<br />88- 104899
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<br />UNlI'OIIM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenanland agree.. follows:
<br />I. Parmal of PrIaclpolad laternt; Pnpa,...,. ad Lat. Charla. Borrow.r shall promptly pay wh.n due
<br />Ih. principal of and inl.....1 on Ih.debt evidenced by Ihe Note and any prepaym.nt and lal. charges due und.r lh. Not.,
<br />2. FIIIIdI for T.... ad 11IIII1'IIICO. Subjecl to applieabl.law or 10 a wrinen waiv.r by L.nd.r, Borrow.r shall pay
<br />10 Lender on Ih. day monthly paym.n.. ar. due und.r Ih. NOI.. unlll Ih. Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal 10
<br />one-lwelfth of: (I) yearly..... and ......m.n.. which may anain priorilY over Ihis Securlly Instrumenl; (b) yearly
<br />louehoId paym...15 or ground <en" on th. Propeny, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (dl y..rly
<br />moneqe insurance pl'Oll'lium.. if any. Th... lIoms are ealled "escrow lIoms," Lend.r mlY eslimatelhe FUDds due on Ih.
<br />buia of =1 dallllDd I'QIOnabl. eslimates offuture escrow iloms.
<br />Tbo Funds 5haIJ be held in an institution the deposi.. or 1CC0unlS of which Ire insured or guaranlced by a fed.ral or
<br />IIIle qeacy (inclwlinl Lender if Lender is such an instilulion). Lend.r shan apply Ih. Funds to pay Ih. escrow it.ms,
<br />Lmder may nol eha.... for holdinland applyinlth. FUDds, analyziDI the IccoUDt or v.rifylnllh. escrow lI.ms, unless
<br />Lcnder pays Borrower inl.....1 OD Ihe Funds and applicabl. law penni.. Lend.r 10 make such a charge, Borrower Ind
<br />Lcnder may agree iD wrilinllhal inl.....1 shall be paid on Ihe Funds. Unless an alreem.nl is made or applicable law
<br />requires in......llo be paid, Lender shall nol be required 10 pay Borrower any inl.rest or earninls on th. Funds. Lend.r
<br />5haIJ give to Borrower, wilhouleharae, an annualaccountiDI oflhe Funds showing credit! and debi.. 10 Ihe Funds and Ihe
<br />purpose for which each debll to the Funds was mad.. Th. Funds are pledged as addilionalsecurilY for the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrum...t.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together wilh the fUlure monlhly paym.nts of Funds payabl. prior to
<br />the due dates of the eserow items, sball ..ceaI tho amount required to pay Ih. escrow items wh.n du., the ...... shall be,
<br />al Borrower's option, eith.r prompi." repaid 10 Borrow.r or credited to Borrow.r on monlhly paymenls of Funds. If Ih.
<br />amount oflh. Funds held by Lcnd.r is not sulIicient to pay the escrow items when duo, Borrow.r shall pay 10 Lend.r any
<br />amounl necessary to make up Ih. deficiency in one or more paym.n.. as required by Lend.r,
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inslrum.nt, Lend.r sholl promptly refund to Borrow.r
<br />any Funds held by Lender. If und.r paragraph 19 Ihe Property is sold or acquired by Lend.r, Lend.r shall apply, no lat.r
<br />than immediately prior 10 Ihe saI. of Ihe Property or ils acquisition by Lend.r, any Funds h.ld by Lend.r at the lim. of
<br />appUcation as D credit &pinst the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />3. ApplkatioD of Paym...... Unl... applicable law provides olherwise, all payments received by Lend.r und.r
<br />parqraphs I and 2 shall be applied: fint, to late charges due under Ihe Not.: second. 10 prepaym.nl charges duo und.r the
<br />Note; tItird, 10 amounts payable under paragraph 2; founh, to inl.rest du.; and lasl, 10 principal du..
<br />4. CbarIa; IJeaa. Borrower shall pay alltaxe5. assessments. charges. fines and impositions attributable to the
<br />Property whieh may atllin priorily. over lhis SecurilY Inslrumenl. aDd leasehold paym.nts or ground rents, if any,
<br />Borrower shall pay these obligalions in Ihe manDer provided in paragraph 2, or ifnol paid in lhal mann.r, Borrow.r shall
<br />pay them on time diroc1ly \0 Ih. penon owed paym...t. Borrower shall promptly rurnish to LeDder all nOlices of amounts
<br />to be paid under Ihis paragraph. If Borrow.r makes lh... payments direclly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lend.r
<br />receipta evid...ciDllh.paymenlS.
<br />Borrower 5haIJ promptly discharge any lien which has priority ov.r Ihis Security Inslrum...t unless Borrow.r: (al
<br />....... iD writing 10 tho paymenl of the obligation secured hy the Ii.n iD a maDn.r acceplabl.lo Lend.r; (b) conlests in good
<br />faith the Ii... by. or def...ds againsl ...forcem...1 of the lien in. I.gal proceedin.. which in Ih. Lend.r's opinion operal. 10
<br />prevenl tho enforcem...1 of th.li... or forfeiture of any pan of Ih. Property: or (c) secures from th. hold.r of th.lien an
<br />agreemenl satilfaclOry to Lender subordinating Ih. lien 10 Ihis Securily Inslrument. If Lend.r d.termin.. Ihal any pan of
<br />the Property is subject 10 a Ii... which may aUaiD priorily over Ihis Securily Instrum.nl, Lender may give Borrower a
<br />notia: Identifying tho Ii..., Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take on. or more of Ih. actions sel fonh above wilhin 10 days
<br />of the givina of DOli...
<br />5. IIuud 11IIIIraDCe, Borrow.r shall keep Ih. improv.menta now ..isliDg or hereaft.r .rected on lbe Propeny
<br />Insured apintt loss by fire, hazardt included wilhin Ih. I.rm ....Iended cov.rag." and any olher hazards for which Lend.r
<br />requires insurance, This insurance sholl be maintained in the amounts and for Ih. periods Ihal Lend.r requires, The
<br />insurance carri.r providiDg Ih. iDsurance shall be chosen by Borrow.r subjecl 10 Lend.r's approval which shall not be
<br />I1IIftlIIOnably wilhheld,
<br />All insurance policies and renewa1t shall be acceptable to Lender and shall includ. a standard mongag. clause.
<br />Lender shall MV.lh. right to hold the policies and ren.wals. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promplly giv. to Lend.r
<br />all receipts of paid premiwna. and renewal nOtlCCL In the evaU of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br />carri.r and Lcnder, Lender may malt. proof ofloss ir nol made promplly by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br />of the Propeny damaged, ifth. restoratioD or repair is economieally feasibl. and .....d.r.s securily is nollessened. If th.
<br />restoralion or repair is not economically feasibl. or Lend.r's securily would be I......ed, th. iDsurance proceeds shall be
<br />applied to th. sums secured by this Securily Instrum"'l, wh.ther or nOllhen due, wilh any...... paid 10 Borrow.r, If
<br />Borrower abandons the Property. or docs not answ.r within JO days a notice from Lend.r lhat the insurance carri.r has
<br />oIrered to se\l1e. claim, then .....der may collecllh. insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br />the Propeny Dr 10 pay suma secured by lhis Security IDstrumenl, wh.lher or nol th... due, The 30-day period will begin
<br />.h... the nolic:e is gi.....
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olhcrwisc agree: in writins. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />JIlIIIpon. the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or changelhe amounl oflhe payments, If
<br />under parqraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lend.r, Borrower's righl to any insuran.. policies and proceeds resulting
<br />from damage to th. Propeny prior 10 lhe acquisition shall pass to Lender 10 Ih. ..Ient oflh. sums secured by this Securily
<br />Instrum...t immedialely prior 10 tho acquisilion,
<br />6. PrnenaII... ad MaID__ or ProperJr: Leaaeholda. Borrow.r shall not deslroy, damage or subslantially
<br />ehange Ih. Property, allow lbe Propeny to d.terioral. or commit w..l.. If this SecurilY Inslrum.nt is on a leasehold,
<br />Borrower shall comply with the provisions oflh.I...., and ifBorrow.r acquires fee till. to th. Propeny, Ih.leasehold and
<br />r.. title shall nOI_ un.... Lender agrees 10 lhe meraer in writing.
<br />7. Prot2etIoa of l.eDder'a _.. ID the Propeny; Mortpp Insuranee. If Borrow.r rails to perform the
<br />covenants and qreemenu contained in this. Security Instrument. or there is. a legal proceeding that may significantly aft'ec:t
<br />LeucIer"s ripts in the Property (such u a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnation or to enforce laws or
<br />ropIatioDs), Ibm Lmder may do and pay for Wha..... is ........ry to protect the valu. Dr tho Properly and Lender's rights
<br />in the Property. Lender's actiDnl may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hu priority over this Security
<br />"lastrwnalt, appearing in court. payinS reasonable attorneys' fees and mtering on the Property 10 make repairs. Ahhoulh
<br />Lender may 1ake aclion under this paragraph 7, Lender does nOI hay. 10 do so,
<br />Any amounls disbuned by Lcnder und.r this paragraph 7 sholl become additianol debt or Borrow.r secured by Ihis
<br />Security lllllrutnent. Unlaa Borrow:i' and Lender agree to other tenos of payment. these amount1shall bear inleresl from
<br />the date or diJbunemenl at the Note rate and ,han be payable, wilh inlerest, upon notice from lender 10 Borrower
<br />requestina paymmL
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