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<br />(we I' 0.< I ~' knlered 8. Document No. el <br /> I 88- 1 0 4 8 6 9 or <br /> ~" ltJ.. . <br /> :3 -.) ~ Gr~nlor ----L.. <br />~" ~ "- Z <br />~ '~J.~ 0 GraAtae~ <br /> - tumerftat .-t/4' <br /> n~ STATE 0 NEBRASKAh~siiii <br />~~~ ~~ CD COUNTY Of HALL ) <br /> 0 <br />" ~ - ;I :" <br />~~ ... ~ '8B SEP 7 MI..loot..;. <br /> l:II <br />n . <br />~~ s: .... ~"J;. <br />~ ~ . ii' ~ <l /:""" .J <br />",' :D I ~ flrc: OF DEEDS. <br />r .z <br /> ! !" <br /> il 2. <br /> <br />Ellctrpll From Int.mal Cod. <br /> <br />~ <br />,. SlE. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any PImA lIabl. 10 plV .ny to. n~IKtl or rtlunslo <br />paytNUll\I.lflIrlllmand.lhIlmDun1Ilndudlng Iny inl... <br />II1.laaI1100l1Imount.laDlllonllltlll,IITlnnllbl'Pllnltty. <br />to;t1!!Irwlltl any COltl1l'll1 may accrue In Idcllllontflerato) <br />Ih&IlbtllltnlnflVllfottlltl.k\lfIdStltllupanlllprOpllty <br />IlItI r1Q!rtI to property, whI1hIr ruI or IImon,I, belonging <br />laJUCflpenon. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unl.. lnllthlr ll,tI II 1PKfl'IcIUV nnd by IIW. thl Iltn <br />Impastd by Itl:!llln 63211ha11 arllI I' the lima thl IUtum!nl <br />lImadlandlha!lconllnUllSItUtlhlllabllltylotlllflamounllD <br />:tINISId (or I Judgment all.!n!l lhe thpay!1 arising out 01 <br />suchllablllty) II sall5fled or btcomnunenloltubla by rtason <br />oflagHoltlml. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />('1 Purdlalefl, Holdfn 01 Sfcurity In- <br />ItmII, 1IIcIIen1c'. Uenon, And Judgmfnl <br />LIen CNdIIon. - Thlll,n ImpC:l.c by Hctionli3211haU <br />not bI valid as aalllllt any purchuef. holder 011 secuTlty <br />Interat,lIlIdwtlc'lllenar.orjlldgmentlllncredllorunlUnOlICfl <br />thlmlwhlch mlttl th'rlQulJeme:nts ollubse:ctlan If) !as <br />t.lnflltdbytheS.Ctll1ry. <br /> <br />(t) ~ For filing Nollce: Fonn.- <br /> <br />111 Plitt For FIIJn~ lhe Rollef '1!IetTt~ to In sub <br />lKtlonllJlhlllbl1l1ed. <br />II.) <br />II) Aul PraPlnv -In me can ollnl prll~nJ, III on~ <br />otllce wlthlntneStlle (Nthl colllny,of allltr gOlltmmtntal <br />SUWlvllion).lSll=lgnlled by the la....1 01 Illth S"le. in <br />wllJchthlQropertySlllljet1tlllhellenlSS,lulltll:anll <br />(IiJPerlOntl Property -In II'\! tlse 01 pelStll'lJl <br />proptlty. wtlllIw tangible 01 mtanglble. In OM Illflt.ll <br />.Im!n tile SlJ.tllor the CClunW. Of olnel governmental <br />subdlvislonl. as daigntlell by the It WI nl suen Slale <br />in which Ille prop!rty sublecl 10 In! Iltn ,S Sllll.tHl <br />" <br />(111 With Clflk 01 Dlstric1 Caurt.ln tile atflCf 01 tne clerk 01 <br />thtUniteClSlIlesdl5tnCICQurtforlhejudlc,alr:hstrlc!,n""nlcll <br /> <br />~~:'~':I~~::dt~~~e~~:;::d~:~~~:~~~~~~~;~l~~~ <br /> <br />subillragtaph(Al.or <br />ICl WIlll Racorr:lel Of {Ju1l1 (}I Tht DIstrict al CDll,lmb'~ In <br />tMolflm 01 tl'Ie Retorder 01 De~s<:lllnea'5tl'lc101 Co,umo,! ,I <br />Ole proper.,- 51lbjetl10 thl l'en 1$ Slwal!ll in loe ~Io; I' C~ at <br />Columl)lJ. <br /> <br />(2) Sllus ot Property SubjlCt To U8n. For purpolll of <br />paTlgraphslll.nd(4J,proptlrtylhallbldHmldlnllllllu.tld. <br />IA) Rill Proparty . In Ute cu. of nil property, II III <br />phylltallocatlon;or _ <br />(H) Ptnonal Prolllrty-Inthl CUI 01 ptl'Ional properly, <br />w~elhlr t.n;lb11 or IntanOlbll, II thl nl1dlnce of lhI <br />Ippaytr allht tlml IN noUa of nln" 01... <br />Forpurpolllo1Plragrlph(2)(BI,tt!tru111Incfotaeorpcrlllon <br />or p.rtnlBhlplh.lIbe dMmld10 bI1111 pl.CIII whlthlhl <br />prlnclplleucutlvtomceoflhlbulllllulllOCltld,.ndthl <br />nsld8nce of . IllCllly.r W~DSI raldl,,"11 wlUIDut till Unlttd <br />SUtCl 111111 bI dumtd 10 blln thI DIstrict 01 Columb!&. <br />(3) Rum . Thl form Ind contenl 01 tht nolle. <br />nlllTJd 10 In lubHcllon tll shill be pnlCrlllId by the <br />Secrellry. Such nllllct'lhll1 bI valid nlllwlthltandlng Iny <br />olhBr pTovIslon of l.w r.glrding lilt lorm or contlnt oil <br />noI1C10111.n <br /> <br />Nole: See section 632J(b} for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice 01 lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Stcunllet <br />2. MolorVDhlcJ.. <br />3. Plrlpnal property purclwad It Tltall <br />.. Pef1,onalpropertypureftlUlllnC:UUllull <br />5 Plrponll propert) lubjectedtopoueuoryllan <br />6 Re&1PlopertYU.lOOIPKlalUlelllTl8ntllenl <br />1 ResldenUalproperty,ubjecllolmecltlnlC'S <br />Iitnforurtllnrep.lrSlndlmllronmenlS <br />B AUorney'SlIlnl <br />B CertllnlnluranClconlrlcts <br />10 f'allboo.IOlnl <br /> <br />IKI~~~ ~t'lIIng Ot NOllcll. - For purpose! III IlIl, <br /> <br />(tl Generll Rule. - Unlns nOllee 01 lien is rellled In <br />lne mann" prtlerl!led In paragrllplll2) during tile rlQulrtd <br />rtlllll1g penod.'lIcllTlatlctolliensnllUbelruted u flied on thl <br />date on wlllch II Iii IJled (l/Iaecordlncewl1hsubStCllDnlfllalltr <br />llltlllllrlltonOl,lltllrelilingpefloll <br /> <br />'2) Placll For Filing. - A notice 01 hen refiled <br />ClIf,Olllne,eQWl'Ctellhng;>ttl005'1i1l1beelleel,veonlv. <br />(")11. <br />(I) luctlnOliteolllenlsrellledintheofllceinwhlehllle <br />pnllr nollce 01 llen wullled.lnd <br />(III IOlhe case 01 real plopeny.l/le laCI of rellUngls <br />tnltle1l3ndte~ICeO In an mdtllOlh~ e.t~ntrellulrtllby <br />scbsectlon"114j,and <br />IBl IOiln; case In ,,111[11 90 caf~ 01 more Ol1tl 10 the dlle <br />otatellhll!;lllnDliteOlll~unOttsub\lilliilllllaPIlI"1.lhe <br /> <br /> <br />Seentlry !'ICIlYld wrmln Inform.llm! '111l'thI~ntIJlllI;f <br />pracrlbed In ngulltlonl luUld by lilt SIcrItlry) <br />concemlng. ching. III thl tupayar'a . noUCI <br />01 IlIctIlIlnll.llOflltdillCCllnlancawlthsubllctlon(f)m <br />IhI Stitt In whlctlludl mkftllClla IocItad. ; <br /> <br />p) Rfqulred R.lIBng Pt~od. - (~ Iht .... <br />of any noflceotUIII,U1ttarm-requlrtd r1fIllnaparlod-mIItII- <br />(A) 1111 ol\loyerplrtodllldlngSJlll"afltrthlpP\lI.Uon <br />of II YIII'I InlT thlllltl of the lanmlnt of 1he tu'.lnd <br />(H) thlone--yurp...lolllndlngwl1l1lh1lXPlrlUono1lSyun <br />IftlIrthlclollottheprecedlnanqlllreCll"Ifillngptriodfor <br />11Ithnotlceofl11n, <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge 01 Property. <br />('1 RtlflH 01 Llfn. - s,~.. to ".. <br />!'qullllons u thl Secrltlry milY pnscrlbt, ttll Secrttary .hall <br />InuI I certlllclta 01 Ifll.... ollnyllen Impoud with ruptCt to <br />tnyinternllrevenultunollltlrthan3Ddly.afttrltlldlyon <br />wlllch- <br />Itl Ulblllty Sltl,lIf1d or Unanforcubll . The Secrltary <br />Ilnds thlllhlllablllty lor 1111 Imount.lIUm!, togeUllrwlth III <br />Inllreal In nlped lhereof, hit bltn tully nllltlld or I'lII <br />bIcomlllOall~ unlllforcubll; or <br />IZI Bond flccepllG. Thlrels lumllnlO 10 Ih'Stcnl'ry anll <br />ICC1Iptltd by him I bond thll II tfI/Idlllllntd uponthlpaym.fl101 <br />thl amounl IUII.IId, loglther willi III Intlrnt In mptct <br />lIltnol. withIn thI time pnlCrlbtd by II. (Including any <br />utenllonollucllllme),ln<lthltlllnlcconltncewllhsueh <br />requlrtmlTlllrlllunglolerml,cond11lonl,lndtormoftnlti"ond <br />Ind IllrlUn thtrtlln, II may bt sptClflld by luch rtglllll1onl, <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidenlialily and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />I') DI......ull. of Carleln Rlluml and <br />R.tum Inlolllllllon For Tu AdmJnlllnUon <br />PUrpoHI. - <br /> <br />(21 DlscloIUfDolamounloloutstanlllngllen..lllnoUceof <br />lienllubeenllledllllrsuanllourtion632311I.lllelmounlolllle <br />OUUillnlllngobllgillionSllcureCoyslleM lIenmly oe d'5eloseC to <br />Myper50nwllofurnISIle15l!ISlilctory,..,lnenevldllllCllthllhe <br />illS a rlghlln Ille property 511blecllO 5Uth IItn or Inl~nds 10 <br />oblilnaflghllnsuchpfoperly <br /> <br />I I <br />