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<br />1. CODdemnatlo., In the n..t tho Property, or any pari thereof,lhlll be \ake. by eml.ent domlln, the MaRple. <br />is empowered 10 coll..tand ....1..111 eompenoaUon whlob may be pIId ror any property \aken or ror dlm_ to property <br />not \aken, and Mortp... IbaIl Ipply IUd! ""m_tlon, It Ita option, .Ither 10 I reduction of tho Ind.btedneu oecured <br />hereby or to ..pllr and ...tore the property 10 damqed, <br /> <br />8. Performan.. by Mo~ Mortppe may, but shill ba.. no obllptlo., \0 do any let wblelt the MortPllor <br />Ita qreed but fills .\0 do, end Mor\pIH may 1100 do any let It doew necoauy \0 proteet the lien h.reor. Mortplol <br />....... to repay, upon demand, any IUI1llIO expended byth. Mortpp. ror the lOO.e purpooes, and Iny .UWIO expen.ded <br />by th. MortKqoe shill be Idded to tile ind.btednoos oecured hereby and become lubjet:\ to th. lI.n hereor. Mor\p&lle <br />shill not ineur any personlllllbWty beaI... of any thine it may do or omU to do hereunder. <br /> <br />9. Del'lult; AIoipment of RentL TIme II of the ....... hereof, and upon Mor\pIor'1 defluU I. any co.e...t <br />or .....m.nt of thll Mortpp, includine co.....\I \0 pay when duo th. IUW oecured by this Mor\ple, the Mortgqoe ohaIl <br />be .ntltled, It its &01. option I.d wlthoul noU.., \0 decl... a1lsuma oec:ured by thll Mor\ be Immedlatsly due and <br />payable and may commence roreclOlure of thll Mortpp hy judicial proeoedlnp; and, proYlded further, that upon IUd! <br />default the Monppe, or I ....I..r appointed by a court, may It i\l opllon and without reprd \0 the Iclequaey of the <br />oeeurlty, .nler upon and \ake pouoaion of the Property and colloc\ Ih. renta, luu.. and pro!lta therefrom and apply th.m <br />!1m to the cost or collecllon and _rallon or the Property and then upon th. ind.btedneu oecured by thll Monppe; <br />ald renl>, lIsues and profits being IIIlgn.d 10 the Mort_ II furth.r oecurity ror the payment or tho indehtedneu <br />oec:ured hereby. <br /> <br />10. Tnnofer of Properly. If all or any part or the Property II sold nr lrlnIremd without the expresi written con- <br />Rnt of the Mort.pgee, Mortgogee may II its .ole DptiO., d..l... all .umo ..cured by thll Mortpge 10 be immediately due <br />and paYlbl.. <br /> <br />n. Future Upon requesl of Mortpgor, Mortpgee mlY make Iddit.ional and fu\Ore Idvances \0 <br />Mortgagor. Suob Idvances, with Interest thereon, shall be oecured by thll Mort.pge when eYldenced by promlosory notel <br />stilting thai 8Ild no.... are secured hereby. Al no time sbaIl the principii amount 01 the Indebtedness secured bY Ibis <br />Mortpge. nollncludlnl lums Idvanced to proted the occurlty of this Mor\ple, exceed the orilllnal Note. <br /> <br />12. M_coUl ProvIlloDL <br /> <br />(a) Any forebeuance in exercilinl any right or remedy shall not be I waiver thereof. <br /> <br />(bl All remedl.. provided herein are dislindand eumullli.. \0 any other riibl Ifrorded by law or .quity, <br />and may be exercised concurrently, independently or successively. <br /> <br />(e) The covenants and aereement.& contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respective <br />su......," and ISIigns or the Mortgqor and the Mor\pIH. <br /> <br />(d) All covenanli and qrrement& of the MortPlor are joint and several. <br /> <br />(el 'lb. heldinp 01 the pan&rlPho of thll Mortgq. are ror ron..nience only and &ball no\ be uoed to inter. <br />pret or define the provisions hereof. <br /> <br />19. ReI..... Upon payment Df all IUI1ll oecurod by thl. Mortgqe. Morl_ .ball dllcbarae thll Mortgqe and <br />shall execute' and delivl'f I i8Ud.clo~'Y release therefor. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Bomo." \ ( J'\ <br /> <br />-ty~ 1 . <br /> <br />19~ bero," me. Ille unde..lgned, a Not.ary Publi\~ ~ "\; <br />R b 'k d d '1', ". <.- <br />du\ycommloalonedandqualifiedforaldcounty,penonallycame 0 ert R. FJ.c as an Lvn a L. ), 'J .,l <br /> <br />Fickes. Husband and Wi fp! I to me known to be the -lj .;~? ~ <br />identical pemon(s) whose name(s) are mb6crlbed to the forelOinI imtNment and acknowledpd the execution thereof ,~ .... "\'1 <br /> <br />to be the i r yolunt.ary..1 and deed. (-:+: ~)~ <br /> <br />Wibte15 my hand and notarial SHIlt Grand Island I NE lDsaid county, the ~ ~ <br />d;ale afore8lld. .' . <br /> <br />" My Commlaloor:' ...1I1IaiII -?r.'~/f..~ /~'d :."/".,,, ~~ ~~ <br />~ _ __ No..., PullUc "1\ ~\:'\... <br />~ '~_...._IIl'.. P ~f-li <br />J . <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MortPliorhu .xecuted thlsMortgqe on th......3.L day a! Dug""" <br /> <br />~/? ~~ <br /> <br />(Robert R. Fickes/ Husband) <br /> <br />~~'J1d" cI 1.t1' k.u <br />(Lyn a L. FJ.ckee, WJ.fe) <br /> <br />. 19.B.B..., <br /> <br />~i <br />.~ <br />~ <br />'\: <br />~ <br /> <br />Jknrower <br /> <br />_ or N.bruka. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />On Ibis <br /> <br />31st <br /> <br />day or Auqust <br /> <br />cs~ Below 'nda UDII JleMnM "01" I.ADd.a aDd a..c0ldar) <br /> <br />'f~ R ~ <br />L J~\\l~: <br />~~um~ <br />r-t s! ~~ ~ <br />I ~ ~.aJ,&..a <br /><:> '" ""Q l: <br />1, ~z <br />ClIO <C ::> <br />~ 0-0 <br />no: ._'\l.f/... <br /> <br />- <br />..... <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br /> <br />= <br />co: <br /> <br />Gi <br /> <br />- <br />... <br />