary Wider the tel'll. or this Deed of Trust, tOlether with Inter.llt thereon at the <br />rat. provided In the note. <br /> <br />To prot.ct the .ecurlty of thla Deed of Trust, Trustor hereby covenants and aBreea a. follow I <br /> <br />I. P.~nt of Indebtednellll. To pay when due. the principal of. and the intere.t on, the Indebted- <br />ne.. e"JdllDced by th. note, charlee, fee. IInd aU other ..... .. provided In the loan instru.enU. <br /> <br />2. Title. Trulltor III the owner of the pl'Dperty .nd h.. the rlBht IInd authority to e.-cute thia <br />o.ed of Truet in re.peet to the propel'ty. <br /> <br />3. Taxes and A..e.allente. To pay, when due. aU taxe., .pech1 a..Il..nt. and all other charle. <br />a.alnat the prop.rt,. halou the .... beeo.. daUnquent. and. tn tha aveot BeneUeiar, .hall ao nquir&. <br />to .dd to the pa, required under the nOli ..cured heJllby, luch ..,unt .. auy h .uUldant to an.. <br />able lIenllUdal'Y to p.Y .uch taaea. ..lIe...enu or other chauea an tIMy bl!cOlMl due. <br /> <br />4. Insuranc.. To keep the 1l1lprove_nts now Dr herearter located on the real estatll dellCdbed <br />heretll tnaured lI.alh.t de..ce by fire and such other h.urda a. Beneficiary me)' require, 1n alllounta and <br />cu.panln .cupuhle to lIeneflciary, and with 101'111 p.y.ble to lIeneflciar,.. In cau of 10.. under euch <br />poUel... lIl!nef1elary b authol'hed to adjuat, eollect and cOMpromlae, in Its discretion, all cbl.. <br />thereunder and. at ltl'l 801e option, is authorized to either .pp1y the f1l'oceedl'l to the r.atoration of the <br />,rop.rt:r ar upon the indebtedne.a .ecured hereby I but pa~ent. requhed by the not. .h.n continue until <br />the a_ ..cund are pdd in fuU. <br /> <br />5. a.patr. tlalntenance and UIIII. To prOMptly repair, rutore or I'ebulld aft)" buUdln,. Dr laproye- <br />aent. now or hare.fter on the property I to keep the property In Baod condition and rapalr. without w.ste <br />and free frOll ..chonlc. at' Dther 118nll nDt expn..l)" .ubordinated to the lien hareof; to not ....., auff.r <br />or plll1lit any nul.ancII to eJlllat nor to dl.lnl.h or lapair the value of the property by any act or OIIlaaJon <br />to actl and to cu.ply.vlth .U requlrewmu of lav vith reaped to the propert7. <br /> <br />6. Condanat1on. In the eYent the property, or ..ny p.rt thereof, .h.U bll tabn by ..Inent do..ln, <br />lIenaficlaq ia entitled to collect and recdn an cDIIPen..tlon ""Ieh ..y be pdd for ,,"y propere, tlkln <br />or for d_ae. to property not uken, ad lIenefldary ehaU .pp1,. su-:h cOllpenllation, at It. option, <br />_Uher to .. redaetian of the Indebtedne.s secured hereby Dr to repair and r..tor8 the prop.rty .0 taken. <br /> <br />7. Pedonunce by BeneCic1ary. Beneficiary ..y. but IIh.n no obU..tton to, do an)' act which <br />Truator ha. a.reed but f.Ued to do, nnd BeneUclar)' ..y .lao do any sct It dee.1I neee...,II'Y to protect <br />the 11en hereof. Trulltel' Alree. to repay, upon de....nd. .ny .uall .0 expended by BeneUc1.ry for tho <br />.t.ow. "urpa.... and an, .U11 ao expended b7 B~eftcler, IIhan be .dd.d to the Indebtedn... auured hne- <br />"7 .nd hc.. ..cured b7 the lien hereof. Beneficiary .haU not Incur an, peraonal liability beuu.. at <br />_,thin. it .., do ar DIllt to do h.retad.r. <br /> <br />8.. haian-enta of Rent.. Beneftclal'J' .h.11 hll'n! the ript, pover and authority dUl'inS the cun- <br />tln....c. of thil' Deed of Trust to e:oll@ct the rent., ta.ue. and proflta 01 the pl'op.rty and of .n, p.r- <br />aDDat ,ropart7 loeated theraon with or without taklns po..ea.ton 01 the property affect.. hereby, and <br />Truator hereby .bsolutely and meondlt1onaU, .....n. an .uch renta, luUlls and profit. to lIenefletar)'. <br />Ileneflclal'J. ho....r. hereby eoneenr.. to Trustor'. cD11ectlon .nti retention of such renta, IlIlIue. IInd <br />,rofit. .. tMY accrue end b40c~ payablll, lIO Inns ae Trustor I. not. at such ti... In dd.ult with re- <br />.pect to ..r--nt of an, Indebteclnes. a.cured hereby, or In the perfol'llUlnce of any a.ree...nt hereund.l'. <br />II an, .....nt of default deael'lbed here.ner In rup.ct to thb Deed of Trust .haU have nccllrnd and be <br />cDlltlnulal, BenefiCiary, a. . ..tter of rlpt and without notice to Trulltor or anyone mder <br />Truator, md wlt:hout recard to the value of the truat .atate or the [ntereat of the Tru.tor therein. <br />.haU haft tM daht to .PP., to any court h....inS JurhdJctJan to appoint a I'1Icetvlll' of the prop.rty. <br /> <br />,. Inapec:tioas. Benefic.lary. or Ita alentll. repn.entatiYe. or vorben, .re authorhed to enter <br />at _, ra.....1. U.. upon or In an, part of the property ror the purpo.e of In.pectlne the s... and <br />for U. pu:rpo.. 01 ,adoralnl an)' of' the aell it .. authorized to perrora under the te".1I of any loan <br />laatr......t. Ducuted b)' TrUll tor . <br /> <br />10. l'raufar of 'n)Nrty. [(.U or an, part of the propert, or an, inUre.t of Trulltor thanin <br /> <br />-1' <br />