<br />
<br />Hull...n Iftd hll.. & Wall, Wlllon, Nt,II4II
<br />
<br />
<br />88- 104877
<br />
<br />TllATlorWe,
<br />
<br />Donna M. Williams, a single person
<br />
<br />I hereiD called the arantor "hIther ODe or more,
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<br />iD conaideratioa of
<br />
<br />Fifteen Thousand and no/l00 dollars ($15,000.00)
<br />
<br />reeeiftd tram grant.., do h.rehy grant. hargoill. oen. conv.y and .0Drinu UDtO the City of Grand .Isl and,
<br />
<br />a Municipal Corporation
<br />h.reiD ea1Jed th. grantee wh.th.r on. or more. tll. follo....ing deaerih.d ..al prop.rty ill.
<br />
<br />Ha 11 County
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />The Westerly Thirty Three (33) feet of Fractional Lot Six (6). in Fractional
<br />Block One Hundred Forty Three (143) of Union Pacific Railway Company's Second
<br />Addition and all that part of Fractional Lot Seven (7). in Fractional Block
<br />Eleven (11) of Russel Wheeler's Addition, lying West of the Easterly Thirty
<br />Three (33) Feet of said Fractional Lot Seven (7), in said Fractional Block
<br />Eleven. both being Additions to the City of Grand Island. Hall County.
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the above d...rib.d premi... togrth.r with an teD.meata. h.r.ditameDts and appur-
<br />lea&Deea thereto belonging auto the grantee and to grantee'. bein and usignaloRlyer.
<br />ADd the grantor do.. h.rehy eoyellant with the grantee and with grant..'a hein aDd auigaa that graDtor
<br />Ia Iawlully aeiaad of laid pr.miles; that th.y are fr.. lrom .n.umbran.. excep~ ea.emen~. and reatric~
<br />of record;
<br />
<br />that grantor haa load ript &ad Iawlul authority to conny the 11m.; and that g....tor warraDla aDd will del.Dd
<br />the titl. to aald premiMo qainH tho lawful .laima or aU p.nona wholDl.......r.
<br />
<br />
<br />....~~~..~~~~~~~~..~.............. ....~9. ~~. /~.:q..ad~;:~.~....
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<br />STATE OF Nebraska }
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<br />--I!alL..-C....." IJU. /101 nderng,ud 0 No/ary P"blit:. dul" c""",",riorvd """ qJUJlifid for
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<br />10 ...,. .h4nn. '0 .b, 1M idntIical ;nsolt or t6TSO'IU wllo,. _nl' is or u,.,s a"
<br />oJfisd '" '101 /or'lIoUsg iouI,....., olld ocbrnJJ1adg,d 1Ia, ,s"",io.. 1h""Qllo ".
<br />his, hn or IhIir tx1l_, oct """ d..d.
<br />Il'ilrvss ." Jun.d...... No/orio! S.al 1101 doy olld you ltul obow """'....
<br />'j , 'Iz l:tJ.
<br />.. ~;:;:,~'-'::!!:::-...E.Jlol.,., Pllblit:
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<br />"1arecI .... Damarioal lad... lad med ror .....on! iD the Reliater of Deeda Offi.. of aid CoDDty tho
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<br />........ ....da, aI..... ....... ........ ..19. ....., at.......... .o'e1oek IDd.......... .miDatea ...........lL,
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