<br />88- 104899
<br />
<br />NON. UNIFORM COVEN....NTS, Borrower and Lend.r funhercovenanl and asr.. u follows:
<br />19. AoceIendIoD; R........ Leader IIWI II" IIOtIce to Borro..... prior to ....1...1100 lollowllll Borrow.r'.
<br />..... of. -' or,..--t In .... SeclIrIlJ' IlIItrumftllllat oat prior to ....1...1100 uoder ,.......p...13I11d 17
<br />__ .,.ucuIt law JIIOftdeI olIIerwIae). The IIOlIce IIWI specify: la) lb. defaDlI; (11) !be actIoo required to cure lb.
<br />dII'aIt; Icla dIte, IIOC _ tUa 30 lIa)'l froaIlbe date tile dce II &1- to Borrower, b)' wbJeII lb. defaalt mllll be cund;
<br />ud (., IUt I'aIIIn to cure tile defalt 00 or belore ... date apedfled 10 !be GalIce IDI)' relDlt .. ....lerallon of lb. .uma
<br />MCtInd b)'.... SeclIr\tJ' I__t IIId Ale of tile Property. 'lb. DOtIce IIWI furt1ler lolorm Borrower of lb. .....t to
<br />...-after ~OII 8Dd !be rlpt to brIq a _ actIoo to _ lb. oon-ellllleace 01 a defaull or III)' other
<br />dIfeMI DlBorrower to acceleration and III., If !be defIIolt II DOt cnred on orbefore!be date .pedlled In lb. oollce, Laoder
<br />81ll1l1fl101t IIIQ' NIIDIn iIIImedIate paJlllOllt III full of all _ IOC1II'ed b)' tbII Seeurlt)' InatrDm.nt wllboutfDrtber
<br />......... ud _"Mite !be _ of Ale IIId 10)' otber remedI.. permllt.,J by ~I..."" ~.. L.e~~! !o: .~ll:!::l te
<br />co1Iect all .......... IDeurnd 10 ~I !be remedI.. proridad .. tbII pII'III'I\Ib 19, lDolodloa. bul DOt limited 10,
<br />.-!lIe attorDe)'II' feesad COIta ofllll. erideBee.
<br />If lIae power of ale II 10...... TrDItee abaIl reconI a notice of defaDll1ll eacb couot)' 10 wbleb III)' part 01 tb.
<br />I'roportJ' Illoca1ed 8Dd IIWI mall copl.. of suell' DOlin" lb. _ prercrlbed b)' appllcabl.law to Borrower and to lb.
<br />other porIOIII preoaIbed b)'appUcabl. law. After the time required by applicable law, Tl'IIItee abaIl &I.. pubUe nolln 01
<br />III. to !be perIOIII8Dd" Ibe manner prescribed by appllcabl.law. T\'lIIIlee, wllbout d.mllld on-Borrow.r, shall sell Ibe
<br />Property at pubUe aDctlon to lb. blp..t bldd.r at lb. time and place and UDder lb. terms detlllllated In lb. Dollce 01 aI.ln
<br />_ or moreparcelland .. an)' order T\'lIIIIee determlD". Truatee IDI)' poatpon.llle 01 all or an)' parcel 01 Ibe Property b)'
<br />public lIIIIIOIUICeIII.nt 81 tb. 11m. and p.... 01 an)' prerioual)' tdleduled aI.. Lender or III d..lllllee IDI)' purchae lb.
<br />Property atan)'AIe.
<br />Upoa receipt 01 "')'DIeDt of lb. price bid, T\'lIIIIee .baIl d.II... to lb. pun:baler T\'lIIIIee'S deed coD..)'lng Ibe
<br />Property. 'lb. redtals .. lb. T\'lIIIIee's deed abaIl be prima la... .ride.... 01 lb. trulb of lb. .talem.D11 mad. tb.reln.
<br />Truatee lIWIappl)' lb. proeeeds 01 lb. aI. ID lb. followlDa order: (a) to all .......... 01 Ibe sale,lnoludJoa, but Dot limited
<br />10, T...... reel u permllled b)' applicable law and reuoaa\JI. attome)'ll' Ieee; (11) 10 alllUms .....red b)' Ibla Seeurlt)'
<br />IutrmneDI; and Ie) an)' ...... to !be perIOo 0. perIODlIep1\)' eallded to It.
<br />20. Lender lD I!-uoo. UPOD acc.l.ralioD under paraJ1'llph 19 or abandonm.nl of th. Propeny, Lender (in
<br />penon, b)' sgent or by jUdicially sppointed receiv.r) shall be .ntitled to .nt.r upon. take possession of and manag. tb.
<br />Propert)' and to collect th. rents of th. Propeny includiDg those past du., Any rents collected by Lend.r Dr tb. receiv.r
<br />shall be applied firsl to payment Dr th. costs of management of th. Propen)' and collection of rents, iDcluding, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by
<br />Ibis Security Instrument,
<br />21. Recon..)'...... Upon pa)'ment ofall sums secured by this Security Inslrum.nt, Lend.r shall request Trust.. 10
<br />reconvey lhe Property and sball surrend.r Ihis Securit)' Instrum.nt and all notes evid.ncing debt secured by lhis Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shalt reconvey Ehc Property without warranty and without charge to the person or penons
<br />legally entitled to it. Sucb penon or penons shall pay an)' recordstion costs,
<br />2l. Sldlltltute Trutee. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and app\Jint B successor trustee
<br />10 any Trusl<e appointed hereunder by an instrumOllt recorded in the county iD which this Security Inslrum.Dt is recorded.
<br />Wilbout conveyance of Ih. Propeny, lb. successor trusl<e shall succeed 10 a11lhe titl., pow.r and duti.. conf.rred UPOD
<br />Trustee hereiD and by appllcabl.law,
<br />33. ~ for NotIca. Borrower requ..ts thai copi.. of Ihe nOlices or defsult and ..Ie be sent to Borrow.r's
<br />addn:u which is the Propert)' Addn:u.
<br />24. Riden to tbII Sec:orIt)' IJIstrumeoI. If ODe Dr marc riden are ....uted b)' Borrow.r and recorded tosether wilh
<br />this Security Instrumenl, lhe COVetllllts and qreemenll of eacb such rider shall be iDcorporsled iDIO and shall amend ar.d
<br />supplement lh. eoVetllllts and asreem.nt. of this Securit)' Instrument IS if lb. rid.r(s) were a pan of this Security
<br />Instrument, [Check applicable bo.(..l)
<br />o Adjustabl. Rat. Rider 0 CondomiDium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Gradualcd Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unil Development Rider
<br />
<br />~ OIber(s) [.pccir)'] Acknowledgment
<br />
<br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and spees to the tenns and covenants contained in this Security
<br />Instrunte1lt and in any rider(s) execuled by Borrow.r and recorded wilh it,
<br />
<br />,..,~,A:.,~,..<U,..<U<U..,..{SeaJ)
<br />Thol)1fls K. 8eswick -llamlww
<br />
<br />,.""a~ljl..&lU.a...<&L..,..",",<U,',.."..,....,(SeaJ)
<br />Peggy A. 8eswick -llamlww
<br />
<br />STATE Of NEBIlASl<A,
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />On Ibis 22th day of August .19 88, b.fore me. Ihe undersign.d. a NOlary Public
<br />duly eommiuioned and qualified for ,aid counl)', p.rsonally cam. Thomas K. 8eswick and
<br />Peggy A. 8eswick. Husband and Wif e , 10 me known 10 b. the
<br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed [0 the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof 10 be their voluntary acl and deed,
<br />Witness nlY hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the
<br />dale aforesaid.
<br />
<br />My Cammiuion expires:
<br />J:--'II*~-
<br />C.L. _I
<br />.~ .,-._...a..
<br />
<br />To TRUSTEE,
<br />The undcnlaned is the hold" of the no(c or noles secured by (his Oel"d or Trust. SOld "file or 001("\. logelher
<br />_i1h aU other indeblcdnen KCUred by this Deed of Trust, ha",e Men paid in full, 'Iou are hereby LJln:l:led tll4.'3nct'1 'oold
<br />note or nOla and this Orc:d of Trust. which arC' dclivl;:rcd hereby. Bnd 10 recom'cy, wi1hoUI ",arrant\. "lithe l'\taCe
<br />no_ hEld by yt)U under chi. Dud of Trusl co the penon or pc:nom leMally cntllled thcrchl
<br />
<br />........,..,',\,.',',?:,:.,'~~.,'"
<br />NOlar>' Public
<br />
<br />Dale.
<br />